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LAST ':TILL ��D TESTSrfIENT <br /> I, !�rthur T��. Gairey, of Grand Island, �?ebr^ska, being of sound mind <br /> and dispos_inr, me�mory, d.o hereb� make publish and declare thi s m,y <br /> �,°,Iill and Testa�nent in u;ords as fo11oT��s• <br /> I <br /> I hereby appoint :'�erbert F. I��a�rer of Grand Island, Nebraska, Ex- <br /> e�utor of this '.�,'�11 and r�t= estate and. �ereb� expressly provide that he <br /> need ,��;ive no �urety on nis �aond as such. I 'r.ereb.y expressl,y direct him <br /> out of rn�T estat.e to nave ere�ted on t�e ce�.eter;T lot in t'�e C�rand Isl_and <br /> �:lt;y' V�I�1Et@T'V GJi'1F,Y'6 i11,`; �71f'E i182'i.}"13 T'iO;ti' 1S buried a(ld. �nr'.'18P@ I 2T!i t0 bE <br /> c�uried, a ��,aitable to_albs�ore ���it_n both r„y said T�r;fe � s n�!eand ~�iTr narae en- <br /> ,�;raved t?�ereon, ti:e a:1ourt o� tre cost of t�Tn�_�h I �ereb,y leave to the sole <br /> d�scr�tion a.nd �oo�� ju�7��ment o� r�y �aid �xec�.zter above I f�.art'ner <br /> ric^P8}i' C`�.�'E �t �".`;' �Zil_C� �'.XBCi�t02'� SC �C`Ot7 2.S ril�' i�O�IVE;n12C:t��T tiJe COC?e c`1f'L`�'T' <br /> - ��F'�:t4 y t0 _ �1.� �Ei;�S !8="31� S �r,i:�7'CE?l�i_2 ?�'�'?'?St r„�7 estate . <br /> T T <br /> T_ 'r�ereb�J �uthorize and d�rect rr:�r s�:d �xe��a�or to �el� at r�ublic <br /> or �r i�T�:te sale i�, ��,�ch �.;an-:er and upor s�a�r� ter�.s �s ir n�_s iu�i�:nent <br /> ��ti�a7:�_ ;�ee;n for tre best ir.��re�ts e�' niz; est=:�e a�_�_ ��ro�ertti o? everTr <br /> �.'d�UP2 Sr?';?�•S02V2T' �:i"]� �n,'�_P,�Y'2S02VE'T' S7 t_%c t�,F f'Ci t_,� ���UT'l.OSB 01: 11CjU'C�c3t-iYlg <br /> i'ii.�' C;,i;a�F'� ai� Wl�nOut y-Y'St _ ?''O�U�'1r_�' 11.CE''1S8 O� leave i_'O"fl c�.Y7�;+ vOUY't CT' <br /> v'aC7:'E 'sd�0,"�iSO�VP,'i'. _.� t.(18 BV"Eiit, `,ilc.i. �E tu8:_�_ 1t. `dv.V1S?�l@ t.0 ��t'.J_t. i_OY? B.�IV <br /> ,�O ..�t _.'O Y' i");:u."t 1 t l0!� O� u?^iT Y'E'?.1 2 S t=;�2 Tr7'...�i,� I rJ sdCl O i l."1 ��i il 1 C'1 I Cl c`1 V E a <br /> �� <br /> i:�t.E-'L'E'SL EZt, �}lE' '�l,l '.8 Of' _"'_�i uE'3t'i iOY� vC'.E nU�"�;OSB 01.' BffE,'CL1.C:E° Z:LQUiC�`dtlOTl <br /> Ot' '�'1'T e^tra�„Py a!"!d. t0 �aV@ S2i ��. ``1'OT)2="'��I :C;l r? 9.� �:EiP.i 2@ t S ���2 � 1 Cl0 '"8PE'— <br /> . ;T P,���"�:;5`_'� _d F�UL'?OY'1Z8 in.,. �:. 'O',.'C'T' i11:iC .^O �O C.O . <br /> I I T_ <br /> :+f yer �r��r e�ta�e s�,2.�!i :��ve 'r>ee.r, fuli�r li_�Uidated and t=�e above 2x- <br /> ,_�enses r,a�d out o1' �,:� esta�e :r.cla�__.�Mt?�e e; of ad�?�.:�r.i�tF;-rin� m�l <br /> �� - - . <br /> es;a`e an:. ��robhtinT ��:is ._11, I do then '_ne^eU�, � que�th the ret �ro- <br /> �eedr of suc.a liauidation as follows : , <br /> �.n �.andiv�ded ore-t�;_r� (1/3} t-.erecr to _�Ztr sister Lena �quire; <br /> :n und.ivided one-third t��:erec�f to her dau�hter, �my riGce, <br /> �;�_�.�PBtt� `�nu1Y'8� ::'!"10 �S T10T�; m,.c�.-PT'12C�. �rd ;.,?h'nS8 r"2rried Y'��lfi2 <br /> � �;O YlOt �ni')0;��� <br /> i�e rei:i%in i n� undi�Tided ore-t��r d (lf3) �art t'rler eof to my <br /> r.ii2ce, .'able �'illiarn�, :,nc� is a dau:=��t�r o_� :�r�zr de^e=.sed <br /> sister riatie. � <br /> '?rth.ur �r:T Gairey <br /> ! <br />