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<br /> That Lot Two (2) in Block Nineteen (19) in Wallichs�
<br /> addition to the City of Grand Isl,and, Nebraska, should be and hereby
<br /> is assigned to Willard F. Casper and Kenneth B. Casper, they being
<br /> the- only children of s:aid deceased. � �
<br /> That after the payment of Court Costs, :.Administration
<br /> expenses and attorney fees, there remains no funds in the hands of
<br /> � the Executor. �
<br /> That for inheritance tax purposes the Court finds that
<br /> the property owned in fee by said deceased is of the value ,of $13,000.
<br /> and that the jointly owned property of deceased and Celeste D. Casper
<br /> is of the value of $7500.00, and that the total value of said estate
<br /> including the jointly owned property is $20,$00.00. �
<br /> That allowable deductions from the gross value of s aid
<br /> estate are funeral ex penses $121.9.q.8, Court Costs $83.68, costs of
<br /> administratio� and attorney fees $453.98, or a total of $1757.14,
<br /> which amount is deductible from the Gross value of said estate, leaving
<br /> a Net value of said estate in the amount of $18,�42.86. '
<br /> , That Celeste D. Casper, surviving widow, and Willard F'.
<br /> Casper. Son, and Kenneth B. Casper, son, are each enti�led �o a �
<br /> statutory exemption of $10,000.00, and the Court finds that the
<br /> exemptions are f ar greater than the taxable estate, and therefore !
<br /> > .
<br /> finds that no inheritance tax is due from any of the heirs of said �
<br /> deceased. ,
<br /> _ .
<br /> Court, that Frank J. Casper died on July 3, 19�2, leaving a last
<br /> Will and Testament, which was duly admitted to prob ate in this Court,
<br /> that the final accounting of the E x,ecutor of said estate is: approved�
<br /> and a�.lowed; that all> claims h�ave been paid and all unfiled clai.ms ` "
<br /> are hereby f orever b arred'; that costs and expenses of`adininist�ation
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