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/ <br /> ,:�:�� - �s .�.-, . _ <br /> . . . � � <br /> �N '�IE �t�7HT"� COU�tT OF HALL G4UNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> � TH� I�AT3.'Bx fl1�' � ESTATE �F � <br /> : D E C R E E <br /> ��AN �. NUZZ�1, DE+G�ASE�?: � <br /> o�.�. �hi.e ms'��er co�m�ng on to be heard an the �day of <br /> ,� 1963„ John F. ��Lhy, Attorney for Frences No3.d, <br /> Pest�tionez, appearing in p�rsoa and shows the Court as follows: <br /> `.� � �?etiCioa was filed in this Court on the � R� <br /> �f.r- <br /> ds�r of �r"�ex� 19+��, which, amnng other things� prayed for <br /> � tiu� �d p�.a�e �o� h�aring to be he3d upon the determination <br /> p3c ac� inh�ri�anc� �ax. The Peti�ion further states that the <br /> de�eaaed, Maxion J, No1d, held in ,�o�.nt tit].e with Frances <br /> AioE�,d, hi,a wif�s, �ith rights of survivoxship, the follawing- <br /> d���ribed p�rcaperty situated 3.n Ha13 Gountyf Nebraska, to�wit: <br /> A �erta�ai paxt o£ the Northwest Quarter of the South- <br /> ee�a� Quarter (NW�3E'�), o£ Section 13, Township li, � <br /> Narth�_ R�sng� 9, West of the 6�h P.M. , more partieu- <br /> 1�riy describ�sd aa at a po3nt on the South <br /> 3.3.n� o� the Northwest Quarter of the Southesst t�uarter <br /> (1�T�SE'�) v� said Section 13, whieh poir►t is 410' We�t <br /> cxf tiie Southeast Coxner o� the Narthwest Quar�er of <br /> the Sout�ea�t Quar�er (NW�SE�} of said Section 13; <br /> � ruanix�� th�nce North, parallei the East <br /> of the Northwest Quarter of� th� Southeast quarter <br /> (NW�SE�j c�� ��id Section I3, 200' ; running thence <br /> W�st.� p�ralle� with the South l�.ne af the Northwest <br /> Qutaxte� of fihe Southeast Quarter (NW�SE�), of saic� <br /> Se►etian 13, 200' ; runn3,ng thence South, parallei to <br /> the �ast line ot �he Northwest t�uarter of the Sout�- <br /> e$st Qu�arter (NW�SE�) o� said i3� 2�0' to a <br /> po�n� on the South Iine o£ the Northweat Qc�.arter of <br /> th,e �u�liesst Quarter (NW'�SE�) o� sgid Section 13, <br /> rtu�t��ttg th�nce $ast upon and a].ong the South iir►e of <br /> the Nc�rths�es� Qu�►�ter of the Southeast Quarter {NW�SE�) <br /> Qf sai.d ^�ect3.on �.3, ?AOt t� the actusl point of beginx�ing, <br /> eonta�icri,�tg Q.92 acres moxe or Ie$s. <br /> Valu� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$Z 2,000.0� <br /> �� that tbt� d�c�►assd had an i.nter��t o� Sixty-five Hand�ad <br /> tk��:la�s ($6St?4.40) the�ein, and y�ouY petitioner had her own <br /> �da 3,n fi� p�ropeYtq �.n the � o� i�ifty�f3vs Hund�ad Dc�liars, <br /> �$SS�t?�I FOO�. <br /> Tt1�;t the �ai.d Mariar► J. No1d, died on the 4t1� day of �uly, <br /> 1963, at Gran� Islat�d, I�ebrgsk�; snd that Marion J. Nolcl snd Frar�ces <br /> Nold, were the own�r� taf the above-deacribed proper�y with .the right <br /> of �urvivarshi�p. <br /> :Tha��: tt�ie i� ���. o� the property o�ned by. th� decease� or <br /> petiti���ie�, or p��a�ty �n �ahieh either o� them hed any interest <br /> at t�i� ti.�e a� �h� d�a� v� M�zion J. No1d. <br /> �+� �ux� furt�tec� Eiads Chat �he County ,�t�orney of Hall <br /> �ty, �t�b��is�a, h�e filed his 9oluntary Appearance on behalf <br /> Q� th� C+�un�G� of �ill y St�te af Nebraska. � <br />, _ <br /> �� �, ���- �&�� ADIUDQB�, A1�D D�REED BY THE <br /> ���, ��iiit� �+��:�� J. �l�i ��d F�anees Noltl, his wife, were the <br /> ; ; . <br /> //Q <br /> • �:.� � � .. �� � ��� � <br /> W=;. --�,. .s � _--___ _��_� � _: _ .. <br />