�our��r �� ����o��:
<br /> l. Th�st th� �i��l �epax� �nd I?�s�1�S.4n for Fir�a1 �ett].�me��
<br /> i s hersby agprc�ve� and a3.1nw�€t. -
<br /> 2. TYsa� the �ee�d��t d,�:ecl �e�t�:te, e, �e�tr��n� af Ha�ll County�
<br /> �1�b�"����a, �.nd 1��i eurv�iving a� kz�� scs3,� and or�l;� �Seirs�»����.��*,
<br /> 1�€s"�'���� and devi5ea�� h�s broth�r, t3��c� �S��er�, �nd th� p��t�o�� �nd
<br /> oa-�;�xni��a�:�oa�� r�amac� ira Para;�r��t� IZI ,��' g€��.d �1�3.1$ t�a��: �h� deeed���
<br /> �*�.� th� o�rn�� �i� thc� s•€��l t�ro�e�t�r deasarib�d ia2 P�r�grap� 3 sbave
<br /> ��d ��� �,��°�esrnl prapc�rt� d�scr�.b�d in sai�. Irs:re��4�y* �a�d �� th� Fin�I.
<br /> �?e�o��, �°:��.�� ti�r�3.n,
<br /> �. 'P�.a� b,� tk�e te�tt� Q�' ��,�d Wi�a., ttz� ittcrs�� from �.13. �r:
<br /> i�� ���•.,*��:�ty s��' t}i� �3e�a�i��G ;F;ay be:��z��t�sc3 tc� th� sa�� Ot�� �gg�x�s
<br /> �ius°.�z.� :.:t.i9 .1i7��3�4 �:�1 t:�s.� upc:� i�i� e}�at2� , ��i� �rop�:r�y* wm� t� b�
<br /> ec��.c; F�;a�3 th� r��t g�rQc�ed� there#'ro� div3.c��d a�on�; t�� ���$esn� �,n�
<br /> or��,��.zatic::ss z�z�,m�� in �r�i� P�r��r�.p� III9 �L;��� a�'��� t�� �'� l<n� t��'
<br /> �aiu �.�.n�.:� .3�p�rt ��,re3� '�g� s�id rx�ct�tora � t�. J. C�:�:a$n�hs,�b Jr. �
<br /> ���� �'%t�= 'v��8�z'�$ �h� ssid Ottv ��*��r� �s�c3 c��, th� 21�� r�a,-� cr# Janu�rYg
<br /> ?.'��i�� ar�d th&t a� r�ceipt has been f�l�d o�a bek:a3.f t��' �r�f�. �tto E��;er��
<br /> �.�:kr�c��x.e���.iz� re�:ei.t�t of a].1 the ineame bequE��h t� r�i�.
<br /> �. Tt��a� aaZ ci�.imW f31ed ���inst h�.i� �ste,�e 1�e.ve u•��F, y�ai�
<br /> a��. �r C�r��� ��,��.er.ed ba:rrin�; fur�her cl�ir�� ; t��,�. alm e��«��s�� vf 1�;st
<br /> ill�ie.=.s , f'uneral ex�.:en�e�, taxes and costs of �dueini�atr�xtir,n �a�v� b��n
<br /> p�'�ci �a.nd b ecei,�t filr>�..
<br /> 5. ���h�.t in �ccordance with the terr�� of saic. 41f l.i.� �,�Z �f
<br /> t�se u�c:���j;.�Y.°c° s p�a�4�°v;,- sP-io�1v �� $nd her�by 3� �.��:i�n��i �r;d, ��� a�er
<br /> "�t� �. T. C"nrit:.��en:;, ,Tr. � �,, Tr�.:;t�e �f saie Est�a+c �'c�r thc t��� �n�
<br /> ���'%���ev ���� �'or�ti: i.n s�id t�.;.�1, th�t smid. Exec�:�ore h�a-� �ti.co��:n���3 �or
<br /> a:�i �f' thq �;r��,erty c�f �.ecedent �nd th�t u�on t'r,e iilfn� �#' rece�p�� t��r
<br /> th� ncmi��,�eri Tr�.x�te� of said Trust F�st��� $ aeknc�w3.�ci�in� "r�cei��t pfi
<br /> the �,�se�:� ir: fialy�, �nat I's. J� Cur�tt�iz�,haz�� Jb. g aoi� �u�°vivi�� l�;xee�taa°
<br /> �ha3l. �e di�el��r��� a�ad rsZieved oP hi.�s tra�t �.�,cl hi� b4ud�ana�a r�1.�e,��r�
<br /> ;,: . . ;; ;
<br /> fr��.•�:Ya'y'�r�.�:� ,�,�I further li+�bili�y.
<br /> _ , �
<br /> ' - �ounty �ud��
<br /> /��
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