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<br /> '� � �I��.�, ��� s��� P�ul Anc��rson died seized and possessed
<br /> �ric�'`wa� �';����t+a�:���irsi���� simgle iri his individual capaeity. of the
<br /> �fQ����n:�iig �e��r�� �d ��.1 estate; to-wit:
<br /> � k �
<br /> � �' � : ��
<br /> ��`�E� a�,cT ��,e '�2�T�y�, o�% 'Section.�2, :Township 17 North Range 10,
<br /> ��We�t o� t���'�i��`h� F: :Nt,. , in Greeley County,' Nebraska.
<br /> iW2S��il� of S°ect�.or�K�t3J�, :Township 12, North, Ra.nge 12, West of the
<br /> �Six#�� P' M,�;; lr� '�all_-`County, Nebra:ska.
<br /> j T�.at tlie title to the f'ollowing described real estate
<br /> was ve.sted �iri Pau1 Arid.erson aiid Ella Anderson, as joint tenants
<br /> a.�id not as tenants iri common, ;at tl�e time of the death of said
<br /> -d;e;eedent,- to-wit;.:
<br /> -E2NW�, and �he W�NE�; of se.etion 32; Township 17 No�th, Range 10,
<br /> West� of t�e S'i-x�h- P.. :NF:; in, Greeley' County, Nebraska.
<br /> That at the tirne of the death of said decedent, he
<br /> ov�rned certain. personal proerty consisting of livestock and
<br /> �nachinery, an.d that all of said items as listed in the inventory
<br /> �should be assigned and distributed to Ella Anderson, sole devisee
<br /> and legatee iznder the will of said decedent in accordance with
<br /> paragraph Second` of said Wil1:
<br /> That all of the above real estate individually owned
<br /> should be assigned and distributed to Ella Anderson in accordance
<br /> with paragraph Second of said will:
<br /> That on December 16,' 1963, the Court entered an order
<br /> as-sessing and determing the in.heritance tax against the share and
<br /> iriterest of' the ben:efi-ciary, Ella Anderson, in said estate, and `
<br /> that said inheritance tax:which was levied and assessed against
<br /> her distributive share in the :sum of �34�.00 has been paid to
<br /> Greeley and Hal1 Counti�s:; Nebraska, in accordance with their
<br /> respective sha�es,. an.d receipts filed theref'or.
<br /> That said estate is not subject to the payment of a
<br /> Federal estate tax for the' reason that the gross value of said
<br /> es�ate amounts to the sum of $1��,231�.26, and is less than the
<br /> �xemptions provided by law.
<br /> That said executrix waived her right to an allowance for
<br /> her services rendered; that the court costs have been paid and
<br /> that the al3awan.ce made to E. A. Ondracek, the attorney for said
<br /> estate, has' been' paid.
<br /> � That the final account of said executrix be, and the
<br /> sa�e Yiereby is, _approved �.nd allowe'd.
<br /> Z`hat� the personal property, not jointly owned, should be
<br /> , as,signed an.da dis���.buted -�o Ella Anderson in accordance with the
<br /> ��.�st TiVill an�T ���s��tt�e�t caf' s�.�ci decedent.
<br /> � _
<br /> _ �hat thc �r�a� estate;individualy owned, should be
<br /> ��ss��ried �r�d d�stri�uted� to E1:1�. Anderson in- accbrdance with the
<br /> - �`�z�� of saicl d.��:edeii�;_
<br />� � �� �� �T '�hat '-��ie above=named. persons be, and th,ey hereby are,
<br /> � � �
<br />��� � ' ��dg�d an.d decreed to be the;= so�.e and only heirs at law and next
<br />�-��� .� �r��t 4�` �-a3�i d���de�t.�
<br />������:�� � �, � ����
<br /> 4 ��� � : � E� � T���� " filing receipts, her�in showing payment of the
<br /> ���s t�� a�t�ri�, �_: ��yon, saic� ,��ecutri�:b.e discharged, her letters
<br />,� � �`���,��i� '��� �, and':nex` :���ic� :filed: herein cancelled and
<br /> � � �,��
<br /> �����}���,`���{� B�.THE COURT: ,
<br /> � w - „g}�� � f� ; �. . . . _.
<br /> �& .
<br /> ��.�� ;� �� _� � � ���se L. Scott, Juclge.
<br /> - ���: �. � �,,� ` ��- �
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<br /> �Y` ,r�`r�,•,--,r s -� �..^�- �.�r� �: . . ���.
<br /> �� �� 37p
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