<br /> Lot F'ifty-three 4533 iz� "Hawthorne Place", located
<br /> �n �art of the Northwest :�uarter (N�V�) of 5ection
<br /> 'T�venty-two 4 22) , Township Eleven (11) Idorth, rZan�e
<br /> �1ine (y's hest of the ��h F�.A:. , kali County, i�E�r��;cu.
<br /> �!�bi�h uhauld t�e assi,�nect ta the s��d �everly° r.. tsoltz.
<br /> ' �.�I�iiEFt�r?�� IT zS Cfl1�SZDENEI3' GRDEF�ll �ii�D hiJUi�,r:J i�Y ii::
<br /> uGU«T that tke f3na1 account and su�:;��:t�;ent ther�tc ai th� ���n�:.-�:i��,z,�a
<br /> r;er�:r� '�� an� the s�r�:e tzereby is �ett�ecl, �illoti��a ana a�:�rove�; r,r:a:.
<br /> t:.� utd�er��:n#s �nd alle�,at:ons �`n tYie ��tir,?or� �°or rina:i. ;ett1��.,�:,t.
<br /> ar:; true and correct; Lhat th� e:�Lat.� has �ee.l dul� a:.ir::�ni�te.ed �;���
<br /> cx.-.� C.�i.c�,'�?::'! f18t��5 d11(� EX�@fl5�5 Of' `-t,.'�iC.�Il:��t"c:�GiG:I �tc3Vi: Ci:E.I C11:i:1�, �.��;�s
<br /> t:_.;�t t,t�e int�.eritance Lax fow�� �uc :�e�a; d�veriy K. Bc1L�, 'ri��: c�-` �r�
<br /> `(1�\rLi1J�l�� C/'O VtlV. l,+�IqV� Q� 1���1G'J.'tC'1' iiQS 41y�+•i �f��l.l� 1�31C11� YilS.'1.� �J
<br /> fi�:cG�.rtrt�y, dec�as�;u, ai�d intc:stat� c.� wh� :�S�ra �ay ci' Jec��{::�.�c�r, s'.�_%�,
<br /> 8 :'esl:�z:1'� �f iie3.1.� co�:��cy, i'de�T'&5i�:3� si71c: 18i'C e'i:= ;.ei' .;C��3 c::'_:;. .�_�1
<br /> hi;ir--a�-l�.ar, �ne �au�nt�:r, i3�v�iy ;�. �it�; 4tSc1L LY:� re��a�r��n�, �t-�;��,:��:�
<br /> �� c����t,r ar�� c�sr. in the �:an�s c� t�.� .��rsinistra�c: a:� sc� o�; ....
<br /> F'ar��ra�h � aocve he and it is her��y asai�ne� tc the sai� :����d::r:i,
<br /> �e :��t�; thai asceased c�i�d s�izerl of' ths real estd��e ciese�r���a �:f�
<br /> Far��Sraph , a�ove and triat the s�ma he �r.c� it ;tiereby is a��i:�r��:� �c
<br /> i.�:� said i�everly �i. Boltz; that upon the filin� c� .te����_,.t� �.� �:::::�<�
<br /> i;:�;<inivtra2.cr• shor�in� pa}��:e��t a�a �;iw�:�v�i�,- te� t��� s�� a ;:�v�r� r.n
<br /> Eel�z c� the money and personally set out in Fara;raph c; �bo���:, `��i;.F;;
<br /> � formal ordar of �.ischar�e b� issued '�o the r�dsr,i:�a.str�to�• htr�- �.Q
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