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<br /> :�a�.cx i�cr�a 1��. I.��san� ci�c���eci, as �howri and �videt�ce�t b� �h� � "
<br /> ?��:�;re� �3e�te�m3.ning Znr��r���rtc�: �� .f�.led. kte��itz, �riti �ny
<br /> , T}c�t.ed�t��al li�n �"c�r InY�e��.tana� 1��c has been ��€ti.n�u��t��d by
<br /> � rae „��cr�e of thi;� Gt�t��.
<br /> i�. �'hat R�n�, T�i, Larsos?, dvicea��d, ciied t��ta��, a ��sic�ent
<br /> r .,.;:: .i_r��t�i.��nt of �x�ar.� x�l�n�, I��li: C�unty, �ebraska, t��.
<br /> _ :e�.:.<; �3, �;�6�., and lef't as h�r sa2e and, an�y hea.rs a� 1.aw, '
<br /> ... ._ -t ..�:v��;s an�. ci�vise��, �L�:e "�1��?�3ing nam�d perwvn�:
<br /> �:-_'.� ��_i...'.;. r�e 'i��r8Q3?, �.,.,_h,'c, �
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<br /> 'e f �1".-Jil� ?:t��: L�.r�.�;zz�:�4�;, �;E ��., �.�u�hL-er a� deceas�d,
<br /> • il:.l";ZC: ;,�'-u�.� ii:�7'DC32°�'i� :7.c'���.1.?:,�,�y �iG�.1"3.,"�Kc3.
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<br /> '�h1� L":LTtl� t7Z h�'?"
<br /> � ��:.a i.:�i.�TnEC: ��£: ?'C)�..LUt%.1?2�, C:� ,�;t":�,'�Ci I'$d� £u�",a''.�'.,C �.37. ,�t?3_21"�. tE,'I�l.ci,C�
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<br /> L�� �:n�� {� � �;::�1 i:h� � ,y;�<v�•�y ;our ��,a feet of Lot
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<br /> �si��.n�, '1�:�^ra:sl:a, as �.��e s.�.r�e �.s stza•v�ye�,
<br /> �1at,ted ua,c�t :��carci��,
<br /> c� ��'rja� �;h� ca�Y� -�� -�;�x:� ��.r�{�':,r af the s�.sd tilbin E. L:�r��cL�,
<br /> G.;;E.'G'�+'`,G'3.^' 1.:1 '"v�"1�' 2iI"?L3Ils'?� �Z v>�'.�}�i�s,r.��g CQ�1S�'i1�iLX�;at�+.t'i �kl� Y`6,.�^^3.C�L�.i:'iI'�
<br /> - -�::� cx saa.�3 estu�e, �.nc� .�l7r;ui.�. �e de�.iv�red. and distributec�
<br /> �;c�. �.hc� r�aiet�uary b�ne�:;.ciur�, n�z�:��:.y: .��b�a� L�. I,�r�r��j }�ux:�ua���
<br /> ;;o �:��e ��rms <�n.d �ro�r=Lsion� af t�e �.��� W�11 a.�tl Te��ar�ent of
<br /> sa:�d c?ece�s�d.
<br /> IT s.�:ii �.'H��?.EFG�E3 Ct)NaT'�E�EI�� (��2�ERF+'.r�•M:,"hDJtiD `fx�17 �N�3 :�}�CR,E�D ;
<br /> BY T��; COURT 3 as follows . ���,y
<br /> s,�..
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