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<br /> �n� �x� co��� co�r�� ��� ��:�z c�v��Y, ���:s�
<br /> �i� tn� r��t��� ��:
<br /> ��� �s�A�� o�
<br /> �DA L. �T.�,WA1�T s FI�iAI, �EC�� :
<br /> ��cessed.
<br /> �c�w an thi� 12� d�� �f �ugu�t, 1966, thas e�use c�m� �n.
<br /> �c�r h�ara.�.�; �.pt�n th� fin�l accota.�.'� �nd ��titicrn �or dacre� �f da�s-
<br /> t��.bu�ic�n arLd �;iseY�arge of Anna I�Ia� I,indgren, th� duly a�aPaiz�t�d, .
<br /> clus�.i.�i�d snc� �ctin� e:��eutrix �f th,e est�te �f :��� L. S��wa�s�,
<br /> aec����d, anc� t�.� Court hsving examined �he xeco�d�, ple�da�g�, pr��
<br /> ceedi��s and ���a� on �ile h�rei�9 �nd h�ving he�rd th� evid�n�� 3n
<br /> �tz�pc�rt -�h��°€,4�� €�ns3 Ia�in� fu31y advis�a in the prsmis��, ��.r�d� �hat:
<br /> :Lm :I�i� �nd l�gal n�tie� �f ths tim� �nd place Q� thi�
<br /> �a�ri�.� I�s� ��er� given tcs �Il per�ons in-��r�sted in ��id e+��ate �y
<br /> p�.ialieaticsn in :h� Gra�.d I�land D€�i1:� Inde�a�nd�n� far tY�.r�� �ucc�s�ive
<br /> �e��Zs� an� add�.tional natie� in the �anner r�quirsd by 1�w, �nc�
<br /> n€� r����etia�na 1a€�ve ���r� fi1.�d �c� s�3.d �ceoun�� or to �aici �etitit�nm
<br /> 2a �he final aecaunt �s tru�, eQr�ec�t �nd comple�� in �1].
<br /> re�pe�t� ; �.t sh�uld b� �ppraved anc� allow�d a� �1�e ex�cutri�'� finel
<br /> �cc�aznt� a13. o�' h�� aet� �nd d��d� a� ��ecut�ix sht�u�.d la� a�,��ti�ed;
<br /> �h� e�t�te shctulei b� ��ttled an� elo��d; �nc�, u�Qn the filing o� h�r
<br /> f�r��zl rec��.pt� hsr�in �� �xecutri�a the �aicl e���ut�ix ��.€�u1.d bs di�—
<br /> char�ed an,.: th� l�.a�rili°�� c�f saia exeeut�eix'��s her b4nd �ht��.ld be
<br /> �'iE'2`ffi].32€�j'r�3{� €�T1C7 �.@1" �Jt7TYf� I'�'�.Ei&fS6(�e
<br /> �e �}Li8 71f)��.G't� �TEdt� ��.VBXk t'rQ 6��. G�'E31��.`t4�'$ E3Yit� 8�..1. jJ£3Z'�f321.�f
<br /> la��rirt� el�im� a�ainst ��a3.d e�t�te b� t�e �ime and pl$ce in w��.ch �a
<br /> f�.l� �heir el�ims �n� �:� � haering thereon, by p�zbl3.e�tion in �h�
<br /> �ra�d I�l�nd �a3:'�� �nd��endent ,���r three �uce��si�� w�ek�:, r�� pxv-
<br /> v�.ded b�r 2.�cv, and �uch tim� Yias �u�.ly �x�ix�ea, �n:d an m�d�r ��re�r�r
<br /> barx�.ng and ��c�.�.�ing �11 cle�.ma ��ain�t ��id e�tst�. nc�� pr�vi�u�l.y
<br /> fil�d wi�hin t�.e tir�e al.low�d b� l��r� �a� d�ly en����c� her�in r�n
<br /> July 14, i�6�. ��r�e cleim� r�+��� fiZ�d� twQ c�f r�h�.�h �re��. �114�rec� i�
<br /> full �nd th� ��ii�� �l�i� r�as d��allaw�d bec���� i:� had pre;vi,ra�.�1y b��n
<br /> �a�.d. Ther� 8�e nr�w dt�� �nci a�ir�g: by fthe e�i�e�� ���t��t �da��i��x��
<br /> -��.ve �eists�� f�e�� �a�sc� ���!e��e�, �rh�.Qh �hould b� �l�pw�d �t�d p�1.s� �t
<br /> tb�.� tinle, lhe �xecutxix,waives all of her �ees and expenses.
<br /> 4. Ad� S�. �'k�w'�r� �ied te�ita�� au ��br��r�'= ��,,. �.��6�i, b+�i�t,�'
<br /> �t tha� tia�e 9� ye�r� �f �;�+�, ha�ix�� be�b, '�a� �a�t '�� l�� ��� bf �a��
<br /> 187�, �.nd w�� �� th� �3;�e +�f h�t�sd�e���., � c�i��.��� �t�� � ����.d�� �f
<br /> Gr��d Tslsnd, Sa�.i �Q�t�� l�ebr��k�, �r��i �hs� ��� �.��'� �►���r�:�� '��r�
<br /> �� her ��1.� �r�d ���g ����r�i��.a►ri�� ��d h��.�s�������:� �a ���.�,t�r��,
<br /> �1�� t�f l�g�� ag�, ����
<br /> 1�n� �e� .�i.�+��,��t�ti� h�� ft����r� d��'���� t��° ���"
<br /> . Wt��� 3.4'� �����'�� 1���3�� ������� �F�'����€,. �
<br /> �r�he�, �$et �t�� �� �'�e��� t���t �� ����� �.�r�` ��4�:�.� �� s�����r. ' .
<br /> �� by. ��' �h�.�.d c�� tah�l����. �:��`, � ���3+����:y-���t�* _
<br /> , x._
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