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��14�45�4 <br /> fu1� of a11 sums secured by �his Securi�y �nstrument. Ho`nrev�r, th�s opt�on sha�� not be e�ercised by Lender if <br /> exerc�se is prohi�ited by f�deral law as�f�he date�f this Secur�ty�nstrument. . <br /> �f Lender exercis�s �his opt��n, Lender shall gi�e Bflrrawer na��c� of acc�lera�i�n. The n��ice sha11 pr��ide a <br /> periad of n�� less �han the n�.in�mum num�er �f days es�abl�shed by Applicable Law fr�m the da�e the notice is <br /> del�vered or mai�ed �v��h�n whi�h B�rr��ver �mus� pa� a�1 sums sec�ured b� th�s Security �nstrum�nt. �f Barr�wer <br /> fai�s to �ay these sums pr� the expiration �f thxs peri�d, Lend�r may inv�ke an�r remedies permitted hy �his <br /> Se�urity Znstru�men�vvithou�further not�ce or dema�d�n B�rrower. . <br /> Borrower'S Righ� to Re�nsta�e. �f Barrflw�r meets certa�n �ond�tions, Borrower shall ha�e �he righ� �o have <br /> enforcemen�of th�s Se�urity�nstrun�ent d�s�ontinued at any time prior to the earl�er vf: �a� 5 days �or such ot�her <br /> per�od as Applicab�e Law may spec�fy fflr re�nstater�ent}bef�re sa��:�f the Property pursuant�o any power of sale <br /> contained in �his Se�urity �nstrument; or �b} entry of a �udgmen� enfvrcing th�s �Security rns�ru�nent. Th�se <br /> conditions are that B�rrawer: �a} pays Lender a1� sums which then would be due under this Security �nstrument <br /> and�he Contra��as if na accelera�ion had occurred;(b�cure�any defau�t af any other covenan�s�r agreements;�c) <br /> pays al�expenses incurred in enforcing�his Securi�r�ns�ru�ment, inc�uding,bu�na�l�mited��,reas�nabXe attorneys' <br /> fees��the ex�ent perrn�tted by�aw; anc��d�takes such ac�inn as Lender may r�asanably require�a assure tha�the <br /> lien of th�s Se�ur�ty�nstrument,Lender's righ�s �n�he Proper�and B�rrovt�er's obliga�ion to pay the sums secured <br /> by this Security �ns�rumen� shal� continue unchanged. Upon reins�a�e�ment by Sorr�wer, th�s Securit� Instrument <br /> and the obliga�ions secured hereby shall remain fully effe�ti�e as if na ac�elera�io�.had occurred. Howe�er, �h�s <br /> right�o reins�a�e sha�1 na�app��in�he case�f�ccelera�ian und�r th�sectian�it�ed Transfer of�the Prvperty�r a <br /> Benefic�al Interest in Borrower. <br /> Hazardfl�s Su�astances.Barrower shall no�cause�r permit th�pr�senc�,use, dispasal, st�rage, or rele�.se of any <br /> Ha�ardous Substances on or in�he Praper�y.Borrov4rer shall no�t d�,nor aX�o�v anyone else�o do,anything affecting <br /> �he Property�hat is in vi�1a���n �f any En��ronmen�al Law. The preced�ng two sentences shall na� app�y �o the <br /> presence,use,flr s�arage�n the Property of sma�l quan�iti�s Qf Hazardous Substances�hat are generally recogni�ed <br /> to be appr�priate t�normal residential uses and�a main�enance of�he Properfiy. <br /> B�rrower shall pramptly g�ve Lender vvrit�en riotice af ar�y�nves�ig�.tian,c�aim,dema�d, �arnrsuit or other ac�ian by <br /> any g��er�mentai or r�gulatory agency or pri�a�e parCy in�olvzng the Property and any Hazard�us Substan�e or <br /> En�iro�men�al Law of vWh��h BQrrowe� has actual know�edge. �f Borrower learns, or �s natif�ed b� any <br /> governmen�ai or regu�atory authority,tha�any remo�al�r othe�rerr�edia�ion of any Hazard�us Su�stance affec�zng <br /> �he Property is necessary, B�rrawer shall promptly �a�e a�� ne�essary ren�edial actions in accordance v�ith <br /> En�rironm�n�al Law. <br /> As used�n this paragraph, "�azard�us Subs�ances" are those subs��nces d�fined as to�ic or ha�ardous substances <br /> hy En��r�nmen�al Law and the fu��av5ring subs�an�es: gasvline, �er�sene, a�her flam�nab�e or �o�ic p��roleum <br /> pr�duCts, �oxic pes�i�ides and herbicides, v�lat�le soiv�nts, �na�erials con�aining as��st�s �r formaldehyde, and <br /> radi�a�tive materia�s.As used in�his paragraph, "Envir�nnlen�a�Lavv"means federal laws and la�vs of the s�ate of <br /> Nebraska�ha�re�ate�o heal�h,safety or enWironm�ntal prvtection. <br /> Acce�eration; Remed�es. Lender shal� g��e nat�ce t� Borr�wer prior to accex�ratifln fallowing Borrawer's <br /> breach of any�nvenant or agreement in this Secur�ty Instrumemt or the Contract under which acce��r�tian <br /> is permit�ed (but nat prior to acceieration under the se��i�n ti��Qd Tran�fer of�hQ Property or a Bene�cial <br /> Interest in Borr�wer, un�e5s App�icable La�v provides oth�rwi�e�. The notice shall specify: �a) the default; <br /> (b� the action r�quired �o� cure �he default; �c} a dates no� les5 than the minimum number of days <br /> es�ablished by Applicable Law from the date th�nntice i�g�ven t❑Bvrrower, �y�vh�ch the default must be <br /> �ured; and (d) that failure ta cure �he defau�t on vr before t�ne date 5pecifi�d in the notic� may r�sult in <br /> accelerat�on of the 5ums 5ecured by this Security Ir�strumernt and sale of the Praperty. To the e�tent <br /> permitted by law, the not�c� sha�l further �nform Barrower of the right ta re�ns�ate af�er acceleratian and <br /> the r�ght ta bring a court a��ion t�assert the nan-existence of a d�fauxt ar any other defense of Borrvwer to <br /> acce�erat�on and sa�e. If the defau�t �s not cur�d on or before the date spec�fred �n the notice,Lender at its <br /> option may requ�re imm�diate payment �n ful� of a�l sums s�cured b� this Security Instrument vvithout <br /> further demand and may in�oke the pavver af�ale and any a�her remed�es perm�tted �y App�xcahie Law. <br /> Ta the e�tent ��rmitted by lavv, Lender shal� be ent��Ied to c�l�ect�a�l expenses incurred in pursuing the <br /> remed�es prQvided in this Section, includ�n�, but not limited to� reasonab�e attorneys' fees and ca�ts flf title <br /> e�idence. <br /> If the power of sa�e is invoked,Trustee sha�i recnrd a noti���f d�fau�t in ea�h county in which any part nf <br /> �he Prop�rty is�ocated and shall mail cnpies of such no�ic� in the manner pres�r�bed by Appii�able Lav+�to <br /> Borrower and to the other�persans pre�cr�bed �y A�pl�cable Lavv. After the ti�ne required by App�rcab�e <br /> Law, Trustee sha�l give public notice �f saxe to �he persons and in �he manner prescribed b� App�icab�e � <br /> Law. Trustee,w�thout demand un Bvrrawer,shai�s�il the Pro�p�rty at public auction tv the highest bidder � <br /> at the time and pZace and under the terx�a�designa�ed in the nfltice of sa��in�n�vr more parce�s and�n any <br /> �rder Trustee det�rmine�. Trustee may pvstp�n� �ale of al� or any parcel �f the Praperty by public <br /> ann�uncement at the t�me and place of any previously sch�du��d sale.Lender or its d�sign�e may purcha5e <br /> th�Prop�rty at�ny sal�. <br /> Upon recerpt of paymen� of the pr�ce b�d, Truste� shall d�l�ve�r t� the purchaser Trustee's d�ed canveying <br /> the Prop�rty. The recital� in the Truste�'s deed shal� be prirna facie eW�denc�of the�ruth �f the statement5 <br /> made therein. Trustee shall app�� the prace�ds of the sale in the fo�lowing order: �a� to all �Q5t5 and <br /> �xp�n5es of exercis�ng the pav�er of sal�, and the sa�e, includir�g the payment�f the Trustee's fe�s actually <br /> C�2444-2013 Carr�pliance Systems,In�.9F35-E7A6-2413L2.0.721 <br /> Consu�ner Real Estate-Security Instrument i]L2�35 Pa�e 4 of 5 www.cort�pliancesys#ems.corn <br />