���1� �� ��d �� ��� f�1��w�� de��rib�� re�l ���a�� ei�����d i� �a��
<br /> Cr���, �t�����,, '��t�wit. -
<br /> ��� ��r� {�.t3). in �ic�e�� ��v��--�i� {7b�, in .
<br /> �h��l+�r'� +��c� ��nn.���'� fihird �dc��.t�.Qn, tc� �Y��
<br /> C3,ty t>� QrT�I'ld I��t�.�Ad� ����3$�k�i Q
<br /> 6. �}i���i�tipr� �hQuid b� �d� �ce�rdi� to �he prcavi�i4ns .
<br /> • af the ���� �i�.l �nd ���t���nt �f �he :d�cessed, Ada L. S��wart.
<br /> 'T. �hi� e�i���� i� no� ��tb��c� tv Afebr��ke� �eta�� ��,xe� c�r
<br /> F�ci�ra3 E��G�te �a���. 2her� �re Znheritan.ce T�x du.e in �he� sum t�f
<br /> �,�,D» '�, r�h3�zh �hauld b� p��.� -�t �his �im�. '
<br /> I� �� ��EBEFf�RE9 ORI3��tEI}, A�d7T��� A.�D ��CREE37 �Y °�I�E C4U£�.`� ;
<br /> th�t �h+� �3.n�1 ���ot�at ane� the final rep��t fil�d h�rein �y the ��€eeu- `�
<br /> �ri�, A�.n.� 1��� Zindg��►ns of the e�tete af Ad� Le S�ew��t, d�e���ed, b�
<br /> a�n� the ��m� he�eby �n �3.�. r��gaets i� 8pprov�d, sett�.�d, can�irm�d
<br /> �s2d all���d �� ��d f�r ths fin�l r�port a�.d �ina1. �c�ocu�t of th� ��id
<br /> c�ec�.trix. -
<br /> � IT IS �'U�THER �3�I3�R.��� ADJUD��I1 .A:1QD �ECRETI3 BY' TH�� CQUR'�
<br /> th�t thr�se cle�.m� wer� �iled agai�st this e�tat�, cn� o� �hich wa:� dis�
<br /> �llc�wet� becau�e i�� h€ad al�s�dy b�e� p�ic�, the other two wsr� al.l€�w�d
<br /> and orderae� �a�id a� �ha�n in the Qra�r ��.1:ed �'u1y 1�� 1}6n, th�t a13.
<br /> . �x;��a��� in co�.n�etion wi�h th� la�t i�.ln��� and �'tzneral �f the dec�a�ed
<br /> h��r� �e�n paid iM ful�; th�� the estste �til.l hae �ue �n:d c��ing eert�i�a
<br /> aclatin�s�r�tive exp�n��� whie� are tv be p�id a� �hi� �iz��; ��€3, that `
<br /> a11 �ae�e��as h�ving cleim� agair�st �aici �$tate �4t �iled �itl�in �h� �ime
<br /> fix�d bp t�e CQur'�, if ar�.y there be, are �ereb�r fc�rever barred, �xcluded
<br /> and e�t��rine� fram_ �etta.n� up c�r aesertf.ng a�y claims �tha��oev�r ageins�t
<br /> �ai.d ��tat�e
<br /> � I�' I s FUR3.'HEk QRPEFcE�, ADJUI}G�D .ATdD I3�t;REED BY s�iE C4UR�' th�t
<br /> Ad� Le S�e�art r�ied t��tat� on F�bru�ry Z3, 1966, b€ing at that tim�
<br /> �3 y�ara qf a��, 2�aving be�z�. born on the 12� d�y Qf �i�y, �872, anct ws� :1
<br /> e� �he tim� o£ her death, s eiti�en arxa a r�sident af �rand I�l�nct,
<br /> H�3.1 Catznty, ��bras�a, �ne� that she ].e�t surviving hsr a� �.er �so�e pa:�a
<br /> on�.y ben�fie��r��,� �nd heirs�at�law, the folla�c,�ir��, ell c�� leg�l ag�, =
<br /> n�mel.y:
<br /> " Anna M�e Lindgren, her ���t�r daughterQ o� 2I8 4r'�st �
<br /> 14�' Street, Grand Zslana, Nebraska;
<br /> and t�at �he wa� nQt �urviv,�d b3� sny child or cY��.ldrene ar by any chi2c�
<br /> or chi2drg�. of � dece��ed child.
<br /> I�' IS FUR2'�iE� 0�17EREI�,. ADdU➢GED AND I?ECR�E1� �iY THE C�UFR �t�i�t
<br /> A�a Ls Stewart di.ed �ei�ed �nc: pos8��c��d of a f�e �imple title i.n and
<br /> ta ths �t�llowin� desc�ibed re�l e�-��t� situa aed in Hs�l1 Coun-ty, I���z�ask�, ,
<br /> to-w�.t:
<br /> T,o� ��n �1t3� . in Bloek ��ve��y-six (7b� p in �e�1er°� «
<br /> ��^nd B�rtn�tt'� �hird Additio�, to �h� Cit� of G�°and '
<br /> � . � . . . , d.g���d y �����+�''i��•. � . . .
<br />- .-. . . � : . . . . . .r�.. . . . � .
<br />�-t � � . . • � � � . � -
<br /> .. . � �� . . . . . . . . . � .��� . . . � .
<br />