' f/
<br /> ',� ` ,.' ___ _._ < <.„...__. _..._ _ _. _ __. . .
<br /> fic�vi�r�:ea �nd�� la�+r, and t'a p�rfa� all c►r sny other aQts, and
<br /> tc� exsaute a11 vr a�y cfltez inas�ru�enta ' and to do any and �11
<br /> ath�x thir�gs khich my eaecutor de��e necesaary or desirable in co�n-
<br /> nectaon wltlt ths edmfnf�tr�tion, mana�ement, investments and dis-
<br /> �ribution of mg e��ate. tlny PaS+ments or distrib�utiane s��y be made
<br /> either di�e��ly �o the ben�fieiari,es entitled the�eto, reg�rdless
<br /> af his or hsr ac�e or conditian at th� time, or may be pai� or dis-
<br /> tributed to arcy one or more other persons, firms, �orporations or
<br /> �nstitutians �cr such beneficiariss direct or indir�ct benefit.
<br /> �y riistribu�kio�tffi to the beneficiaries erititled t:�e�eto �ay be
<br /> eit�er in kind az in mone�r or partly in sach, or by way of un�iivided
<br /> in��rests, �ve� i� the ah�res be camposec� 3ifferently, and for such
<br /> pur�aaae the sel.ecti4n �nd waluation af m� executor $hali be conclu-
<br /> aiv�e. A1Z af the e�eeutor�;� powers .set forth in thia will are to
<br /> be broadly aonstrtaed and are to be exeraised in the sole discxetian
<br /> of the perso� who serves as suuh eaecutor without the approval or
<br /> aonsezt of any Court,
<br /> 5. I gi�e, devi�e and �ec�:eath, 3��olutely and in fee
<br /> s�imple, all sf the x�eat, re�idue anc� remaindsr of c�y proper#p an�
<br /> �ratat�, r�f whi�h r saay die �eizsd or poss�sse�d, or over which I may
<br /> be entitle�, includ�ng r��I, personal ar�d mi.xed pro�rty, of e�rezy
<br /> '�ind �rh,atsaever, €�nc� wh�re�oever situated, to Tho�as II. T'attinglY.
<br /> mp bzother, a,nd (�e4r�e �, �at�i�c��y, mp brather, and Nick �. t`iattingly,
<br /> �y brother, �.nd �ax� C* Sm���, �z� si��e�, ehar�► and share alike, ` �
<br /> I
<br /> e�r t4 t:� ��rv�vors or $urviver af ��q who ar� living at t�e ti�e !,
<br /> ef �ay c�ath, anei in the e�ent that r�ar�e c� said fc�ur epe�zifically
<br /> t�a��sd p+����� �r� �.iv3��} �t the ti�a� Qf my de�th, then T c��vs, de-
<br /> �ri�e a�d �q��$t�, a�be��i���e�.�* a�d �,r� fee sim�le, all o� the ��id
<br /> �e��,� _�+���.c�e a�e� ����i�c��a� c�� ��` psop�i�r�3� �d e,�t�te to ��r ].aw�ully
<br /> ��� �t�+��. ��d �x�.e�+��,� �rher� �d s�i�re aiil��, ar tc� th� eurv�.vc�xs
<br /> �� ���=�v,��t c�� �h��, .�ih� �.�e l�.�r�.ng a�t the ��ar� �af �p ds�t�..
<br /> �I� �"���� ���Q�', � �►�r�r+a ��r��.ta� �ai�,d my �:ame this
<br /> �,�„ c��' ��` �+��it�,� �;:��,� :��,:� ,��� �� �� �d��r:a�.e�ri�d
<br /> .M. _ ;
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