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i <br /> . ��� <br /> 1'.LF 171 <br /> The Court �'urther �inds that on the 2qth day� of July, i;63, Gre-�tE �. Sippl.e <br /> �and EY�r1$� S�.�t�1e� Co-exeeutors, �ile� in this eourt their inventor.y o�, tne <br /> �ssets of this'es-�atP, wit1� a eopy therecrf for the County �ssessor o� iiall C•ounts, <br /> P3ebr�ska, �na ti�t aceor�in� �o s�33.d ir►venter�� said deceased died sei�e� �nd <br /> posse�sed ��' the t ol].owin� described prq�ertp, to-�ait: <br /> I,ot F�.ve (�), i.n �lock Two (2)� in Gilbert�s Second Addition <br /> tc the Git�r � Grand Island� IIall Count�r, tlebraska, <br /> Ttems os persona�. �roaerty speeifically described in thE <br /> irrve�tc�r�r. <br /> 5ZATH <br /> T�:s Caurt iurther �'in�s t�t on t,he 22nd aay o? �lovecober, LC3, �rI oraer oS' -tisis <br /> Court �rae mad� b�rrir_�; an,y clait�s not heretolore l�.Z�C�y a�d find_in;.; '.�.hct l�o c3.u�:.c,�s <br /> hav� been iiled a�a;snst tYYis �stave. <br /> ���Pr�3TE <br /> T�e Ccurt �ur�.��er ii?�ciu tnst no �en�iicia�°y saic� �ri�l, r.or surviv�.n; jo:�.r:t <br /> t�n�c�t, r�ceiv�c� r�ra;;ertu• a.n excess or suc� '�ene�3.ciar;;�s �r �u�aiv--Yn:�; joint -�era.n��� <br /> e::ec.�rt?ons un��r tne :,e'�r�sl:a itLheritanc� t�:_x� and that 1�:ere is no a?e�rF:41ca =t��:eri-- <br /> tance t� due or owi.�� }ierein. 'i'hat ther� is also no ?•?ebras��a �:st�t:.> �u:,, nor �ec�-� <br /> er�l �st�� ta�s due or oRain�; herein. <br /> _;IG?.�it�� <br /> TY�e eourt find:s t�i�t CO�l�a^ o� al? �ublisheci ?e;�:�I. notiees have b��n se�i to ai� <br /> i�ter�,�tecl p�+rtie� duryn�; the adrlinistr�tion o�' th�� estate as b�T 1a•P; requ�re�'., �nc. <br /> ��a� a�ficzav�.t� pex�tairs�.�z� 'ther�to ar� ot� file ±��rein; that c�rt�.iic���s �'-�o�;�:��z: <br /> ��'r+�ent os a��. �ersQn�t� ta�ce�, ir.e�udin� �he 1�£3 pers�n�l t�x, have b�er� �iled <br /> �erein by t�?e County A.s�s�ss�o� at2d �he Gount� Treasurer af �Iall Courity, Ale�x�.�l�a. <br /> ��� <br /> T�e cc��t fcart,har �'i.r�dsc �l�t al�. �e�sonal }aroper�y of th.i� est�te has ��en <br /> 1.�.qui�i�.t�d and app�.3.ed �c►t�ard �h� e�ense�� o� t�e bt�rial bi21 of said ��ceas�d� and <br /> to�ard � �a�rat cr� attt�x�ney�t �ees �nd couz"t ec��t�. Tha� ��Y�� funer�l �il�, <br /> a�torr�e�# �ees �nd cv�� cos'�� �ere in ��c�€�� o� tY�e tQtal w��.ue of all persor�'Z <br /> �r�erty �an�d by ��d: d��e�sed �ne� �1�z�, p�ar�u�nt t� ths �1i11 0�' �aie dece�se�, <br /> Gret�� �. �ippl� ��ir�n�ed �cis suf�.cie�� #.o p� t'�s ea�c�s� o� �th� �un��.al b3.1�, <br /> at�ar�aey�s; �ee� an� cc�rt co��s ave� �� �b�s ��.h.e amc�ar� paid ��t of this �state� ' <br /> a�xd �t sh� �kes r�o c�� ��;�.��t �hi� e��a-�e there�or; th�t fi�h� Go-e�eeu�ors � <br /> ��iaec� �r� executor �ee �r,d th�t t3� x�a1 ��t��e desc�.b�ci in �'a����r€�p� �i..�'t� u�ove <br /> w�s th� ��e��ead �f ��3� d.�ce+��d. �nd �r�t�a �. S3,�p',�e� ��td t3r.a� sh� is �rrti�t�d � <br /> ,� 7 � <br />