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<br /> I� '�T� �€it�T7� �43tTRT DI� HALL Gat]N�Y, 1�EBt�A�KA
<br /> �1� � MAT�'� Q�` � ��TAT�: _ �'
<br /> t��` � � �2�i AL ��,C 1�E
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<br /> A�A I�. �.��4I��, Dseea�ed. }
<br /> B� TT �F�F,�tEI3 �ha'� on this 5Lh day of February, 1965,
<br /> �t 10.�Q A.�i., this cause cams on La be heard upon thE �etition
<br /> fflr 9ettZ�ns�nt crf Ffaal Acee►unt and L�istributiar� of Albin 3�.
<br /> ��°s�x�� e$e�u��r of the esta�Cs of i�er.a �I. Larson, d�cea�ed, ar� t��
<br /> �ina�. Report of ,A3bin E. Larsan, �x�cutvr of the estate o#' �.t..,<. °�:.
<br /> Larson, deccased, for final ,ett3�ment and a2ltiwance of �Y�a�� ��cour_.�
<br /> of said Albin �:, L�rson, exscutor, far a t�ecres cf heir�hi�;, �s:d. �
<br /> decr�e di�'Cribu�ing and assi�ning the residue of said est�ate: t;: -r,�e
<br /> perspns �ntitled thereto under the prQvisions of thtw L��� `u�zll r:r�r� :
<br /> Testa�rent of �aid Rena M. Larscn, deceased, s�id A�b3.n �. Lar;,;;:�, �
<br /> e�ecutvr, �nd a�.sa th� b�n�#'iciary �r,ci�r the Last �+'il.l �r.�i Tes���r;:�r:� '
<br /> o.� sait� d�ceased, appeari�g in person in Gourt, and by K�nnetr. N,
<br /> :�1sQr�, c�f the law fir� crf Lu�bs, Elson, 2racy and Huebner, ar�U. ��.�<.�
<br /> �:c��r�, }�e�.ng ful3y advi.sed �,� the pr�cr:is�s, �nd �vi.dence havi.nE ��;::�n
<br /> add�ac�d, and u�sor�.consideration af the files and �r�ce�din�;� �rA ::�::a t�
<br /> a��tter and �h� evider�e, and hein� fuliy advised, fin�c as .fr�_�����;:;°
<br />-- �.. That tk�� accottt3� �f sai� Alhin �. Larson, exec�tor, a;;
<br /> ° evid�ncet� b� his Final Rep�rt f�led herein, is carrect in all
<br /> re�pects and shou3.d be appr�vec� �nd a�lo�aed �nd that at t•hA ctav c�
<br /> hearin� �a�.o� Albirt E. L���Qn, �:x�;cutar, had §.n�h3.s passessi�n �� .
<br /> asss�� af s�id �st�te ca�h in th�; :�urn of �1,l�3D.50, cvn�ti.��ztin�
<br /> resic��za�r �ss��� c�� sa�d' estate,
<br /> �� '��� �� �Ia��� �r�r� a�l�owed �s '�3us� claim� again�� said
<br /> e��'�at�� ��d �ri �rd�� I����.1��ng ��c� Barring C�.ai�s h�s l��re�vfore
<br /> b��n?��i����d az%d _fi�:�d here�.�.
<br /> � � ����--��t`� ��:-���rt��a��� a�it� �l���a'��.��,� .i�t. �a�d Peti�Cion
<br /> . F } 1 y-." .� i N ;c- . . _ _ . .� . . .
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