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� �. <br /> �;;- <br /> (648.1) faet.. to the northeast corner af said'R. W. .Rasmussen Svbdivisioa, a].so , <br /> being, the northwest corner of AmeriGan Leqion Addition; thence deflect'inq riqht <br /> 89° 06' 40", and running southerl� along the easterly line of said R. W. Rasmussen, <br /> , Sui�d�.,vision, a distance of 7.tao'Hundred Fifty-seven and Four Hundredths (257.04) feet; <br /> ' <br /> � � thenc�e deflecting right 53° 07' S0" and running southwest along the easEerly line of <br /> said R. W. Rasmussen Subdivision, a distance of One Hundred Fifty-five and Nine <br /> Tenths (155.9) feet; thence deflecting left 51° 23' 10" and running southwest along <br /> the easterly line of said R. W. Rasmussen Subdivision, a distance of One Hundred <br /> Forty-four {144.0) _feet -to the southeast corner of said R. W. Rasmussen Subdivisian, <br /> also beinq the centerline of. the North Channel of' the Platte River; thence deflect- <br /> ing left 304° 30' S0" and running northeast" along said centerline, a�d alonq the <br /> southerly line of said American Leqion Addition, a distance of Fifty�-six and Sixty- <br /> Five Hundredths (56.65) feet; thence deflecting right 25° 29' 50" and running north- <br /> east along said centerline, and along the southerly line of said American Legion <br /> Addition, a distance of �ao Hundred Eighty-three and Seven Tenths (283.7) feet; <br /> thence deflecting left 10° 34' 10" and running northea�t along said centerline, and <br /> along the southerly line of said American Legion Addition, a distance of Fifty and <br /> , Ninety-nine Hundredths (50.99) feet to the northwest corner of said Woodland First <br /> Subdivision; thence southerly along the west line of said Woodland First Subdivision <br /> and Woodland Thirfl Subdivision, a distance of One Thousand Five Hundred Forty-two <br /> and Twenty-seven Hundredths (1,542.27) feet to the southwest corner of said Woodland <br /> First Subdivision; thence westerly along the north line of said Woodland Second Sub- <br /> division, a distance of One Hundred (100.0) feet; thence southerly along the west- <br /> erly line of said Woodland Second Subdivision, a distance of Seven Hundred Fifty- <br /> eight and Sixty-two Hundredths (758.62) feet; thence deflecting right 45° 08' 10" <br /> and running southwest along the northwest line of said Woodland Second Subdivision, <br /> a distance of One Hundred Forty-two and Thirty-seven Hundredths (142.37) feet; <br /> thence deflecting right 44° 35' 20" and running west along the north line of said <br /> Woodland Second Subdivision, a distance of Two Hundred Ninety-seven and Three Tenths <br /> (297.3j feet; thence deflecting right O1° 27' 10" and running West along the north <br /> line of said Woodland Second Subdivision, a distance of Four Hundred and One Tenth <br /> (400.1) feet to the point of beginning, this tract containing 47.906 acres, more <br /> or less - the total acreage of both tracts being 50.326 acres, more or less. � <br /> � <br /> " ' 3 Wills & Decrees <br /> Fled for record.. N.,��., b,.e'' �o,_.._97�_t.o.03 A•M, i Book_ � _of.._ <br /> ----- _......... <br /> Page��� ....._. ^....__ __ _... gister of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska <br /> Rose lacobsen <br /> . <br /> . <br /> ,� ; . <br /> ���r.._.. y � �,..��..��_ � � � �� <br /> �� . <br /> . <br /> _ __ _ ..._. _._ '» ._�._ .`.__:.._ _ ..._ _ . .:_.;�w_ ..,...�,:F..�..-__ _i K.r«�.'�:. <br />