, . � .
<br /> 1. That �he P�nal administration account o�' Albin E. Larson,
<br /> executo�^ u� the �state cf i�ena M. L$rson, �aceased, as evid�nce�.�
<br /> by hi� �'inal ?�epart fi3�d herein, be cri�S �clae .,a�re hereby is a�l�rwvc�
<br /> an3 approvQd.
<br /> 2. That the statements and allegations in th� saicl F�•;,iti�r:
<br /> fca�' S�t'tl�mcnt o� Fin�l �ccount anci Distr:i.bution fil�d �7ereznl
<br /> by ���d �3�in �;. Larson, axecutor, arc true and carrA��.
<br /> 3. fi�iat �he said ���at� c�f :ter�a FuT. Lc3T'�flYl' u��,:�;;�;d, i.�;a; :,:�;,;;t
<br /> duly �nd compl�tely adninlstare� �nd c?�i c�aim;;, �ebt<, �n�. ��:,;�;��m:;;.<-
<br /> o�' acf�ini,tration have bean duly p��ci in full.
<br /> i�. That 'the Court has her�tcfare d�t�r^.-��ined #;ha� no YnY:er�i;�,;,:,�v,�:
<br /> Ta�c is due the State af �debr�sk.a �y reascr� of tYi� ci��tt� Lf s�:i�
<br /> t�'1�Ti3 .c`�2. �,�:i�OI], Cl�CB�s�f.�.
<br /> 5. That th��e �.s 1�:.£t in �i�•� hancis cf s���. �;1?;��:, ;� > �v,r:_.c;�..
<br /> e�r�eu��r, ca�h in Lhe sum v�' �1,43�.5U, con;tit�wtin:� a��::- �,i=,�a���;;
<br /> as��ts of said �state, �nd t�.e s�;i;;; :;iaia. �. L�r:�cr, �:_.;;:��;.,it.1:;x,
<br /> 3s h�reby crderec3 and ciirected to �ay, delive?� aZc �istrii:�a�vc
<br /> ta .�lbi� ��. Larscn, � wic{o�ver of s�id d�ce��e�a t?:� :.ai.d s�.z�� cs`
<br /> ��-f43�`.SU.
<br /> 6• That said Rena P�. L�rson, d�ce�;sEd, di�� t�s�;at�; � resi.�:�:•;t�;
<br /> �nd i:nh:�bit�n� o� (�rand Island, Hall Caunt;�, ���e�rasl�a, G: ��„��.�
<br /> 23: �-`%�4: leaving as her so2e and heirs at la�r a.nc:. ��r;ate;,v a��
<br /> +�svi��e�, the persons named �nd s�� farth iz� the find�n��; �:�
<br /> Pa��graph 6, abave.
<br /> �, �'h�t ugon paysnent ar.d c3elivery c�° the r�siduar°�� a.s�R,t� �..�:
<br /> s��.d ss�a��, �aeing cash in the amount of �1,430.5Q, by f�lbiza >:.
<br /> Larson, ex�cutc�r, t� �lbin E. I,arson, widow�r af sai� :tena ;�ia Larsor�,
<br /> cleesa�cd, i� $ccord�nce wi�h �he fore�c�ing, and th� fi�ing �-E�r�i:� c�f
<br /> thc� pr�sp�r �eceipt, showir�g s�eh payrr�er�t and distri.bu��on, an� �ai��;,
<br /> �� �,���z�.; �.
<br /> �pp�c����,.:.�o� '�he same bp this Court, a formal Ord�r af L'i�charo�
<br /> " ` �,�U n �..,
<br /> ,,��'fi�,�'�e�� ����'`•�1b�.3� �. Lar�on, execu�or, artd his offieial bnnd ��
<br /> �r. 4 ��: S � ��,,' � � ���� �
<br /> ,� `�� , �t�d .�i��..�h� b� discharged "f�om ar�y and a�l fu�thsr liabili�y
<br /> � �� ,�
<br /> , x 4� !� , a f, r. +
<br /> r�''�r ��. �i�'� �.��� .� " . � � . � . . - .
<br /> � � ,��,� a-, �
<br /> �'�� �, `Yr` �`t��''c� {`� .c �
<br /> ��,��,,��, :�� ,kt��}.�! �,. , .�
<br /> �{�������I �r �� : gnj ��� -. . . - . .
<br /> ������' � ��v � _ �„�
<br /> k y� �C 4�t� Y ,,f�p' -.i
<br /> �7�, `�"' + C£S �'ar�,�i' Yrf` .
<br /> ���k����YM����� -� � .
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