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<br /> Cli��r�� C, B��rr� artd h�r da�r��ter B�err��c+� L, H��den,
<br /> �o�et��es know� as B�rni�er Hasc3e�, and w�o is �le�crib�d in
<br /> E,
<br /> s��d Le��t ��il ��€� �es���»t a� Btrr��.�� L, �t�rdin, b�ut �vt�c�
<br />:;�
<br /> f,a� or�� anc� th� z��� �����n,
<br /> Th� G���� £ur.�her fit�cf� th�et ths' ���(3�30.�t� beque�t in
<br /> sa�d I�.as� V�iII an€� Tsst�aer�t tr� Bem�.c�e L, l�er�in: h�s b�a��
<br /> g�i� in €ull.
<br /> '��e Cou� �'�=ther i�i�td� �hat �t�e said �laude L. P�r�x�
<br /> �s a� tt�e t�:�e of t�er d+ea� 1;he own;�x of th�r rea�1' est�t�
<br /> 1��r��.rtaftar describ��rd:
<br /> 1- �oxth���t Qt��rt�r {�W�) q� 3�e�Lia�n 11. Tc��tship 9, R�s�g,� g,
<br /> ��s� �€ ti�s 6�,h P. �t,, �sll �au�ty, �e���a��a,
<br /> r,�i�h i� �aid I,a��t �i�� ar�! T���a��sr�# ��a davi.se� tc� �"2�.n��n
<br /> C, Be�r�; and
<br /> 2- �82"'��"188�'� ��S'��Y' �f S�c�.inr� �7, Tc�shi� 9, ����e 9, ��st
<br /> cs� t�+a b�h P, 3�, � Hali Co+�ty, N�bxa�k�r, ��th ��► �asd La�s�
<br /> Wi13. �nd Te�ta�na�t �a� +�t�r�.s+�d t� Be�nic� L, N��;: ��d
<br /> �- CQ�n�f,ns� a� a pcin�t �? f�ts� � �+f t�� ��a��� c�f �,ntltr�
<br /> ��r�'�i� ,si ��. s�s�� ��aa+� e�f ���t� ���?� � G���d �sla�d
<br /> Ra�,��y ��pa��F's ��.��tt-+o��rsy w�.t� ��� �c��i� �i�� af �re�-
<br /> tic�n �, Tot�s�ip 9, Ator�h �a�' Ra�ge � ��st o�' �t�� 6t� 1�,M.
<br /> ��n�.r�g t�isnc� s�tu� ar�d p�ral3.el wi�� �ths aa�d ri+�3at-crf�
<br /> ���253 fe$�, ther�c� ��st at �i�k�t a.n�,s����s ar�d �a��13+�i wii�h
<br /> ' �� no�th 1in� b�..?5 fe�t, ���.� +��►�e r�fl�h �t ri��t
<br /> au� �.�� �r�d �rsll�l wi�- �►�'C r���-�-w� �� f�t �+a tt��
<br /> p �
<br /> � sa��d n�r�� l�, �+�ce �� ���s ��s"f� ��rs� t� �M�t pl�+��r
<br /> ' cf b��nr��.r�. il�.��e v� �.t��t�.�l��r,, ���.�: G€�u�:'�'�+r S��bra���, ar�d
<br /> �4- �c��t�+���� ����,e.� ���f} �� S��t�.u� ��* �'rawr�s�ip �:�, �����,
<br /> �, ��r�#.�� ������r,� i��rbr��ka#
<br /> ���h w�ar� `��ti ������i��1t� +������ �t��ea� �h�t �.a�t �►il� :i
<br /> a�d T'�����, '�t� �d�� �3��e ��ie��� ��s �r� �a� ���d' ��intt��
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