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-b- <br /> SEV}�::�TTH <br /> T�ie Court �inds t��at pursaant t�o the �rovisions o� said dece�sed, Allen V. <br /> i;acaenfelut �2s z�antec? a first ri�ht of purehase as to the East Fia1.f of the �ast <br /> Iialf of Sectifln 28, Tcn�nship 13 i,.an�e Z1 in I-�ae;ar� Coant�, P�e�r�s�:a, at a xrrice <br /> aetex°m�..ns� U� appr�3.sers appointed 'ay this court. Tizat �ursuar�t to tr�e prot*isioris <br /> o= sai� ��i11 and Codici�.s pertainin;. to such first ri;.'r_t o-�' nurcl-_ase, ti�e co�•i; <br /> �p�aznte;c't appr�isers� �ucA1 appr�isers ine�e their appreisal a� to ti�e iuir r,�:r:_c:�, <br /> value o� saic� prapert,y as of �Say 5, 19�3; that such a?�praisal fi�,ure �r�3 ir_ t.�e <br /> amount of -�'1�'73�.009 trat �ursuant to the provisior�s ior maki�� an election to <br /> so �ure��se said real es'tate, AZlen V. Hadenfelct �iled hi5 election to purcias� <br /> tt_e sa;�e and. the Co-exeeutors �old said real estate to Alleri 1. I�ad�n�eldt f'or t�-:e <br /> sum oi �''1�,73�.� Gn� �e�ivered tI�eir �cecui,orst llee� to �11ett V. I3ader.ieldt and <br /> accounteci for saic. purch�se monie� in the final re�ort �ileci he��ein. TAlt: Court <br /> fur-trer finds tl�at �ursu�t�t to the aut'�.ority �ranted said Co-executors to sell <br /> re�l estate, tl��at they held a pub7ic auction and �t 5uch public auction sold Lots <br /> 1 uncl 2, ir. 31t�ck: 3, F'ifth f�ddition to Cairo, Hsll County, A�ebraska 'to Sophie <br /> �irnms for a t�et sale price o�' ;�}.t�16�,98 srid said Co-executor�, by an �xecutors� <br /> De�d, conveyed said last �ntiaied � to said purchaser anu the Co-exEcutors <br /> 12ave accounted in f,heir final report for the sale �rice o� said last �ieirt•ionEd <br /> real estate, That �eeord�.n� to tk?e provisions of the t�,ill of said c�eceasea, ��iildreu <br /> �?aaer_�elc�t Jacobsen has received such item,� of �ewelxy� furniture, pictures, china, <br /> linens, quilt�, nlankets and all such oth�r household furnist�in�;s as sl_� c':�ose to <br /> take and the h�lance of said items and household furnit,ure wer� sold accordint; to <br /> the prov�isions o� the �dill of sa��.d deceased9 and the proceeda theref'rom accounted <br /> �or in said finaZ x�:por't. <br /> �;I(�iT�i <br /> The C€�ur�L furt�ier �incis that there was no 1Vebr�sk� ir�herit�nee ta:c ciue or owin,; <br /> in �t+his cause b3r �n,y benefici�ry tznder the will .o� �ai� dece��ed and that there is <br /> no Nehrask� s�ta�o 'tax nor Fed�ral es��te t� due or owin� herein. <br /> A�IAtTT�ii <br /> The Caurt further f7�.nci� the� capies of �11 publ:ished le�al. not3ces have been sent <br /> �o al.l it�ereated p�rt3es e3tiaring the �8rfl3.n3str�ti€�n of ttii� estat� as by 1aw require�; <br /> �nd that �ff�.d�avits p�rt�i.nir�� tl��eto are an fYle h�°ein; that certificate� �I�,owin� <br /> pagment af a11 pers�na� taXess inc].�c9�,n� th� LJ63 �rsonal �s� �eve been fileo ��erei� <br /> b� the Gc�nt�y Ass�ssrsr �d th�s C€sut�ty Tre���rer of Hal�. Gourrty� �tebra�ka, <br /> _, ,� <br />