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��14�45�5 <br /> The prap�r�y �s �ocat�d zn ...Hal l. .............................................. a� ...,...,.,........................... <br /> ,.. <br /> �County} <br /> ..109�,w'..� ..Grand.Island...............,.., Nebraska ..6,88�1.......... <br /> (Address} (�ity) �Z�F�ode} <br /> Together wzth ai� rxghts, easements, appurtenances, rayal.txes, mineraJ. rights, ax� and gas rights, al� wa�er and <br /> r�parian rights, dztches, and water stock ar�.d aIl exxstix�g and future �mprovements, structures, fxxtures, and <br /> repla�ements that may now, or at any time in the future, be part af the real �stat�des�rxb�d abo�e (all r�ferr�d <br /> to as "Prop er�y"}. <br /> 3. MA.�IlVIUM �SLIGATI�N LIMIT. The total princ�pal. amount secured by th.zs Securzty Znstrument at any <br /> one �ime sha�.� nat exceed $ 18�.o a o..�.�................................... . Thxs limitation of amnunt daes not <br /> inc�ude inter�s� and other fees and charges �alidly made pursuant �a thzs Security Zns�rum�nt. A�so, this <br /> limitatzon does not app�y to advan�es made under the terms of �hzs 5ecurity Ins�rument to prote�� <br /> Benefxc�ary's security and ta perfarm any af�he�ov�nan�s�ontained in thzs Security Instrum�nt. <br /> 4. SECU�tED DEBT ANI�FUTLTRE ADVANCES. The term "S�cured Debt" �s def�ned as follows: <br /> A.D�bt xn�urred under the terms of al.� prozx�issory note�s}, contract�s}, guaranty�ies} oz o�her evzdence of <br /> d�bt des�rzbed be�ov� and aII thexr extensi�ns, renewal.s, modifications or substitutions. �You must� <br /> specz�cally iderttify the de�t�s� secr�red and yor�shauld incl�cd�the fir�ul mat�urity da�e af such de�t{,r}.� <br /> Note Dated July 47, ��14 In The Amouxa.t Df $18 ��O ,QD <br /> Accruing At A �Tariable Rate With A Maturity Date �f Jul �fl. 2�19 <br /> Said Loan In The Name�s} �f Senni f er Carr � <br /> An�1 David �nT Carr <br /> B.A11 future advanc�s from Beneficiary �o Trustor ar other future obligatia�.s of Trustor to Benefxczary <br /> under any pramissary nate, �antract, guaranty, or other e�idence of debt executed by Trustor in favor <br /> of Beneficrary af�er this Secur�ty Znstrumez�t whether ar no� th�s Security Instrument is sp�cxfz�al.xy <br /> referenced. Zf mar� than one person s�gns �his Secur�ty Iz�s�rum�nt, each Trustor agrees that th�s <br /> Se�urity Znstrument wx�� s�cure a1� future advan��es and future abliga��ans that ar� gi�en to �r incurred <br /> by any one or more Trust�r, or an.y one or mor� Trustor and athers. A�� future advan�es and oth�r <br /> future obl�gatxons are s�cured by this Secur�ty �ns�rument e�en �hough aI� or part may not yet be <br /> ad�anc�d. A�� future advances and other future abl�ga�ions are secured as if made on the date of thxs <br /> Se�ur��y Instrument. Nathing �n �h�s 5ecurity ��strumen� sha.Il canst�tute a commit�ent to mak� <br /> add�t�anal or future �oans or advan��s �n any amount. Any such comm�tment must be agreed to �n a <br /> sep arate writing. <br /> C.AII o�her ob�igations Trust�r owes to Ben�f�czary, whzch may �ater a.�ise, to the extent nat proh�b�ted by <br /> �aW, includzng, but n�t lzmzted to, Iiab���t��s for o�erdrafts r��ating �o any deposit ac�aunt agreement <br /> be�w��n Trustar and Benefi�iary. <br /> D.AI� add�tzona� sums advanced an.d expenses �ncurred by Benefxciary for znsuring, preserv�ng or <br /> ath�rwise protec�zng th� Prap�rty an� z�s �a�ue and any �ther sums advanGed and �xpenses incurred by <br /> Benef�cxary under the terms of thxs S�curity �nstz-uament. <br /> ��he event tha�B�neficiary fai�s to pro��de any required not�ce of the rzgh� of rescission, Bene�Giary Wax�es <br /> any subsequ�nt security inter�st in the Trustor's princ�pal dwelling tha�zs created by thxs Securi�y Ins�rument. <br /> 5. DEED �F TRUST �QVENANTS. Trustor agrees that the �ovenants zn thzs section ar� material ob�zgat�ons <br /> under the Secured Debt and thxs Security �ns�rum�nt. �f Trustar breaches any �o�enant iz� �hzs sectzon, <br /> Senef���ary may refuse to ma�ce additional extenszox�s of cr�dit and reduce the cred�t ��mit. By not exercising <br /> e�ther r�medy oza Trustor's breach, Benef���ary does nat wai�e Ben�fzc�ary's rzght ta Iater cons�der��e e�ent a <br /> brea�h if�t happens agaxn. <br /> Paym�nts. Trustar agrees that a�Z payments under t�i� Secured Debt w��x �e pa�d when due and in a�cordan�� <br /> with the terms of the Se�ured I]ebt and this Securz�y �nstrument. <br /> Pr�or Secur�ty I�nterests. Wit�i regard to any oth�r martgage, deed of trust, secur�ty agreement or o� I�en <br /> documen� that �rea�ed a pri�r s�curity interest or encumbrance on the Property, Trus�or agrees �o make alI <br /> payments wben due and to perform ar camply with al.� covenan�s. Trustar agrees not to allaw any <br /> modification�r extens�an of, nor ta r�qu�st any future advances under any no�e or agreemen� s�cured by the <br /> 1i�n do�um�nt wxthout Ben�fzciary's prior wrztten appra�al.. <br /> C�axms Agai.nst Txtle. Trustor v���� pay a.l.� taxes ��nc�uding any tax assessed t� th�s Deed of Trust}, <br /> ass�ssmen�s, liens, encumbrances, Iease paymex�tis, graund rents, utz�ztzes, and oth�r charges reiating to the <br /> Pr�per�y when due. Beneficiary may requzre Trust�r to provide ta Benefzczary capzes of a.I1 no�zces that su�h <br /> am�unts are due and the receipts evzdencing Trus�or's payment. Trustor wx�� defend t�t�e to �h� Property <br /> against any claxms that would impazr th� lien af this Se�urz�y �nstrument. Trustor agrees �o assxgn to <br /> Benefz�iary, as r�quested by Beneficzary, any rights, cla�ms ar defenses Trustor may ha�e agai.nst parties who <br /> supply�abar or materials to maintaxn or improve the Pr�per�y. <br /> Security lnstrument-Open-End-�ansumer-N� OCP-REDT-NE 71�1��'1 1 <br /> VMPa Sar�kers SystemsT^� VMP-�465tNEJ {��p7y.pp <br /> Wa[t�rs Kluwer Financial 5er��ces a1994,�01 7 Pag�2 of S <br /> �.� � <br />