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<br /> - 3�welrg, s3.lverw�►r�, ���.�:app���l�, .�'��� :�c��d��.aint� a��al.e� ��ad al�.:
<br /> �atber' �r�icl��s' ai° �cr��a�hca�:d ar;:p��*a�+�r���� �r.g�a�eza� by �rh�.ah the�
<br /> d�ceaaed died pex�s���ed,'- �nd ��r a�i�t�,� � ����.g�. �rs�� �aid B�s��.e Kr�.$
<br /> and f3,le �aid receipt h�'�e#�n �'or 'auc2� �.tsms e4' �er�.��z�tl. property and
<br /> pers�rrial e�'���t,
<br /> {6) �hat after pay�aent of th� �a�ditio�al �.tem� Qf aos�a o�
<br /> adm3ni�stration arid ix�heritance ts� due to be p��.d b�►' the Ex�c�tor,
<br /> Rob�rt L. Kri�y purau$nt to tbe provisians of :Faragr�gh Seaond of ths
<br /> L��t Will.�nd 'i`est�sent of deceaa�d, there 3.s le�'t in �hs k�an�� o� the
<br /> Exe�utor �he �tuu� �f ����1�.7'0 anc� �he ;i��� p� ,����on�1 pr0pertp �et
<br /> � forth in Paragr�ph ��„ above 8t� �.�3r�uide'��d, wh3ck� �tnder. t:Y,�e tex�ms ;of
<br /> the Last Wi21 and Test�ment of said deaeased, sre h�reby a�signed to
<br /> Robert L. Kri�, Trustee, and Execator i� herebp ordered �o d�liver all
<br /> auch items and property to Robert L. Ifris, Trustee und�r �he Leat Wi11
<br /> and T�st�t�ent of said dee���ed.
<br /> (7� That Henrp A. Rriz died te�t�te, � resident t�nd inhabit�nt
<br /> of Gr�nd Isl�nd, Hall Countp, Nebrsaks, on the l�th dey of April, 196Q,
<br /> Iesving a� his sole and only hetrs a� law t�he persons named in Paragraph
<br /> 7 above.
<br /> �$) �h�t upon th� fili�g of rsce�.pt$ by the Execut�r sh�w3.ng
<br /> payment of �he �dditionsl aos�s of t�ci�►iniaLral3s�n and deli�ery t�f th�
<br /> propertp of d$cea�ed a� providsd for herein, a Pormal ord�r of disch�rge
<br /> i��ue �;��h� Executor her�in. '
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