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�! <br /> __. _, �_.. . , ,.�. ,� ,. .. <br /> - . ,x... .. . . _. . .. .... =.'.a.. . �_' . ,^ . yv. .� ...�-, -.:u;,. n..».d... ..,. . .: ...y:.-,;. <br /> sy�w' <br /> �;t a S��sian af �t�►e County �ouz�t �eld �n the Cou ty Co .t t�oom <br /> in Grand I�l�r�r�, in �ai�1 Cour�ty, c�� th� �„_,.,,,�ay pf ' .�. <br /> 1��i,'s..�,,,_• <br /> �'reser�t Charies Bosssrt, County Jaadc�e <br /> �n the t�att�r af the Est�►te of <br /> .•zu�u�ta 3. L�chnex, De�ea�ed <br /> I, �harles �osser�, Jtadge r�f the Cou��y Gourt in an f�r said <br /> +��unty, r�c� hereby �erti�y th�t on the � day of � i9L �� <br /> �he instru��n$ purpc�rtir�g tc� be the l�s w 11 and testament �f <br /> F�:ugu�ta ,;. Lect,�ier, �ece� ed w s fil.ed far prz�bate in this Court. <br /> Th�t �n the i �� d�y c�£-�� 195„�, said instzument t� wrhic� <br /> tz�is c�rtificat�-3.s att�che tar�s duly pr�ved, �robated and all�wed as <br /> th� last �iI1. a�d testa�ent af th� real and persanal estate of sair3 <br /> :�b.;gusta J. Lechner. deceaset�. and the same was �rdered t� be rec�rded <br /> in the recards of �he Cae�rt a€uresaid. <br /> IY� '1�ITf3;e�� �t�M�R�G�, I have h�reuntfl s t my and and aff�:xed t�je <br /> s��l �af the C�un�,y Gourt, this i i�. day of���!��h�,19a3 . <br /> �har2es E3ossert, C�unty 3ud���'' <br /> 5�:��. <br /> ara€� sai� Jeanette �ti�es was appc�inted sole executrix upon furnishing <br /> bc�nd ds �rd�red by the �aurt, which b�n� avas sn fc�rnistzeci and appr�ved, <br /> the �r��ar'C zurth�:� firads that =.ugust� 3. Lechner, at the time of her <br /> de�th, 3�ft h�r surviving as her 5ole heirs-at-iaw the fellovuing <br /> �ers�sns: �:°�.11.3:am "Lechner, husband, Jeanette Stites, dauahter, k:'illiam <br /> Leehner, 3r., sc�n, B�tty Stroh, daughter, Ted Lechner, son, and L�raine <br /> �.'�avcr, da��hter. The �c�urt further finds tteat within the ti�re r�- <br /> quixe� �y �t��ute and accarding to statut�, the saia �;lilliam Lechner, <br /> h�asbartd �f said d�ceased, fi�,ed hig renuncfation in this cause �vher�by <br /> i�e r�n��€nced th� provisic�ns masle far him by his said wi£e in ner will <br /> �nd �lee�ed t� �ake his statutory fl ne-third share �f th� assets �f <br /> ti��.s estate. <br /> F�tJRTH <br /> The �Q�rt fc�r�h�r fi�ds that c►n the 11th day of Uece�►ber, 1953, <br /> �n �r��r c�f this �c�urt �was made all� creditors until. �he ��h day <br /> �f :��Sril, 1�64, witha�in �hich tv �3�Is cl�i�ns ag�inst this estate, and <br /> �13c��inq ��►�.c� �x�cutrix one ye�r within vuhi�h t� settle s�aid +��tate, <br /> ar�d �ur��aer ��dering tD�a�t r�tice tc� creditors be publish�d as by law <br /> r+�q�aire�#, and �hat � h�arir�g e►n cl�im� filed ag�inst s�id estate would <br /> �e h�ld at the €r�fic� �£ th� Cnunty Judge �f Ha11 �aunty. N�hra�ka, <br /> �n �p��.� �, �96�* �t 9st�� �a�c3,�ck a,m:. and �.� �pp��►r� by pr�af �n file <br /> ��0 <br />