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<br /> - � ' • . , . � ,. ' .�t� ' . � � Ts':�..., fY'. ..�4 y ..
<br /> �9ALL COUNTY, f�E�RRSK�!
<br /> oF �'I L�:D
<br /> �� �I���' APR 2 01964
<br /> -- � �
<br /> �
<br /> �l3 fiHE N7�iE QF �OD, AMEN:
<br /> CAiJN'�'Y JUCt�£
<br /> I, Z,aura Gier�arf, a r8sident of E3rarid Isl�nd, Hall
<br /> Ccur,�y, Nebraska, beir.g af lawful age, af sou.*�d and dispos- �
<br /> ing :a�ind and memory, and not iander any restraint, do hereby
<br /> nta}te, publish ar.d declaze thie to be my I,ast will and Testament s
<br /> FIRST
<br /> f qrc]er and direct that my F.xecutor, hereinaft�er named,
<br /> �ay all of my just dabta, funeral and testamentary expenses
<br /> as �con after my d�ath as conveniently may be done.
<br /> . SE'COND
<br /> � qive and bequeath the sum of Five Hundred Dollars
<br /> d' ($500.00) to the Fizst Chu�ch o€ the Nazarene of Grand Islar,d,
<br /> � whic:h is locat�d at 1020 West Sixth Street. `
<br /> THIRD
<br /> All the rest, rasid�xe �nd xs�nainde� of my progerty, of
<br /> every kind and nature and wherever �;ituatetl, I give, devis� �
<br /> ar�d bequeath to my three children, Lester F. Gier�dorf, Fern
<br /> M. Pantioag, and Amelia J. McMullen, all of Grand Zsland, '
<br /> Ldebraska, share and share alilce, and to their heirs at �.�w,
<br /> a..b�ol.ute3.y and for�ver.
<br /> 1E�4i3R7'A
<br /> I order �.nd direct tha.t if i� becom+es neeessar•r or ���
<br /> �sir�ale far my Executor, hereinaftez� named, t4 ��ll any or ��1
<br /> uf my pro}aerty in order to carry out the provision� �f f�t�� c:-:-
<br /> I�,st Wi.11 arid T�stament, '°:e �ha�l have full pflwer �n� ."., {-°..:�Y�� .
<br /> fcc� �ell all or any part of said prop�rty, at ���_:��v ��i:� ; . .
<br /> ;
<br /> • ,
<br /> , . . . ,,� ; . � ' �` ���r
<br />