t�a� L�st �'ill an� TesL�mcn�t gf s�id ��cease�, ad:nStte�: tp prab�te
<br /> he��ir�.
<br /> �.. That Lhe Gou^t has on this 1at� �iEtermined th� i�herit�?rc�
<br /> tax ��e by rea�on of tihe ��sath o� �aid d�ce�sed ar.d ha� erter�� ars
<br /> ^�Or�.�r Deter�ni?�in� Inheritance Tax herei�, sho�rin�; tha� t,`�ere is d�z�
<br /> tc th� St�t� af Rd�'�rask� in�:�rit�n�e tax frr�� Rabert L�� �:ri�,
<br /> �...:�.i'r�'� S; �4 'F ^':�n A c -3 t -e a f h ^�,; !''. i' n
<br /> �: < �l �:.�,�, e� o s�i:3 u . _�u.,e�, i� �: �;�:crz: �, a_ ��.1:� .��, �:�:� r_ ��
<br /> �::.�5'r`itiT'c'� :�:1c��I° K'"��' �?'1?`':�.�.r3t2,a�I?L"I^ O.� $��...a G�uGr��'iS£.'t:i� �T1 �•iz.��. ,���:t::' WS
<br /> �.s.- _ .r'`?� GG}"` �. i,ti:�c3�. .�`s;'�"? 0� :�j;��.F��' 1��'1�I`1.4�iilbf� tF4X. L�?S�� ,.c3 v�' �r.'�:;
<br /> Cs' ���.t� �.::ti� . ._.'�;C' k'..�. �?�:1�it�v. ��' �,i'2,P. �.`r.�'�� „3��. �2ii,i, i'[�a:'.,c^""!�:'� ",�' ��G:1..j
<br /> Cs:.'..,:1:i�iG..
<br /> 5. ?'ri�t, al�,er pa3��:��rt of �.r:a �.��3ticn8l co�xrt ccst� �.�' �I .O�r,
<br /> t?�� �:.�cu�.�:°°� f'e�w Qf �2;Q.CQ, ar_u{ t!:� ir,he�ite�.ce t&:�c of �375,C�Q►
<br /> t�y th� k�xecutvr, th�r� will r��m�in in th� h�nds cf ti�e �xec;al;car t�ie
<br /> �v.r� t�f �5,2I��.?C, to�et�h�r �rith th� ite:�� ��t �t�rth i.r. ��te Irv�r�c;ry
<br /> f3.iA� h��ein wtaich ar� �znliqiz�.d�.t�d� t�ein� describe�. as fcllaw;� t
<br /> (1) 15C, ���res of c�p3�t�1 stock in Kri�-��vi�
<br /> Co. j Gr�n� Is.l�,t��' ��e�r�sk�, �10U.04
<br /> A81" V��LiE,' �E:=:" 9�1&Z'8� T'@7i`?�C.'Z1tG'u �3V S'tQC1C
<br /> cartificat�s nurnbers 15 thrcugh 27, ir,clusive,
<br /> l��vir�� a vaiu�: at *h� �at� cf 3paLh of sa�.�
<br /> deceased af �322,82 per ahare cr---------------�4�',423.G0
<br /> {2j Csrtificat� I�o. �, in the amount of
<br /> �7,QQ�•00, Kriz-T}�vis, Inc., Col.orado
<br /> S�Srir�g�, Co2orado, 6� debenture due
<br /> Jan�aary 1, 1`3'75------ ------------------------- 7��OC.�0
<br /> (3) Cer�ifi�ate �;o. I, in the �mc�unt af
<br /> �1�,000.t30, I{riZ-Davis Co. , Crand Island,
<br /> �'e�raska, 6� �.�benture dua July 1, 2�73-------- �O��iQQ.ta�
<br /> (41 Cert�.f itiate tvo. �, ir the arnaunt of
<br /> �12,OQQ.QO, Kri�-I}avis, Inc.,
<br /> Scott�i�luff, 1�ebr�ska, �� debanture �ue
<br /> July 1, 19?3----------------------------------- 12,t�QC�a(�0
<br /> f 5) Bflnd No. 9�, f�ce arrtount of �1,(�OOoOQ,
<br /> Hall County Livestock Tmprovement
<br /> A�sociatian, first mortga�e participating
<br /> bond, Ea� interest, paya�le in ten annual
<br /> install.ments af �lOQ.flO each------------------- �UOaGC�
<br /> (6) Bond �10. q9, f�ce amount of �1,OQO.flQ,
<br /> Hall County l,ivestock Irngrovement
<br /> Associa�ion, .first mort�age lparticipating .
<br /> bond, 6� interest, paysble in ten �nnual
<br /> install*nents of �100.00 each------------------- �OCD f�0
<br /> T(�TAL VALUE OF A�09� ITE1�------------•------e------------- 2 OQ
<br /> -�- �
<br />