. .,,.; _
<br /> � , � . :. ., ,.� 4 _�._, =. ".' k.. , _�i § r� � ;u -_ ��+. -�.�&i '��'��'� .Fi f� :
<br /> �^ _,��, .'�.1 4.. �C: 1 � oliG p.�I ai 'rn�(' � Ni.,�.
<br /> �� � �. _. .. .. �I .. . .� , . . .� - ' �
<br />�' . . '` " ,.� . .-�� . ' � � ... I� . . � _.� . - .
<br /> .. � .. . _ . . .
<br /> . ... .: . . . . . . .:.I. . .. .�� .. . . . . � . .
<br /> � � . � . . .� � I - � � �
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<br /> .. . :.�: �...: . . . . . . . I.:. . � . . ; .. _; . .. . �
<br /> Th�.� c�t�e �nd �.��1 n�tice- �,f thl time �i��ci�,by o�-et� �f,Gavirt
<br /> c�
<br /> been �iven', and such �ir�e ha.s
<br /> �+a�r the f�ling af e1ai�� �z�a�:�iat thi{� �aid ��`�a�� ,h�,�/ ,��zll.y �i���t
<br /> I ,
<br />� �. ��ir�eci +�nd a�l�. cl�i�s fil�d �ga�.nat �his s��:d ��t�s�e ���+�
<br /> , � ;
<br />� b+�ex�. £`ul�,y p��d �.s ��i��n��aby recei�at� �n �i.ls �i+�rsit�„ t�d he�������'�
<br /> � �
<br />[ .
<br />� �xd oz� the 29th d�ay o� �az�h, 19&tl, � order �ra�' ciuly ��itered
<br /> ,,
<br /> I b�:r�in� a,11 f�.rther eslaim:s ���inst ��.is said �s-�r��e,
<br /> - �� , :
<br /> �'ha� �h� E�cacutrix� her��� has �r��.�.ved the a�l.aw�n�e 4� f��s
<br /> �
<br /> : ��.
<br /> :
<br />� aitct cc�m�ai��io�s fc,x hex �er�riees a� ��ecu��i.x �.r� :��►i,� �c��d
<br /> �
<br /> F ' ��stat� }�t th�t t�.ere remai�,� t� h� �aid att��r�ey."� f+�es I��ei�
<br /> end Cnurfi r.o��s in the am.a�,nt o� �75� �:�. '�"ha�k t�� ��n.`Qf �p475.C1C3
<br /> � �
<br /> I ,, '
<br /> � at�csrrt�y's fe�s i�t appraved by th' Caurt. � ;
<br /> ThBt az� the �9t�i day of ��arch, � �6Q, How.�� .�. �x��y w�� ' ':�
<br /> d�t1.y �ppofr�ted apgra�.��z�. for i�grit� c� t�c p�atpo��ss i.n thi.s
<br /> ffi�c� ea��.te �ae� th.�re��€ter t�Qk the I ath a� r��.#.`�'�d b� l�.w,
<br /> �nd es�; t�.� l�th €iay c�f �pri1, 19��t�,` d a��k�r due� �atic� therec�f
<br /> w�c g��� to aZ3: p�ra�n� �:�ter����, �.�a�fnc� w�s �I�el.d �,nd t�,+��r��fter ,,,
<br /> a�d. an th� '1��h d�y af �i�y, 19�rtt� s�I h apprai:.��x. ci��.y filec� he��in
<br /> his re�aart �rf �prafs:a.1, such rspor�� �indi�ig; �ha�'no i�her#ta�.ce
<br /> tta;x #.�s d�� �er�ii�. �l�at s��� re I
<br /> pc�rtl{ �hQul� b� i� r�ll �e�p��t�
<br /> �Pp���ed. �
<br /> , �
<br /> "�h�.t ��� De��ae�ed �r�� i�, h�� �.il���i�s the ow��� c�� no re�.1:
<br /> pro�aex�y whe��c�ev�r i� hi� a� r��+�; �.d3��ridual�.y but w�� �h�
<br /> : t�zr��r wi�h th� �ight o� �t�viw�,rs�i�p with ��rt�� TvI., ��-ic���� �f �h�
<br /> �c�ll��t#r�g d�a�ribe�d r��l prc�p,��.�y, t�-wit : �
<br /> I.�at Fat�r C�� a,z�d t�� ��u�h ��alf� (��� �f �.e�t '�hice�' (�) ,
<br /> i� B�.��:� �.re� ���, �:n th� �i�':s �d���i+�n ta th+s :'
<br /> �X3.11a�� a� C�irc�, Hall Ce�u:t�t�, �b����a: -
<br /> L��� �i� ('�� � ��v�n, C9�, fn �.n�� �����{��) �.n th� '
<br /> t�xigtna�l Tr�wn cs� C�#.r�, �S�.Zi �c�l �y, l��sb��.���.
<br /> , �
<br /> �h� Id�a�i��re�t �a��e� �� ���t3o' Fif-��s�n (l a�, ��a�rn-
<br /> a��:ip '���.x�er�n , �.�} i�c��r��� R��� ��rrs� �7'), ���t, o� th�
<br /> 6t�. P.i�., t�ex�ici� Cr,tt�n�y,' �i�b� a.
<br /> '��� �o�°��iwe�t �i:�;rt�s {�3W�) af �c�icai� '�hirty�fau�
<br /> (���, ��t �4w�;��#i.�a ���t�en (1�) ��rth, �:s�g� �w��.v� 4
<br /> �1��, '���rt ��` �l�;i� 6t�: F.�:.i H�w� d �a�tr►�3�, ��br�.���. .
<br /> �ha,t �pa� th�a �e�a��h ca� th� �ea��ee,�i u�h'.�r+��3� p����a��r" v+��t�ed
<br />�� �:� ��n� �. �ri��a+�� �� r�,��.�in �
<br /> Q �oi. ,� ��.e��,
<br /> i
<br /> I :
<br /> ,
<br /> - _ :
<br /> . � . . , � �;
<br />� ' , �
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<br /> .
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