I?� T.?�' CQUP;TY ����zJ:tT :��, �?.��L C ��It�;TY, ��;E:�:t,1S�C�
<br /> .»..�__---�_--�---------------._...___-_--
<br /> Zn tho Z�«ttar of t:ie F�state of , r'Ii.t1L �r;CRL�
<br /> LAiIiK'� ;._�SC?I�, ��ce�sed. .
<br /> June I5, ?95Zi� this mattar came o.; �'or iiearixig upon t`_-<e iinal x��rort anct
<br /> aeeuLnt �nc? :,'��e a.,:��licatir,n fer �inal settlement �f aecoint of �s ie i:,xeeutor, ar:c�
<br /> for a Dc�e��ee �� _.ei.rs'�ip i_ereir;, ar-d due ard l�gal notice of _ie?rine 'ri�vi:�,sl �eer�
<br /> given as l��ovided �y Izca, ar,d the court ;>eir_:� fulizr acivised on the prc�,9.ses, .
<br /> �i.r.ds:
<br /> 1. T:�:�t t�e �;xecutor has not '�a� ar,y Ters�nal -�r�nerty come ir�to his 'i-.ar.ds
<br /> far the rr;aso� tiiGt 4rer� ��*as no pars�naZ pror�rt�� in the estate other tivan some
<br /> nominal iter;s oF household �:oads ai:d f�zrniture. Tl:at tne do�is ai�d clair:�s allawed
<br /> in ths cos�.,s anci o:��er:ses of administra+.ion na�re been paid ��y Llanc;�e u. �deecler,
<br /> s�le ret:e�'iciar4r uz�d.er �he Last �:�ill �r.� !est-:r:ent oi t�e dece�sed.
<br /> 2, T?�3t '��xta� znheritance ta�: �ue cne ��ate ol :.ebr�::=k� iro�n an« oi
<br /> the ^eirs, c?etTisees or Zexatees of 1�e �ecea�e:ly, ra� b�F�rdL.?.�T �;etrr-.;ir,td uria
<br /> n�id �� e vic3ence� bv reeeipt on�ile hG rein.
<br /> 3. l:zat t:�ere is nc cast� lei� ir: the nands oi :iie iX@CiiLJi�, . ..<� ti�,a �=cec..t�r
<br /> does ':�ave •::r.licsuica�ed �ersonal �ro�er+„y cor:sisiir� of ��o�,�sek�iold ��oo:::� -�;,d �u�•r;�-
<br /> �ure.
<br /> 1�. �}i:t Laura �asc_no, disd te�t�:q, � s•esiden�c, of j:all '�:oun�y, �;eoraska, on
<br /> t�ie 28th d2;� ;,�' �>��;ust� 19b3� arci leit• a� :�er ,so�:e s,;ci or�l,yr l.airs 4., 'tv,: ��.e :'ollow-
<br /> in� na�ed �ersc�sy to wit:
<br /> Iva �t��dr�a�, �ister, fi�e le��l, :o�c t�l?�: rit. ;�Z, Al�an,y, Ore�;or
<br /> Livtr� c�ildren of i��arti.n Stutzmar,� dec�ased �r��her o� t't�e c�ecF3s��, -riz:
<br /> ev?_via �lur.dy niees, A,�e le�al� �t. �1, Cad�o i��il?s, ��'e�=�s
<br /> i:rs. J..�. �oan, niece, l��e I.e�al, i22� E, bth Ave., Twin ��ails, Icivno
<br /> Gr rI �tutz�an� ne�;he�+� �r�e l_����5 T�air_ M�a11s� Iu�aho
<br /> I,zvin�; ch�,lc�re� of F�az� �tut�m�n� deceased t�ro�ther of t?-:e dece��ed, vi�:
<br /> I�rs. ��ro1d �ci�weit�eri nieees A�e legal, Cairo� ivebrzska
<br /> '�rs. J,'^�. Tpi4n�eri n?ece, A�e le�-��, �tar ro��te, Detroit La�es, I�irresota
<br /> 1�rs, ��:T,I. Kin�i niece�, A�e 2eo�l� Star route� D�troit Lalcesi ,iinz��sota
<br /> ��rs. �'zr� �r�, nieces A�;e I.e�;al, �r�2ne� Minnesota
<br /> ?udq �tutz�an,� nephew�, A�� le�ali �as�l�ton, Nortl3 �a'�ota
<br /> Livin�; ch�Z�ren of' �3.nnie �Iou�sr* de��ased sistsr af ttie deceaseci= viz s
<br /> J�y Nouser� ne�hew� A�e legal, �t. r�`I, i�il.er, Ida:�.o
<br /> i�`�ll�c*e �ouser� �ephew� Age lag�l, addxe�ss unknown
<br /> Li�in� ehild o� Lou Erba de�eased brother o.f -the deceased' vias
<br /> Fc�ra�st .Erb�, ne�hesa by ad�sptian, �4�8 le���.� ac3.��ess: un}cnn��,
<br /> �. �'�at the sa4c? I,.�ur� ��scho d�e� ,�ei�ed o#' the fo3.lo�rin� c�escribed real
<br /> e�tat�� to wi�s I�cyrth h�lf o� lot n�.r�e {9)* �13. caf Iot ten (lq), and the soath
<br /> . �
<br />��,a; :__ _: -�e .. _ ,
<br /> �
<br />