<br /> IN TFIE MATTER 4F TFi� 3�STATB OF ) 5683
<br /> ) FINRY� DECREE
<br /> LLOYD WILLIAM Gf}X, de�eased )
<br /> This matter came on for h�aring upon the final xepart
<br /> and the petit3on �or final set�lement of the administratrix, and
<br /> for a decree of heirshig hexein, and due and legal notiee oE
<br /> hear.Lng having been given as pravided by law, and the Court being
<br /> fully ad�iaed in the preraises, finds:
<br /> 1, That said final report and �uppler�ent thereto is
<br /> correct and should be aliowed;
<br /> 2. That the statements and allegations in said petition
<br /> £or f3nal settlement are true anci correct.
<br /> 3. That said administratrix took possession of the
<br /> personal property belanging tv said estate and hag paid all debta
<br /> an d c�.aims allowed and the costs and Fxpenses of aclministrationt
<br /> 4. That there is no i.nheritance tax, esta�e tax, gift
<br /> ta� ar other tax dua and owing from said estate.
<br /> 5. That there is now left in the hands of the administra-
<br /> trix the swm of SZ73.21;
<br /> 6. R�hat Lloyd William Cox died intestate, a resident of
<br /> Grand Zsland, Hall County, Nebraska on May 9, 1960 and left the
<br /> fol].owing seven heirs at law=
<br /> Margie McCormack, sister, over twenty-ane years of age, 3803 Adams, I
<br /> Des NSoines, Iowa, her husband, Dw�,ght MeCox-�niak,
<br /> Della Parr, sister, over twenty-one years of age, Z602 7th Street, '
<br /> Brookings, South Dakota, 1�er husband, Merle Parr,
<br /> Hazelle Sngram, sf.ster, aver twenty-one years of age, Louisville,
<br /> Nebraska, her husband, James Ingramf
<br /> Gladys Brandt, sister, over twenty-one years of age, 3734 Garfield,
<br /> Lincoln, Nebraska, her husmaad, Elmer Brandtf
<br /> Benjamin Cox, brother, ov�:r twenty-one yeare of age, Merna,
<br /> Nebza�cka hi� wife, Una CoxF
<br /> Ralph Cox, brother, over tw�nty-one years og age, Broken How,
<br /> Neb�a�ka, hi� wi€�, Mary Coxt
<br /> Chester Cox, brother, ov�r twenty�one yeare of age, 1310 Dei Valle,
<br /> La Puente, California, his wife, Hazel Cox.
<br /> /
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