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Th�t W. E. �or��sen, the �a��utor �� th�.s �id ��t�te, <br /> c�+�pmrte�i this ].ii�e on �he St�t day* o€ ���reh, 1961. �at <br /> pri�r �c� hi� d+�th, al.l �sea�or�r�l prop�srty �elo�g#,�g tc� t�ti� <br /> �aid ��t�it� w�.r daly lic��sid�ted, and t�ze px€��e�s t�e��c��, <br /> tc���th�r �rith the ��.�� of ��,283 .5� adv�ncsed by �e;3€� �fe��a�.n <br /> azzd �hais Vass, �ale 3��r�eficiariss c�r this s�id �sta�+�, t�e�� <br /> u��d ta p�y t�� cl�i��s, ec�sts and e�p�n��� u� �ir�istratic�n <br /> and �h�.t a� the ti�ne of th+� death �f Y�� E. �t�rens�n th��e <br /> r�°�ained nQ eaah ax per�nal p�r�perty �� �rey kir�d ir� ha�c <br /> harad� belanginq ta �is s��d estat� a�d tha� az� �-�c��.n��`�r�.�a� <br /> �ri�h th�s �dill anr�axed i� nc�t r��.�d €�r ;��cs���xy. <br /> `I'he Co�xt f�zth�r �ind� t�eat �n Gx�de� h�� ���ets��nr� <br /> be�n eritere�t her��r�, fi�ding �nc3 d�te��� �hat �o Tnh�ar�.tar.a� <br /> Ta�ce� �re du� c�n acec�unt af th� �har� and int�x�s� �in thi� <br /> ��i�t �stat� p��sir�c� �o �.ny of tha be;�e�3eiari�s thereo,�, �r�d <br /> th�t r�ca �uc� �i�+�rit�nce �a�. is d�e or ow3.nq. <br /> Th� :o�rt n:rther finds that the T�eas�d was a-� the tim� <br /> c�f hi� cieath the owner Qf th� fcailo�ai;�g d�a�c�ibed r�al e�f�t�, <br /> tc�-wi�: <br /> ��he '�'est iial� of the 5outhw�st t�uarter (W��d�;) <br /> o� 5ection Twenty-three (�3), �a�m��+ip Twel�� <br /> C12), Range �l�v� (li�, Wes� o� the 6�h P. ��, <br /> �iai1 County, Nel�ra�k�,, <br /> ar�d that ur�d�r the L��t `,�i1.1 arcd Tes'����r.t o� �he �c�c���d.e <br /> the s�me wa� devi�ed �.nd b�u�athed ta Lsna Li�.e}�ann �n <br /> undivi.d�d 2/3 th�reaf ar.d tc� Chris F'. t�ass an undivi,ded 1 j� <br /> thereof, and that th� s�.m� sh4uld be assigried �nd s�t c�v�� <br /> tr� th�n in such sharas. <br /> 2'ha� the FinaZ 8egc�rt filed h�reir. bq Robe�t C. T.,�rsc�n, <br /> Executar of the Sstate of �. �. Sc�rer�sen, Ds�e�a��i, and on <br /> behalf of �'. E. Saren�en, ie true and c�rrect ar�d that ther�r <br /> has been a��ounted fcr therein far a11 Af the prc�perty be- <br /> long�.ng to thia aaid est�ttr caminq intc� �he h�ds flf �. E. <br /> Sc�rensen as E�seutex of fihia eu�id �etate, and that suer. r�pQ�t <br /> ahauld �.n all za�pecta be apgrnvad, <br /> s <br />