<br /> 11. ENVIR�N�VIENTAL LA�W"S AND HAZA�.Y]�US SUBSTAN�ES. As used rn this sec�ian,
<br /> �I} En�ironmental Law m�ans, without limitatian, the �omprehensi�e Envzronmental Response,
<br /> �ompensatian and L�ability Ac� �GERC�A, 42 U.S.�. 9�01 et seq.}, and a.11 ath�r federal, state and locai
<br /> Iaws, regulations, ard�nances, cour� arders, attarn�y general opinions or intergret��e letters concerning the
<br /> pub�xc health, safety, welfare, enviranment❑r a hazardaus substance; and �2} Hazardous Substance means any
<br /> toxi�, radioactx�e or hazardous materia�, waste, pallutant or contaminant whrch has characterzstics which
<br /> render the substance dangeraus or potentially dangeraus to the pu�l�c health, safety, welfar� ar environrnent.
<br /> The term inc�udes, without lzmitatian, any substanc�� defined as "hazardous ma�erxal," "�o�cz� substances,"
<br /> "hazardous waste"` or "hazardous substance" under any Envzronmen�al Law.
<br /> Trustar repr�s�nts, warrants and agrees�hat:
<br /> A.Ex�ept as previously disc�ased and acicnowl�dged in writing to Beneficia.ry, no Hazardaus Substance is
<br /> or wi11 be lo�ated, stor�d ar r�leased an or in the Property. Th�s res�riction does not app�y �� small
<br /> quantities of Hazardous Substanc�s tha� ar� generally recognized �o b� appropriate for the normal use
<br /> a.nd maintenance of the Praperty.
<br /> B. Ex��pt as previously disclos�d and acknowledged in writin� to Benefi�xary, Trustor and every tenant
<br /> ha�e been, are, and shall rema�n in full compX�ance with any applicable En�iranmental Law.
<br /> C.Trustor shall immedzately notify �enef�ciary �f a release or threa�ened release of a Hazaxdous Substance
<br /> occurs on, under or about the Property or there is a�iolation of any En�ironmental Law concerning the
<br /> Property. In such an e��nt, Trustor shall �ake a11 n�cessary remed�a.1 a��ron in accordan�e with any
<br /> En�ironm�n�a.� Law.
<br /> D.Trus�or sha1l immediateiy notify Benefi�rary zn writing as saon as Trustor has reason to b�lie�e there is
<br /> any pending ❑r threa�ened in��stigatxon, cla�m, ar praceeding relating ta the release or threatened
<br /> re�ease of any Hazardaus Substanc�or the�iola�ion af any Enviranm�ntal Law.
<br /> 12. ESCRQW F�R TAXES AND INSIJRAN��. Unless otherw�se pro�ided in a s�parate agre�m�n�, Trustor
<br /> will not be requ�rec�to pay to Beneficxary funds for taxes and insurance in escrow.
<br /> dutYes under this Securi�y Ynstrumen� are joint and individual. If Trustor signs this Se�urity �ns�rument but
<br /> daes no� sign an evid�nce of debt, Trust�r da�s sa only ta mortgage Trus�or's int�r�st xn the Proper�y ta
<br /> s��ure payment of the Secured Debt and Trustor does not agree�a be persanally liable on the S��ured D�bt. Zf
<br /> this Security Instrument secures a guaran�y be�we�n Beneficiary and Tru.stor, Trustor agrees to wai�� any
<br /> rights �hat may prevent Beneficiary fr4m bringing any ac�zon or claim against Trustor or any party inde�ted
<br /> under the obligat�on. These rights may include, but are not�imited ta, any anti-deficxency or ane-actifln laws.
<br /> The dutie� and benefits of�his Securi�y �nstrument shall bind and benefit the succ�ss�rs and ass�gns of Trustor
<br /> and Beneficiary.
<br /> 14. SEVERABI�ITY; INT�RPRETATYC]N. Thxs SecurYty �ns�rument is complet� and fu11y in�egra�ed. This
<br /> Security Znstrument may not be amended or modi�ed by oral. agre�ment. Any section in th�s Security
<br /> Instrument, attachments, or any agreement r�lated�o th� S�cured I]ebt that conflicts w��h appl�cable�aw wxXl
<br /> not be effecti�e, uniess that law expressly ar xmpliedly perm�ts �he variatians by written agreement. �f any
<br /> sect�on of this Security �nstrument cannot b� enforced accord�ng �o its terms, that �ection wixl be se�ered and
<br /> v�ri11 not affect the enforc�abii�ty af the r�mainder of this Secur�ty Ynstrument. Whene�er used, �h� sxngu�ar
<br /> shall �nclude the plura.I and the plura.I th� singular. The captians and headings af the sec�ions of this Security
<br /> Instrument ar� for �onvenience aniy and are no� ta be used �a interpret or de�n� the terms of thrs Securi�y
<br /> Instrum�n�. Time 7s of�he essence�n this S��urity �nstrumen�.
<br /> 1S. SUCCESS[]R TRUSTEE. Beneficiary, at Ben�fi�iary's option, may from �ime �a time rema�� Trustee and
<br /> appaint a successar trustee without any other formality than the des�gnatian in wr�ting. Th�success�r�rustee,
<br /> without conveyan�e of the ProperCy, sha1� succeed to all the t�t1�.,��: �ies,y�o� n�ed�u�on Trustee�y
<br /> this Security Instrument and appl�cable Iaw, � -��' �U�_w�;:-� _ -'� :;;s::� - :. =
<br /> � . - . : - :. .�� ��.
<br /> .� ,�
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<br /> � ._ � �
<br /> 1�. N�TI�E. Unless otherwise required by la�, any no�ice sha1��be gi�en by`�c�e�xvering�it�or-by mailing it by
<br /> fzrst class maxl to the appropriate parCy's address on page 1 of this Security �ns�rument, ar �o any ather
<br /> address designa�ed in wrYt�ng. N`otzce ta one trustor w�11 be deemed �o h� natic� to axx trustors. Trustor and
<br /> Beneficiary h�reby requ�st a c�py of any nat�c� of defau�t, and a capy of any notic� af saie thereunder, be
<br /> maxX�d to ea�h pa�.rty at�he address f�r such party set forth on page I af this Security Znstrument.
<br /> 17. WAIVERS. Except to th� extent prohibited by law, Trustor waives a�l appraisemen� and hamestead
<br /> exemptxon rights re�a��ng to the Property.
<br /> 18. LINE �F CREDIT. Th� S�cured 17e�t includes a r�vol�ing lxne af credit. Although �he Secured Debt may
<br /> be reduced to a zero balance, this Security Instrument wi�1 r�main in effect unti� released.
<br /> Security Instrument-�pen-End-Cansumer-NE 4CP-R�DT-N� 7121Z���
<br /> VMP�Bankers Sy�stems�' VMP-C465�NEy ����7}.pp
<br /> Wolt�rs Kfuwer�inancial 5er�ices C�1594,�Q'11 Page 5 af fi
<br /> ���—
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