<br /> Theproperty �s �o�ated in ...Ha 1 l.................................................. at .............................,..,....
<br /> (County)
<br /> --41�,,Wy,ando t t e,.S t....................... ..G rand,I s 1 ana1..... .. .. ., Nebraska 5 S 8 01
<br /> ..... .. ......,.,,. .... ., .......... ..... ..... - - --••-- .....................
<br /> [Address} tCzry} [Z�P Code}
<br /> Togeth�r with all rzghts, easements, appurtenances, rayaltzes, mineral rights, ai1 and gas rzghts, a1.1 wat�r and
<br /> riparzan righ�s, dztches, and water sta�k and aI� ex.�sting and future i.mpra�ements, s�ructures, fzxtures, and
<br /> r�p�acements that may n�w, or at any time in�h�future, be part of the real es�ate d�scrzbed abo�e �aJ.x referred
<br /> to as "Property►'}.
<br /> �. �IA�IMUM C]SLIGATI�N LIMIT. The tatal przn�zpa� amoun� secured by this Se�urzty �nstrument at any
<br /> ane ti�ne sha�� not exceed $ 5��,���..�.o................................... . This �imi�a�zon of amount does na�
<br /> �nciude interest and other fees and �harges �aiidly made pursua�a� to thxs S��uri�y �nstrument. AXso, thzs
<br /> ��m�tatzon does not apply to advan�es made ux�der the terms of �h.�s 5�curity Instrument t� protect
<br /> Ben�fzczary's secur�ty and to perform azly of the�ovenants �ontazned in�hxs Security Instrument.
<br /> �. SECiJ1�ED DEBT AND FUTURE ADVANC�S. Th�term "Secured Debt" zs def�ned as follows;
<br /> A.I]ebt in�urred under the terms af all promzssory not��s}, co�tract�s�, guaranty��es} or o�her evxd�nce of
<br /> debt described be�ow and a1.I their extenszons, renewal.s, modifz�atzons ar substztutions. ��'ou mus�
<br /> s�peci�calty ider�t�ify the de�t��s� secr�red and�au should incrude the final ma�ur~ity date of such d�b��s}.}
<br /> Note ]�a�ed suly a�, zol� zn The �mount of $59, �oo.oa
<br /> Ac�ruing At A �7'ariable Rate Ti�'ith A Maturit Date of Jul 2�. 2�l9
<br /> Said Lc�arz In The Name�s) �f Tham�.s D Zeckser y
<br /> And Kelly R 2eckser
<br /> B. A�� future advan��s from B�nefi��ary to Trustar or other future abiiga���ns of Trustar to Bez�eficzary
<br /> under any promiss�ry nate, �ontract, guaran�y, or other evxdence af debt executed by Trustor �n fa�or
<br /> of Benefzczary after �h.zs 5ecuriry znstrument wh�ther or not th�s S��ur�ty �nstrument is specifzca�zy
<br /> referenced. �f more �h.an one person szgns xhzs Secur�ty �nstrument, each Trustor agrees that this
<br /> Secur��y �nstrument wi1l s�cure aIZ future ad�an�es and fut�xre ob��gations that are gi��n to or ir��urr�d
<br /> by any an� or mor� Trustor, nr any one or more Trustar and others. A11 future ad�van�es and ather
<br /> future obl��atxons are secured by �h�s �e�urz�y �nstrument even though a.1I or part may not yet be
<br /> advanced. A11 futur� advanc�s and other future ob�xgati�ns ar� secured as �f made on the da�� af thzs
<br /> Security �nstrumezat. Nathing zn this Securzty T�strument sha1� c�nstitut� a cammi�ment to make
<br /> addz�zonal or future Ioans or advan�es in an.y amount. Any such �omm�tmen� must be agreed �o in a
<br /> s ep arate writing.
<br /> �.A11 oth.er obligatxons Trustor ou�es�o Benefi�iary, which may Xater ar�s�, to the extent not proh�bzted by
<br /> law, i�aclud�ng, but not Iinouted to, lzabi�xtzes for overdraf�s re�a�zng �o any d�posit account agre�xnent
<br /> betw�ex��`arustor and Ben�fic�ary.
<br /> D.AIl addz��onal sums advanced and expens�s incurred by Benefxcxax�y for �nsuring, pr�servxng or
<br /> oth�rwzse protect�ng the Property and z�s value and any other sums ad�anced and �xpenses incurred by
<br /> Benefzczary und�r the�erms of thzs Securxty Instrumez�t.
<br /> In the event that Benefic�ary fa�Is to pro�ide any required notice of th� right af resczssia�., Bene�ciary waives
<br /> any subsequen� securaty z�.t�rest i�the Trustor's pr�n�ipa� dwell�ng that xs created by th�s Security �nstrume�.t.
<br /> �, DEEI3 �F TRUST C�V�NANTS. Trus�ar agre�s �k�at the co�enan�s xn this sectxon are material oblzgations
<br /> under the Secured Debt and thzs S�curxty Instrument. If Trus�or breach�s az�y covenant �n this sectzan,
<br /> Benefic�ary may refuse to make add�tzana�. extensions of cr�dzt and reduce the credzt lzzr�it. By not exerc�szng
<br /> e�th�r r�medy on Trustor's breach, Ben�efzczary does not vtra�ve Ben�fxcxary's right�o�ater consxder the even�a
<br /> breach zf zt happ�ns aga�n.
<br /> Payrnents. Trustor agr�e� that alx payme�ts und�r the 5ecured �]ebt wi�� be paYd wh�n due and in a�cordan�e
<br /> v��th the terms of the Secured Debt an.d th�s Security�ns�rument.
<br /> Pr�or Secur�ty Interests. W�th regard to any oth�r mor�gage, de�d of trust, securi�y agr�ement ar other iz�n
<br /> dacument that created a pr�ar security �nter�s� or encumbrance on the Prap�rty, Trustor agrees to make all
<br /> paym�nts when due and to perform nr comply with a1� co�enan�s. Trustor al.sn agrees not to a���w any
<br /> mod�fzcatian or extensxon af, nor ta request az�y future ad�ances under any note or agreem.�nt secured hy �he
<br /> lien d�cu�rnent v�ithaut B�nefzc�ary's prior writ�en appro�al.
<br /> C�a�ms Agax�a,st T�t�e. Trustor wx�� pay a�.� taxes ��nc�udzng any ta.x aS5�55EC� to this D�ed af Trust�,
<br /> ass�ssments, liens, encumbranc�s, lease paym�nts, ground rents, uti�i�ies, and other charges re�ating to th�
<br /> Properry wh�n due. Beneficzary may require Trustar�o provide �� �ene�cxary copzes of all notices tha� such
<br /> amounts are due and �h.e re�ezpts �v�den�ing Trustor's payment. Trustor wi�� defend ����e to the Praperty
<br /> a�ainst any cia�ms that wou�d impazr the I�en of �hxs 5ecur�ty Znstru�na.ent. Trustor agrees �o assign ta
<br /> Bene���ary, as reques�ed by Benefi�iary, any rights, clazms or defenses Trustar may ha�e agazns�part�es who
<br /> supply�abnr�r materzal.s to ma�ntain or�mpr�ve th� Praperty.
<br /> Sect�ri#y Instrument-npen-End-Consumer-NE �CP-R��T-N� 71212�1 T
<br /> VMPD Bankers 5ystemst"'' VMP-�465�N�y �1 1 fl7}.00
<br /> Wolters Kfuwer�inanciaf Ser�i�es a�994,2Q1� Page 2�f E
<br /> ��
<br />