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<br /> interest, CCD
<br /> said right to be limited to an ux�8iaided one-haif/, in case my wife, Carrie I.
<br /> Gaagw38h, survive� me� othe�sia�e for ti� full quart�r, at any tia�e within one
<br /> year after �he ciafie of t�y death.
<br /> IV, I furth�r direct that my exeeutor have the right to sell and conver# into
<br /> cash ai1 of my personal p�roperty, flf whatever kis�: ar� w�i�erever si�uateci, by any
<br /> means c°�esi1;Tnert �o r.�3.se the maxic�sum amount of monEy e�hich, in his jLrlgmPnt� e�ii�h
<br /> the approvai ofr the Qrobate court, he deer.� advisable. T furthez direct that
<br /> shuu2d �y of the c�p�taon� to �urchase= abave granted to my four aaid saris, be
<br /> refusect tsy s�i�� sons, that my exeeufor be pexmittec� to sell any of the above larr_?
<br /> by a. means best ��signed at the ta.ce� to raise tlze t;�xic:aim arsounf for ti�e es�ate,
<br /> anct ca+ith the apprcnral. of the probate court.
<br /> V. I �ive ta my faur sons, Lelarx� C. Gan�visli, i-,endell J. Gangv�ish, �wight RS.
<br /> G�n�va�.8h and Car�. Gangwish, Jr., fhe option to purctiase equal shares of' a14 oi e:ry
<br /> stock ard ownership iz� fihe corporatior� imaMm as i;�c ���;;wzsti Farra an� Grain, �nc. ,
<br /> a NebraBka c�r�ora�ion, accordin� to tl�e teru-�s oi a s�ockliolc:�.rs' a�ree�ne��t,
<br /> V'I. If I s.�oulci, subsequent to the execution o� #his t'dill, purchase or erect
<br /> a kiauae anc� oum zt, in e�hich aty daughter, CfirisLaa3a [fnc�exevooc?, �e actually resic32nt
<br /> and a tenant thereaf� that saict house shall be appraised and its value consax?e.rec[
<br /> in my entire estate� F�ut that thepro�erty be set off, assi�ned and nrante�l f:o r,�y
<br /> daughter, Chri,atine Uncler�yooci, for th� term of t�er liie witll rPmainder to her
<br /> ehik3ren, sh�re anci ghare alike, anct that the valup as a�praiseci be chargeci against
<br /> her d�tribu�ive Share of m�► estate, If I have, �rior to my death, deecled any such
<br /> house to T�r. the co$t of said property to �me sha11 be ehar�;ed to the sh�.re of
<br /> Chri�ti.t�e Underwoai irt the general distributicm. �
<br /> VII. If my wif�, Carrie I. GaregNi�h* �urvfves �e, I give her ail r#.ght anc? title I
<br /> i
<br /> itt a�r! �Q snp oil interest� whieh I �ay own at tl�e �ime of tny death. If my wife, I
<br /> Catrie I. Gan{�,ristt, doe� �ot 8urviue �e, then I give, deviee arxl bequeath said
<br /> right� ansl in#erest into 031, as follo�rs: an u�;iv�lcc= interest in an oil lease
<br /> 3n the aE� vf Sect3.€m 20, Te�+wn�hip 12 3outh, Rartge 1? 1Jest of the 6th P.hl, in
<br /> F213�B Ct�tt�stp� 1G�s�, tcr tl�ntral Bap#,ist 2heolo�icai Seminaxy in I;.ansas CitYe
<br /> K�ffiasi $nd an undiv�ded intere8t in an oil leaec in tt3e S6�t� o€ Seetion S, iown—
<br /> 8�ip 4 Ntsrttt� Ran#e 34 �leltt ttf the 6th P.M. in 1�ed i�illow Caunty� riebxa�ka, to
<br /> the Gib€iott SBtptiBt Chux�Y1 iu Gitabon, N�brask�.
<br /> Y�II. I d�ee� �C�� my e�cu�EQr„ frta� alE ax�niee deriver3 by hiu�. from aai�s and
<br /> Iic�u3�l�,tf€a� �sf say ��a�e its ab�ve @�scr�:bed, first paq ai2 of the d�6t� of �y
<br /> Dorotha W, Wimberle Carl C, Gan ish
<br /> .
<br /> . , � ,..r..�............fi ,
<br /> � FILED MAR 19 1963 �
<br /> Richard A. Dier HARVEY M. WI�SOrI ;
<br /> _ _:_�. _ �:
<br /> . County �udge ��.� ,
<br /> _ . �_: _ _ �
<br />