<br /> IR THE �fA�R OF TH� ESTATE 1 E�tBte tva. 5b$5
<br /> )
<br /> OF � �UPFI.�1�'S�lVTAI, FII�AL DEC�EE;
<br /> HEhRY A. KRIZf I3ee��seci )
<br /> 3E IT RE�BEFf�T� that t�is Supple�:�r:tal Ffrzsl. Dscre� i�
<br /> supglemenL�t1 t� �the Final necree entered h�rein. In aa.�si�i�ar� �.�
<br /> the �i�dings and order in the Final Decree entere� h�rein, the
<br /> C�urt finds th�t �he only rea2 estate owned �y the dec�aseci, H��rp ,�.
<br /> Kri�, at the time 4f h9.s de�tn, consi�ted ��' re�1 �stgt� o�n�ci ;�e�.ntl:,�
<br />: i�y �ecsaeed and 9eaaie Kri�, hi�s �lfe, as ioint �er.ant� wit�� �°a.��ir �.t
<br /> aur�ivor�hip, t3es�ie Kriz �ls� somex..ic^�e� knoti*n aa �e�si� A�� Kr�.�� �s��
<br /> re�l e�t�te being �t�a fc�Ilo�rs;
<br /> Fractianal �.r�t Ten f 1�� in �rectiar�$I :�lc�ck Thr�e t3 � �
<br /> ira .�shGar� Pl�ce, �n �ddition t� th� ;.ity of �ra�F�
<br /> I�1and, A3ebra�ks, �nri its c€�mplerry�nt, tc�-��t : r�acx�.c����.
<br /> L�t Ten (1G� , ir. Fr�cti�nal 31ocic E�.�ht t 8} , 3.r. t�a�.�ir.�
<br /> �ddition tr�ry th� ui�y r�f Gr�n� Z�l�n�, �s�br�ask�, ��
<br /> ����yQ.'tt j �.Lg�r�i�� ��f,F �`��ic�F'��t,i a
<br /> 'The Cr�urt �y.xrther fir<d� t�at the valuatiora of thi� real ��t��e
<br /> w�s d�Lermined for 3.nY��r�.tan�e tax p�,�rpa�e�, �� s?:own �,r �Ghe �3����
<br /> Determinir.� Inh�riL�nce �ax e:+terec� h€rein� Thia real e�t�te g��s��cf
<br /> and bec�me the sQle property of Bessie Kri�, eSso known ss ��:�s�.�:� ��';�
<br /> Kri�, by operatian af l.aw, by �rirtue of �t�e a�rnership e�f �si� x°e�l
<br /> ��ts�t� �y decea88d and hi� sairi w�d�w, A�s�i,� Kri�� �1�o kno� �� ;�����.e
<br /> h2. I�ri$� as �Qint ter.ant� with righ�� of �urvivc��gh�.p,
<br /> iT IS, 1�iEREFORE, CONSIIIERED, OfiI�E�E�, A��DG�.� AI�'su I?�Cr�`°"�;�
<br /> that thi�s Suppl�nental Final Decree be �n� become � p�r� of �he �'in��.
<br /> Uecre� enterec3 hsr�in and thet �G�� a*�ly real e�tat� in w�i�;h c�e������
<br /> awned an interest or was po�s�e8�� �r�8 the real estate �iescr�i��a �ah��r�,
<br /> �wa��d a� �o3�t tenants wit� right of survivorshi�a by d��sed ��?d �a��
<br /> �.do�r, Be��s�f,e; KrS�, �ls� known a8 ���afe �. K�im, thsL ��ae v��.u��i.c�� ��
<br /> „
<br /> �u ��� ` +� 4�;��. �raes detez�nined by thi� Court as shawn b� �r�� �rc�.�x�
<br /> �"; �'. �.y c.
<br /> ta'� s., �'� ���`s `�`+
<br /> t����'i�zi��vf�'�i�f"'�it�nce Tax ent�red h�reing a�r�d thet �uch re�l ���ta�te
<br /> ��,,. :.� . �.
<br /> ,,� $�" ':' _ �,. :
<br /> .''���� th� �a����'�iPEr�y a� Be�s�ie Kri�, al.�o knavrr� �s �ess�.� ��• ��3�p
<br /> gr�r , i� w .
<br /> ��' sed¢s 'wi.�''c�`,� 'bY oper�t3orc �E lawo --`
<br /> c� ,,m�,'-'' � b � �
<br /> � 4� "d�t 4 �� ' . � n //�
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<br /> •�•' Ot1llt� ti g� ,$�� •,
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