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-�t- <br /> d�ath� even thoug� he be ar�e et #�e 8�aecute�s af �r estate� irrespectivs of ar�p res- <br /> trictians ander the la«rs of the State u�Y Nebraska wi#h reapect thereto, the fir�t <br /> choice, right end �ieileg� of purcheaing any interest xhich I may ha�re in any busi- <br /> ness in which he also at the time of r�r death has a financial interest o� his awn <br /> ind3.vidually, irrespective of the other pravi.slens of thi� Will, upan �uch terms and <br /> conditions as may be fair and reasc�able, the price sub�ect to the approval of the <br /> F'robate Judge having �urisc}iction over the administration oY �y eatate, and the fact <br /> tlaat he is aating in a £iduciary capacity iri the admini�tration of �p estate sha�l in <br /> no wife make him ineligible for such purchase� nor shall this pa�ovision ror 'r:is <br /> interest in arW such bnslness disqualify hi+� Prom acting as auch r:xecutor. <br /> V. <br /> I r�ereby furti-�er provide that duri�g th� lifeti�ne of �y said �+ife Johanns, in <br /> the event �he survive m,�;� t?�.at my said is�cecutors shall act as Iskecutors end. Trustees <br /> of � said estate to carxy out the gravisions of this ttiill and that the estate pro-� <br /> cesdings in Probate Court shell r�zaain open s�nd contiriue during the life estate <br /> herein proviaea for my said wife and said �;�oecutors shall ect as such until the date <br /> vf the deat�i of my yaife and their carryin� out elI of the provisions of this i�3i11 <br /> thersafter as herein coa�te�nplated; to that end and faa� that purpose, I ktereby anthor- <br /> ize, dfrect and e��sw�r ►r�y sei�i Executore to eell, �ortgage and corivey ar�y end a1Z <br /> real estate of wi:iciz I may die seized, sub3ect only to the approval ther�o� by my <br /> said wife Johanna, to sell and asaign a11 eredits, accounts, persmal proper`cy, <br /> chatteis, evidences o� indebtedness, seeurities, stock and bonds and all choses <br /> in actiori, �d to release� renew, eactend tinie o� pqyment thereoP, ans r�a�rtgages <br /> or ir�vestr�nts �ahicn I n�y have at the ti��e af rr�y death� and imrest any ar,d all �uncLs <br /> or nonies i r�y have or which may be re&li�ed from any property of which I may die seiza <br /> ed, durino the liSetime o� r�r saici wiie Joh�nna as said E�cecut�s r�ay in thei� opinion <br /> deem best� sub�ect to the apprwnl of m�Y said Kife� Johanna, and said Exectitors� with <br /> the said apprwal of �r said wife, Johanna� are hereby authori�ed to make, e:,cecute and <br /> ds'li.ver any and alI i.nstruments riecessary iri the pr3mises to carry o�t the full ex- <br /> tent and ��urp oso h ereof. <br /> VI. <br /> Upon tY:e deatY�� of icy said �ife Johanna, should she survive �, or u�on !by deatF�� <br /> shculc� she predecease me, my Executors are hereby authorized and empawered to se1'! <br /> any and a11 r�aal estate of which I may die seized and �ich has not been disposed <br /> of durin� the lifetime of my saici wife Johanna, upon such terms and conditioi�s 4s to <br /> them �y seera fair and reasoriable Without first procurin� authorit�T o� ai�,- �aart or <br /> Judge wh�tsoever9 for the purpos� af liquidatin�; nXy eatate and to make distributior; <br /> thereof accc>rdin� to this �Iill� and tY,ig provision is their anthority so to do. <br /> VII. <br /> 1 her�b,y expressly etr�power rqy said �xecutora ta continus en�agin� in any buEi- <br /> ness in �laich I arn en�aged s� tl�e tic� of mpr death, for and durin� the tarm of i� <br /> said wif'e�s }.ifE estate, if in their opinion they deem it advisable so to do; I <br /> hereb� e.xpressl,y hereby exe�pt t�em and e�ch €� them from an;T and all liability �er- <br /> sonal3.y' on accc�unt o� ar�r losyes that my estate m�y sustain by virtue of #heir cont�.rzu- <br /> in�; any such busanesse� dur3n� tt� Life estate of my said wife, on condit,�.en that <br /> s�h los�es are f,he resu3t of �rrors in �ud�txt on their part. <br /> YIIT. <br /> I l�rereby r�vc>kkc a11 f ormer �i i11s and ir�stru�nents of a t�sta�entary nature here- <br /> tofa�e �ade by m�. <br /> �UUNE at �ranc� I�la�ci# �iebraska� this 13 �' c�f �uly� 195�.. <br /> Henr�'J. I�oester <br /> WI'1'�t3�5s ea a ox� <br /> G�r�e I+. 83.p1ey <br /> �sther �. Lynu <br /> �Ier�er�t F. I�r <br /> We �rhe�rse n�es ar� her�unto �ub�cr3b�d� c�a laex�i�r c�rt3.fy �t�rsry Ka�st�r, the <br /> Te�tatar� h� th�n be3ng af �c►�,i �itxd �3: uttder t�v cmnpulai.c,n, �c�b�eribed his nams <br /> to the fore� ins���et�, c��3.�t�� �rf fc�ur p�g��� in �ur presem�e �d in the <br /> � <br />