a..:....�.�a . .. .�
<br /> ..�- �
<br /> IV.
<br /> I give and bequeath ta rny par#�ner �ichard L. DeB�ck�� the
<br /> fuxnitu�e, fixtu�es and libr�ry being used by th� �rtner�h�.p of
<br /> �Teliens3,ek and I�eBacker excep� �y persar�al desk and th� pl��� gl�s�
<br /> top tt��reon� the Gun2ocke �wivel Chair, tY�a Kitteng�r Lsr�nging Chair
<br /> and my �aintings, pictur�� and person�l paper� loeated in the offic�s
<br /> being used by said partnexship.
<br /> V.
<br /> I �ive and bequeath t� my wife, knna �. Wellensiek, my autp-
<br /> mc>bil� cr autcmobilss, if I die s�ized or pa�s�ssed of mflre than
<br /> cne autc�r±�cbile.
<br /> VI.
<br /> i �iv�, devise anc3 bequeath to my wifc, t�nna B, bi�ell�nsiek, fcr
<br /> • anc3 duxing th� term of he�� natural li fe, or far so long as she re-
<br /> _�a�ns r�y �v�c?cw, the use a� the hou5� and pr�mises described as Lot
<br /> 4�, ^�leck 1':96, '�iai:�road %�.ddition to th� City of Crand �sland, Ha11
<br /> Cor�n��r, �i�braslca9 tcgethex �,�ith a1i my fuxnitur�, furnishings, boaks,
<br /> silv�z�, linen, china, glassware, �ewelry, wearing appar�l and a11 my
<br /> cthen c��.�sehcld �nc� �;ersonal �co�� and effects but nat to include
<br /> �nc����y, s�tccks� �c�nds, nr�tes, laans, other securities and intangible
<br /> 3�_��per��j. -
<br /> VIi.
<br /> �,ub,�ec-� tc -���e �imitecl life estate p?'ov�.ded fox my �rife, anna �.
<br /> ; j j, z
<br /> s� _e s' 's an a a
<br /> 1 n a.ek in d ara ra h JI er�of T ive dev�. e d be ue th lI
<br /> � a � � � 9 . �
<br /> �h� �•��]. and ?�erscnal �re;aprty described therein �to my children, �aul
<br /> �;. ':t�� .�nsie�:., ;:a�I `�:•;. "'."el�_�nsiek and G�iI �'Gellen�iek Springer,
<br /> cr;L4�'_�.�r sl���� arU sha�e a1ike -�� have an� �o hcald forever.
<br /> 1tI I2.
<br /> .���Z' the r�s�, �r��i�u� �nd ���ma�nc�er cf my prcperty, ��al� per-
<br /> ��:-n��: c•�- :r�ixPc, o:: �-rr�ir;� s sh�.i..i. dA� seized anc� pc�ssessed and to
<br /> ����ic•�: Z a� �ntit�.Pd a-t th4 t�.r�e oi r�y �eafih, I give, dsvi�e and be-
<br /> c��a-��-�
<br /> �e �e ny �r�.fe, �nna 3. `��p�+llansi.ek� an undivided cne-half '
<br /> �h�,-ecf, �nd.
<br /> �. tc �y rhildxen, s aul .�. '�3�1'_�r�siek, ;arl �. t;'el:�ensiek and
<br /> �:�ail .fcl�Ansiv� Spxinger, t� each, an undivided cn�-sixth
<br /> t��rec�, -�o h�v� anc? tc hald �orev�r.
<br /> I�.
<br /> �n �11e even+ that m}T ��ife, �inna B, �6'e3lensiek, daes nat survive
<br /> r�L, tl�ien T giv�, c��vis� an� r�ec�ueath all the re5t, residue and re-
<br /> �ainde�~ of �ay ri����erty, real, ;�ersen�l er mixed, cf which I shall
<br /> �s.e s�rizec� an� p�ssessed and to which I am entitl.ed at the time c�
<br /> My death to �y chiidren, Paul S. 'a�del].ensiek, Karl �f, �'dellensisk, and
<br /> Lail ���e?IensieFc �;�_ri��ger, equal�.� sh�re and share alike to have and
<br /> tc, he�ld fore�,e?'� �
<br /> X.
<br /> Ir. the event that any of the said children named herein shall
<br /> die ,��_rz�r �� �y �eath leaving lawful issue him or her surv3ving,
<br /> sa�.a� �t�r� to include any legally adapted child cx childr�n e£ my son
<br /> k-'a�I S, :'��i�cnsiek, then such lawful. issue shail take the share and
<br /> ��crtian cf the �arent equally share and share alike.
<br /> �.n �he event that any cf said children shall die priar to my
<br /> death leaving no lawful issue him or her surviving, then the legacies
<br /> and b�nuests prc�vided for such deceas�d child �hall I.apse and the
<br /> ].egacy and bequest provided for said dec�ased child shall go to the
<br /> surviving children, or the living issue of any deceased child, as
<br /> ��c�vided herein.
<br /> ���
<br />