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<br /> �.�rsor►s thsreir� aamed are dfrected and empowered to selt all or any of the property
<br /> real or �.er�onal, owned bysaid Harman $runner and divide and dietr'tbutt the proceeds
<br /> >>f said sa1e, tnat eaid insirument has not laeretofQre been offered for probate in any
<br /> county in the �tate +�f Nebraska.
<br /> It is tn�refore considared, adjudgtd and decreed that eaid Last i� ill ataa
<br /> T����zn�e�t i5 ��nui�ae and vaiid and that the same be adznitLed ta �:robate, th::t iu:ci-��r
<br /> �dmi�:.str,�tian of said estate be di�penaed with and no execuc4r, or �c�rninistr�itflr
<br /> ��:�h t�e '>'� iii �nnexad of aaid estate be a�poinEed. that all ciaims and demanci�
<br /> a�ainsc t;ie e�tate of �aid deceased whether due or to become due, aba�olute or con-
<br /> �in�en� be forever barred. save and except s�;ch ae are tiena ag::inst the real eatat�
<br /> �r ,�-xy> ra�� or �d�rtia., thereof, and the Gourt �oth furth�r decrze and de�cend ali
<br /> ..�_� =_•Eai �;r�r.exty, whieh the deceae�d owraed aC the time of hia deaih in accordat�ee
<br /> ���it�a ttZ� ��rr.r+s 3�� ,.S'OV15lOt3b of the La�t �. ili and i est�►rx��nt ana that th� followiz�-
<br /> ����riU�;? i•��.1 ���.ate:
<br /> The >out:hwest ' uarter (S�'�;} of Section Thirteen (13),
<br /> Tau�n�hi;: Ten (10� :darth, Range �ins (rt) '+�est of the
<br /> C�th �.. m. , :::auntj= of F-�all an�3 3tate of Nebraska
<br /> +��:i Fi�5:3 :3Ck� is?�%.G17� ti1 3CCflY'CIaIICG' with the terms O� such Last t+`� ll�, a,33c� i�SCclSZss.'Fli
<br /> �.o: :�,��:� :��a;:*��r, �:�r heir.s o� �ssi�n�, a�solut�ty, and in fs� �:=r,�:ia.
<br /> � � �t���
<br /> � ,,� �' �,�'�,, County 3ud�e
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