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5. By rea�on of the fact t�at all the property o�vned by <br /> deceased at the time of his death was owned and held by him in joint <br /> tenancy wlth right of survivorship with Gwendolyn G. Duryee, his EY�.CIOZ�'y <br /> there is no nsed of �nd there will be no probate of the estate. <br /> 6. Sazd dec�ased �id not during his lifeti�ne convey any <br /> praperLy in 'trust or otherwise in cantemplation of death ar intsn�ed <br /> to take effeet in possesaion or e��oynlent �fter c�eath, and neith�r <br /> the :'etitfoner nor any other per�ar, becarne entitled t� any proz�erty <br /> �y reason of the death of saia deceased except for the jointly> <br /> owned �roverty �.�scribed above. <br /> 7. ThE a1l�wable �ec���ctions against the property oi ,�«i�: <br /> zstate ar. � in t,he amount of �:3,UE�,55, as sh��n by the i�etiticn. <br /> Det�r;�inata on of �nheritar.ce Pzx fil�;a herein. <br /> �. �aseci upon the determin�tioz� of the val_un of the <br /> nroperty of deceased held in ioint ten_ancy by �ecease� �r.c° his <br /> �t?1rpV�� 8S �B�E'2"II�ined &bOV�� �P�' t�l@ c�1.�.OVJa.u�E C�GGUCt?OP_S ��1�. Q�E?:`.i��lOI18� <br /> t�e Court has cietermined and c�:-�p�.�ted that no inheritance tax i.n due <br /> '�y reason of the death qf sai� �.ece�sed, the co�putation of n�� inh�ri�c- <br /> �rc� tax �'ue being camputed and determined as follows: <br /> COP�iPUT�iTION OF II�HERI'TAP�CE TE?X <br /> Total. Value of all ,;ointly held property -------- :;1��,5���.,ti�J <br /> Less: Allowable Deductions --------------------- 3 Ob�.�S <br /> A;et Value of all ,;ointly held proper.ty ------ 4� p 5;5.�5 <br /> Le�s: <br /> ;a�a successian interest of widow (Section j�- <br /> 1Q1, �,i�.S, 1�343) -----------------�------------- �',??'7.�? <br /> � �.,27i`� <br /> Less: <br /> Specific Exemptian of widow {Section 77-2fl�4, <br /> i�.t�.S. 1•�1�3) ------------------------------------ �1u,00v.00 <br /> Net Value of Property subject Lo inheritance tax :=on� <br /> Ainount of inheritance tax due -�---��•�------------ A:or.e <br /> 9. Bp vfrLu� of the provisions of Article 20, Chapter 77, <br /> K.R.S. 2�e,braska, I9�.3, �s am�arn�n, an� the procaedings her�in, the <br /> court finds that there is no liabi.lity for inheritance tax by reason <br /> of the tr�nsfer oP the above described property because o£ the death <br /> of sa�.d deceas�d and '�hat the above described prnperty passed to the <br /> �ur�iving �oint tenant fre� and clear of anp inheritance tax an� any <br /> p4t�ntial 2ier� �h�uld be extin�uiahBd. . <br /> .�3• .,!y- <br />