<br /> 11. ENVIR�NM�NTAL LAWS AND HA�ARD�US SUS�TANCES. As used in th�s s��txon,
<br /> ��} Environmental Law means, wrthout limita�ion, the Comprehens��e En�r�ronmentax Response,
<br /> Compensatian and Liab�lxty Act �CERCLA, 42 iJ.S.�. 9641 et seq.}, and a1X o�her federal, state and local
<br /> Iavvs, regulations, ardinances, caur� orders, at�orney g�n�ra1 opinions or interpre�ive letters concernxng the
<br /> pub�xc health, safety, welfare, enviranment or a hazardous substance; and �2} Hazardc�us Subs�ance means any
<br /> taxic, rad��acti�e or hazardous materia.I, waste, poXlutant or cantaminant which has characteristics which
<br /> render the su�stance dangerous or potentxally danger�us to the publi� heaXth, safe��, w�lfare or enviranment.
<br /> The term includes, without limitatian, any substances d�fined as "hazardous material," "taxic substances,"
<br /> "hazaxdous waste" or "hazardaus su�stance" under any En�ironmen�a� Law.
<br /> Trustor represents, warrants and agrees that:
<br /> A.Ex�ept as previously di�closed and acknow�edged in wrxting to Bene�ciary, no Hazardaus Substance is
<br /> or will be lacated, stored or re��ased an or in the Praperty. This restr�ction dfles nat apply to small
<br /> quantities of Hazardous Substances tha� are generally r�cognized to be appropriat� for the norma.l. use
<br /> and maintenance of th�Praperty.
<br /> B. Ex�ept as pr���ously dis�losed and acknowledged in wr�ting to Beneficiary, Trust�r and e�ery tenant
<br /> hav�been, are, and sha11 rema�n in fixxl campliance with any appli�able Environmenta.� La�v.
<br /> �.Trustor shali immediately nn�zfy Benefic�ary if a reiease ar threatened release of a Hazardaus Substance
<br /> occurs on, und�r or about the Praperty or there is a violatian of any Environmentai Lavtr concern�ng th�
<br /> Property. rn such an e�ent, Trustor shal.l tak� alx necessary remedxal a�tian in accardance w�th any
<br /> Environmental Law.
<br /> D.Trustar sha11 immediately notify �ene�ciary in wri�xng as soon as Trustar has reasfln to be�xeve there is
<br /> any pend�ng ar threatened in�estigation, claim, or prace�d�ng rela�xng to the rel�ase or threatened
<br /> release of any Hazardous Substance or the vialatian of any En�rironmental Law.
<br /> 12. ES�R�'V� F�R TA�ES AND INSURAN�E. Uni�ss oth�rwi�e prov�ded �n a separate agreement, Trus��r
<br /> wzXX nat�e required ta pay to Benefi�rary funds far taxes and insurance in�s�row.
<br /> dutxes under thYs Security �nstrument are j ornt and indY�zdual. If Trustor s�gns thxs Securrty �nstrument but
<br /> does not s�gn an e�riden�� af debt, Tru�tar does so onXy to m�rtgage Trustor's xnt�rest in the Proper�y to
<br /> secure paymen�of the Secured Debt and Trus�or daes nat agree to b�personally Iiabie an the Secured Debt. Yf
<br /> this S��ur�ty Instrument secures a guaranty betv�een Beneficxary and Trustor, Trustor agrees �a waive any
<br /> rights that may pre�ent Bene�ciary from bringing any action or c�aim against Trustor or any party indebted
<br /> under the obligatian. These rxghts may includ�, �ut are not Iim��ed ta, any an�i-deficiency or one-a�tion�aws.
<br /> The duties and benefits of th�s S��urxty �nstrument shal�bind and�enefit the successors and assigns of Trustor
<br /> and Beneficxary.
<br /> 14. SEVERABILIT�Y; INT��FRETATI�N. This Security Znstrum�n� is camp�ete and fu11y �ntegrat�d. ThYs
<br /> Securrty Znstrum�nt may not be amended or modi�'ied by oral agr��ment. An� sec�ion xn this Security
<br /> Instrument, a�tachm�n�s, ar any agreement related to the 5ecur�d Debt that conflic�s with appXz�able law will
<br /> nat �e eff�ctz�e, unless that Iaw ��cpressXy or impZiedly permits the variatYons by written agreemen�. Zf any
<br /> section of this Securi�y �nstrument cann�t be enforced according to its terms, �hat sec�ion vvill be se��red and
<br /> wxll not aff�ct the enfarcea�ility of th� remainder af thYs Security Znstrument, Whene�er used, the �ingular
<br /> shall inciude the plural and the plural the singular. The�aptions and headings of the sectrflns af this Security
<br /> rnstrument are for convenience anxy and are nat to be used to �x�.terpre� or define the tenms �f this Security
<br /> �ns�rument. Time is�f the ess�n�e in this 5ecurity �nstrument.
<br /> 1S. 5i]CCESS�R TRCJSTEE. Benefxciary, at Benef�c�ary's option, ma�r from txme to txme remo�e Trustee and
<br /> appoin� a successor trustee without any other forma].��y than the designatian xn writing. The successor trust�e,
<br /> wx�haut con�veyance of th� Froperty, sha.11 succeed to all the t�tle, power and dutie� conferred upon Trustee by
<br /> this Security �ns�rumenC and appli�a�i�Iaw. �.. P�.�:.��:.r,�:_.�,.�_ �,:.�,_-.�,�,:-.,-.
<br /> -.- . . _. {.�.-.�::�.�
<br /> � . , --. �
<br /> � . � . _ �; - - a -� .�
<br /> 16. N�TICE. Un�ess otherv�is� required by �av�, any noti���.sha11,�e s g�V`e�±.by-�de�ivering Y� or by mai��ng it by
<br /> first c�ass maxl to the approprYa�e party's address on �age- l--��ofM:-t�i.�s,.rSecw�ity�.s_�nstrun�ent, ar to any ather
<br /> addr�ss des�gnated �n wri�ing. Natice ta one trustar wi11 be deemed �o be not�ce ta a11 �rustors, Trustor and
<br /> Benefxc�ary hereby reques� a copy of any no�ice of default, and a copy af any no�ic� of sale thereunder, �e
<br /> mailed to each parfiy a�the address for such pa.r�y set farth fln page 1 of�his Security Instrum�nt.
<br /> 17. WAIVERS. Ex�ep� ta �he extent prahibited by �aw, Trustar waives aII appraisemen� and homes�ead
<br /> exemptian rights re�ating to the Property. _
<br /> 1S. LINE �F �REDIT. The 5ecured Debt inc�udes a r�valving lxne of credit. AXthough the S�cured De�t may
<br /> be reduced ta a zera�alance, this Secur�ty Instrument v�x�I rema�n zn effect until re�eased.
<br /> 5��urity InstrUment-�pen-�nd-C�nsumer-NE ❑CP-RE�T-NE 712I2�1'1
<br /> VMP�Bankers SystemsT!"� VMP-C4fi5tN�y t1'I077.�0
<br /> Wolters Kfuwer Financia[5er�iGes 01994,201 1 Page 5 of�
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