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<br /> �n3 a� ��cc�unt c��.' the c3eath flf �ai�. �.���a;;�;�.
<br /> 3 s �'h�u �ic�isr� �:. ��sBack�x�, Cc�ar�ty �t�c�r�e� c�z H�ai�. ���taz��., fr
<br /> P���ir����, �ar� �nt�recl �nd �il��i ta�r�:�sl � .,t i; ��_�.t,�.r�n x"4� �r � .:.r;
<br /> b��i�tlf ��' tkce Cour��y of �{�11 a��i :;t���e� ad' ,'�e�,r�:�'r,a �.nci :�a:, s
<br /> _,.� �� . _ .
<br /> �that t�a� �leSr �ark�t v�l�a� af the �ra;���t;y �u�.�c��z b�c? :F.n �i��. 'xx�. -='.�
<br /> .�c�r ?;�tez��an�;t,it�r. o:a' ir��:rit�n�� 'k�;c :i.;� Qf the v�I�� a::t :���z; 4'�:.s°,:.°
<br /> ,;:.r-i ��i.� T'�tf.t,it��z, �'a� ir?;�^r�.;��.:.� W�,�� t:��r;1r�:;,��.
<br /> 4. �'hat� the �our1: �a..-��ia; ::�Z��; �,f:� ��ly: �r��:�z•�.;. ��n .-�� ;<,.;
<br /> ,
<br /> ���.a �',�il �'. �`h�1�r�, at�eea���, ��-�1-i�z7 th� .s��.t� e�� �:�:���a�t1�, �r�:;
<br /> t'rze r+�al e�tat� de�crib�d i� �n� ���;�.t��,� for ��te�-r;ir.�,ti�n ��'
<br /> �n�eri��rtes �'ax z'ile� h�r�in., a�aa �.'?�t t�� r�� , ,.ti�:�.�f� 1.����u�:_����;; ,.
<br /> �,�5� P€;ti��.at� for �.�e�ermir;aLivr. af" Tt:�erizar,ce �:'ra� ;'i��.�� :;,,,rF;-_;�„
<br /> ��3 awned �oir.t,l.y �;� � , �,
<br /> U .+ _r �'rt� � ��,���� :'e d,it:+ff�t� .a�..'S�:f�.�L�..:�a�_i q.F ..
<br /> �4 .' .. .. ._. . . . .d
<br /> i`�:�1�n, tli:x ,urviv3.z� ��au�e �nca �rido�r, �.� ,;�.�r�L �.�:�arit� �r::,; �:r,�,
<br /> �� t�.°�ar��;� ir� cor�non, �aand t�i�� �.t:� :;�ur� ,��t,�z-��.�.z���� t�nr, �l��r� :�: ,
<br /> YEt�.tl$a. C3f `ti+TL2E,"FI �"w+Ct{.��,I��,'`1'r) i.#��'xC.E ��lf�.' V'�l,.'i.'�.f&� ��'i7` i.T�'!1t>I':x.t.�Ei",i�.;.t� '.a4.T+". �'L , _.
<br /> ;:.,,.,
<br /> �� fa 3.�Ow� ;
<br /> �&►y t^h� I��orthe�►��. �;t�art,�r (�y;�z.� a� .:��c�.,ic�r: :'}�i��:.w� (ja:;
<br /> in �'�wn�hip ��Iev�n (I�.) PTorLki, x��.����� �::;.r.:r`c�, '1.1
<br /> ����� t��' tt�e �ith i�.l�. irt �IaII Cc�c.�.nt1�, "'f kara��-.�i ; �
<br /> caee�s- rnsr;�st val.u� �t. �a'�L o:' t�:ti:c°��z;�t.;�= :.
<br /> de��Gh �f` y;350.�G per �cre or � tot��� c:l r:ax•
<br /> c��ar2:et v€t3u� at c�ate Qf ��������f� ���4 : ��: _a �,y.
<br /> y E_�_ ,tt,C
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<br /> 5, �hat b rea�an c�f' +,Y�e �,��.:� �Y�L a��� �� J. .--._.�._.�_.._�_,�_
<br /> <. ,.;E �<:i• _
<br /> �savri�d by �8atd �i1 �. �'hel�rt, ds�.e85eu, a;. �r;�- tira�� �; t�w � ;.,:4,ux;,;, ,
<br /> w��.th�n t�he :�tate c�f T�ebr��ka, wa� ca�n�ra az�� iz�3� �,} f.i;, �r��
<br /> ��+.��� t��aet1��+ �t�;d z�ot �t� 't��cnt� in c�tr�u�on �at,�� :�r�r:+� s�, �_�,s:����,}
<br /> his �u�r�r�.ving �pou�� �d Ki.s3aw, t���r� �.� r�o n��s�. al ar,d s�`;��r�,�
<br /> ��.�d. b+� r�o pr�b�te �f h�� e,��.a�,e� �xi 4�€ :�u�.�� a� <r��r�;�; a.
<br /> �. Th�t� z��a� �ec��s�d, :��1� �. '�"h�le:., di� sxet , �u�<��F:� :��_.;
<br /> �.3,f�'�it�t�, �t�t�ve�� �r�Y F�"a�rL� ia tru;�t or otri�rwL�� :�n �t3:���:jb:,�:��?.�c.�n
<br /> of d�8th ar 3nt�nded �o t�►ke effec� in ��►a,���;�ivn ax� �njqyg��r.•�: �.fi°t,�j
<br /> de�t�, as�d n�itt��r Lh� Pe�iti�n�r, nor �ny other per��s�, t��car;�
<br /> e��.��lec� �c� �nY ��T���Y �ituated 3n the �t�±.� n� ��+�br�,��:� ��� x���.>c�n
<br /> �f t�e d�eth of` ��i� d+��ta�sd, ex��pt for t,h�; ,j�int�ly �swrxed �a�vp�rty
<br /> til���r�.�� a��r�, €��rrt�� i�y dec�,��d �ti Y��.,� �u��ivin� �ic3cr�� Tr�ne
<br /> �:. `�#�8��'it iG9 ,���7,�� ���§t!'3'�8� 4�d T2P3� ii� �p3�1�.1'1Lti :in CC3�t�ti.
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