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<br /> sueh carpus, togethe.r with a�� �.ecumu�.€���c3,.:;w�d�ustri.buted income
<br /> thereon, shall be psid to such o�'- my �'�l�eir �;r'�ac�i.ildren,: the issue
<br /> of my son, Robert L. Kriz, or their t��seend�ants,>a� �hali then be ;,
<br /> living, in ec�ual shares, per stirpes. In the event of any of tY�e
<br /> contingencies arising by virtu� of the deatla of any of my grandehildre�a,,
<br /> the issue of my son, Robert L. Kriz, durin�; the time when they
<br /> are a beneficiary of a trust share, so that their trust share shall
<br /> then be paid to their descendants, as above pravided, or to. the
<br /> surviving brother or sister of such decedent grandchild, I direet
<br /> that the provisions in the first part of t�is paragraph applp
<br /> with respect to the dutie� of my trustee in paqing such truat share
<br /> to such successor beneficiary or beneficiaries.
<br /> (3) During the minarity of any grandchild to whom income is
<br /> herein directed to be paicl, my trustee may pay such income in any
<br /> one or more of the fol2owing ways:
<br /> (a) Directly to said minor; '
<br /> (b} To= t�e legal guardian of said minor;
<br /> (c} To the mother or f ather of sai_d grandchild to be expended
<br /> by such mother or f ather for the educatzon and maintenance
<br /> of said minor;
<br /> (d) By expending directly for the education and maintenance
<br /> of said minor.
<br /> (4) I',f at any time or from time to t�.me, in the judgment of my
<br /> trustee, the aggregate qf the income payable hereunder and aceruing
<br /> from all other sources:
<br /> (a) To any grandchild of mixie, shall be insufficient to
<br /> provide for the suitable care (including medical care),
<br /> support, education and maint�nance of such granchild
<br /> during the period o.f' such grandchild�s .ed�zeation;:
<br /> {b) To my beloved w.ife, shail be insufficient to enable
<br /> �ier to h�ve the standard of living which she enjoyed
<br /> : during m�+ l�f�time} .
<br /> zny trustee in hzs uncontrolled discr�tic�n, may apPIY thereto or
<br /> ( p�y to such �ene�'ieiary for such gurg�s� � part_ion of th� pra�cipal
<br /> � then hela f or� �he benPf'it of such beneficiary. .
<br /> � (5) T�e zncesr�e ps�t�ien�s prc�va.��d fear; h�r��ndesr s�Z��i onl.� be
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