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/ <br /> ��� <br /> suit �.n the I�istrict Cour� o€ Hall County, N�brask� and the Court �:�"°"` <br /> set bond p�r�uant to S��tion 30-1304 of the Revised St�tutes of <br /> Nebraska! 1943, a€ Amended. The Court furth�r finds that said final <br /> report properly accaunts for this estate's net distributive one-third <br /> interest in th� real estate sc�ld in �aid par�itian suit. The Covrt <br /> fur�h�z fi.nds that on the 8th day of C}�tobcr, 1964 an order of this <br /> Court was made barring claim� nvt heretafc��e filed and finding that <br /> four cia�ims which w�re filed mrexe ,�ust, shr�uld be allowed� ar�d the <br /> Co-Adminfstrators authflrized and directed to pay the �ama. The Court <br /> �urther finds t�at all four vf �aid c�aims h�ve been paid, tc�gether <br /> with aIl exp�nses of �dministration, including cQurt costs. <br /> SiXTH <br /> The Caurt fur�her �ir�ds that pvrsuant to the laws of intestate <br /> atucc�ssian of the S�a�e of N�braska, the net as�ets of this estate <br /> deg�ended aa $ollowa: <br /> 1/3 ta Delbert H�rgens; <br /> 1/3 to Zawrence Hargens; <br /> 1/6 ta LeRey Curl�y; and <br /> I/6 to Robert Curley <br /> The Cour� furth�r finds tha� all assets af this estate have been fully I <br /> liquidat�d �nd �ccvunted for in the fin�l report of the Co-Administrators. <br /> SzVENTH <br /> � The Court finds that the net fair market value of the undiv�.ded <br /> 1/� interest in the r�al. e�tate described mbovQ wa:, a� of A4ay 10, <br /> 1.964, in �the amaunt of �1A,397.80. That the total v�alue of the ne� <br /> a�s�t� of this estat� for N�braska inheritanc� tax purpos�s w�s <br /> $15�8Q4,56. That ina$much a� +�ach of th� f�ur heir�-at-law �s entitled <br /> to a $1(?,000.00 �tatutory exemp�ion in th� computation o£ Nebr��k� <br /> 3.nher�.tance tax, �and in�soauch as esch of th�m xeceived 2ess than <br /> �1(7��00.�0 �s his net distributive ahare� that there is no N�br�ska <br /> �.nheri�tance tax d�+� ar a�rins� in thi s eaus�. <br /> EI�HTN <br /> Th� Caurt finds thst cvpies of aI2 publ��hed legal noti.c�s h�ve <br /> besn sent to all. intere�ted partias during th�r administration vf this <br /> e�s�ate as by ].aw required, and that af��.dav�ts p�rtaining thereto a�xs <br /> or� file hereir�; thA� �er�tiFicates �hc�wing payz�ent o� all p��san�l t�xe�, <br /> in�ltiding �hs 1964 p$raane� tax, hava bean �'31ed hsr�in by th� County <br /> ��s��a��+r �nd th� Goun�y Tr�ea��rer a� H�11 �a�anty, l��br�:sl�a. <br /> �;� <br /> �. _ <br /> _ -- __ __ -- <br />