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VI. <br /> I hereby name, r,omin3te and appoint Dick Valonis of Grand <br /> Island, Nebraska, as Executor of this �ny Last �ill and Testament, <br /> IF for an� reascn -n; Brother, Dick `daioriis, is unak�le to act <br /> as Executor, then and in that event I na,me no:ninate and a <br /> ' � ppoint, <br /> �• E. �ronin oF Grand Isiand, Nebraska, <br /> as nis successor. <br /> VII. <br /> I direct and provide that my Execu�or shall have full power <br /> and authoxitl in ::is discretic;:� tc do any and all thinc�s necessary <br /> fcr the complete, t rornpt anq eC�,���ical administra�ior� of rny <br /> es±ate incluciing the powPr to se�I at ��iblic or nrivate sale and <br /> wirhout the or order o� any ,curt bein; requi��ed there- <br /> fore, any real cr perscnal rc ? . � � . <br /> P p rtr �e�onning to my �sta�e except <br /> the pro�ert,r cies�ribe�i i.r sub-�+arayrarh 3 of Paragraph IV heret�� <br /> . <br /> �nless tl�e same ber_omes a paz � of :�y resicivary estate, a.nd t� <br /> execute and daiiver �eed4, conve•y�a.nces ;= <br /> _ , :oills o_ sale c,r otller <br /> I wri*in•.�s :i�c�ssarc- ��, .,ass :'rcper :.itle *heretc . <br /> - I ai s�� cii re.^ 't- <br /> and -�rovice t113� -ny :,xe�,�tor sha11 have iuil power and �ttthorztv <br /> to comPc•a:ua, c�.;� romise -� <br /> � anu se�tle and aajust ar.v and a11 clai�ns, <br /> rlerts ar.a �e:,�nds in ±=avor o� cr ac�az;;s� r<<r estxte, aa :ully as <br /> I cculd �.�_ if �ivi:� 7. <br /> 7n �he event t:�,a: n�ither c; rn,� r�amed <br /> Executors are rot ac�in.:; as �,� EYec��tor t�:e_i and �- � <br /> - + in ��a_ ev�rt. <br /> I airect tha� �.i�e �cwers t�erein �r:,-���ci s'r;ai? extend +o .ar,y person <br /> or corper�ticn w:,;o ,n:3v �e na�;e::i �s aci:r:; :�ist ca�c,r wi+;1 th� wiii <br /> annere� c�` r,:y esta�e. <br /> '�IIII. <br /> I expressl f cc��ser.t t�a� ar,,r at�orne}- or a+tornevs ��its;i'.�Pd <br /> bY �re, re:�aTding +j12 draftina ci- �er*ns of +his instrurn�nt mav <br /> �6Stliy d8 +C� dllir .:�t��17t1C3�1� Lv.11Cii I �ad Wli�"L �;liri GY' '-ngtllo <br /> dT1Ci CCI:CC'rIl1I1� :IlJ 3i 2'd178� dZ1t1 dS �p irij� iRE'P.+dl capacity dt <br /> such tirnes and as �e an�- and all �;;�s�:rva� ions, facts or circuicstances <br /> connected therewit'.1 . It is my intenlion te� and I hereb;� waive, <br /> any ar:d ail riq��s ana objections which :nia�,r be �sgerted <br /> � /.%� � � � z-�. ��+ ��l 2�-, <br />- -, �J^ ' J.�� <br />