M 7
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<br /> )
<br /> OF } - i EC i� L � -
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<br /> �S'ri�l"-:; �.. J:c�IiS�P:, Deceased )
<br /> �'his r�,atter cam� on for hearing on tnis �7'�day oi July,
<br /> 19f�,2, fln the Petition of Jens i3. Jensen, fcr U deterr;�ina�ion o£
<br /> inl�et�•�.t�rce tax and th.e evidence9 tr.� Petil;ioner being �-�resent �.n
<br /> i�curt. anci repre�ented by counsel and the Court having heard tYze
<br /> E�z%z�er�ce �nc� beir:g f�:II;� ��vise� in the premises finds th��. a�l �a<sets
<br /> �:,.:�c��.T:�d �r� �.ocated �n i�11 Cou:.t�b :1E`t;raskay and that the Coun�;;�
<br /> ;'�.;;s.,.-x�f-.�a,� o�' h�ll Ccunty, P�ebr�.ska, ha� execut�d an� filed a r�aiz.;��
<br /> ,_>z T�:ct�c.�c ser�,-eu up�n Yli� to snoc,� ea}a�e� or of the tic.e a4�c; ��.�c�., ��t
<br /> r'i�c?T'3.a:€;9 ccTl(i �Ir3S E:Z:t".E'T'�:; a L•��.�.zrlv�ry c;p�C'c<�'u:ICE: 1:1 �I:E:38 UT`�C;GrCi'ii���,._`.;
<br /> ae� ��half of th� County �f Hall a.^=:i 5tate oi T,ebraska G�:c: �'�r�:��::• :.�°:�.�;.�;�
<br /> ��iat ;'zie ���.y person a�;ainst whorr: an anhErit�nce tax ma� �e assc=,Lsed
<br /> � ; t'r.i;_� #�e�iticne� herein�
<br /> The Court fu^th�r fi.�dS t::at tre sai�; �st^i� n. �iense t :1ie4
<br /> ef�'1� .Z3r iy��::' lIl Iic'�Z�_ C�iLi.ri�:Y� �':�t)r�Sk�'' �27.T7;�, d�'. 5�1� L,1T".@ c'� T'�:.±.;a�i"b{L
<br /> oj' .:+��.� vour�cy� u��at, �i::e P��it�,oner is �t,� survivin�; laus^';�c ..f` sai;i
<br /> �:io:.c����e�y �.i1at at the va.me of h�r c3�aE,'n s�id ��.ec�as�c: �vas nct �-�s:�es��d
<br /> !�.� ci2"�,`�,T �3'Ok`E:i$.,4j� S�:.Jl@Cr �7 c::Pl:tT1%S4•'�Ci(,iJ: �:i :'Il-(3 5t2i.� v= i;�:�;"'c�:a'.�c�„ �;l:.'.
<br /> .v'�5 i;}x�3 ��aTt'7.27°y �,0�@��'a8Y' �J?t.11 t:I18 ��'G','.vj,�3T12X' aS �G1P.� �'.2T1a21e�,�� Cir' �'.f:G
<br /> iO�tiGaiii2� •18SCT'j�PU i�:.�`'ii�@Y'e�fl '�O—v�F1'�:
<br /> The '�+est_::-,, .. i'��,���;y-taro (22) r eet o� Lct Three (� ) �nc:
<br /> the r�asterl�; `�:-'�nty-two (22 ) Feet oi Lot Fo:�r� �r+) oi
<br /> �?�;��cb: `:�,► , �oeh_,� Subdivisi�n �:c the Cit1 of �:ar:d Isl�ru,
<br /> Ha11 Count,t, �:��raska, ar�� ri�h�-�fswap as a�pear�n� of
<br /> �e�ord �r�1 a ,��ir:�. ba� : acco�.�nto
<br /> T�le Gour�c f���?�e�� iinds that �r.e a��ve �escr��e�� z aUi ���G<���,
<br /> bein�; �t-�� r��sil�nL�a1 �;ro�ex^ty of �3ecedent and Yetitione�, tc��z����r
<br /> �ri���� uhr �,oint �ar�x accoun�, wa� o; tnQ fair ar�d reasok::.,�����e v���u�:: a�
<br /> the f..�;:�e �f leath oi th� dzcsden� o� ?ess than �2G,G���.G4 , `PF�a� deceden�:
<br /> �;as ,:oils�s5ed c�f no other property �xi�d �hat uecedant durir,g her liietime
<br /> ��.id. n�t convey any property in trust or ctherY:ise in contem:platien o�
<br /> de�t� ��r inte�.�:ea to tak� effect 3.n possession or enjoymez�t aft�r �.eatlz,
<br /> and �a�i�her the Peti�ic�ner nor aiiy perscn becar:;e entitled to any pro�erty
<br /> by reasoz� of the death of said deeeased, except as abov� founa, an:3 t'r:at
<br /> a11 of' such property, both real estate ana personal property, is of less
<br /> value t��an is exempt by 2aw.
<br /> .:"B�
<br /> -I-
<br />