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<br />� IN TkiE �A�"Eg �3F 3`FiE E�TATB _,�-;. ,
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<br /> JOEL H. AAiD1�S, Decaaeed j
<br /> This m�tte� �ain+� Q�t fo� heg�►
<br />� i�tg ct�i �he �a°=Pd�►� v�' J�t�tt�a�',r
<br />;
<br /> 19�i:, on �he P�ti��.t�r� a,f ��be]. t3� A�t�rews f�ar � d���rmir3a�3�on c�'
<br /> 3nh�e�3��xi�e� �Gax er�d the ��4e��rt��s, ��� Pe��t�c��t b�i�sg pr�sen� in
<br /> C�rurt �nd repre�s�te�i by cd�ns�e1 aad L�ie :C�u� havi��g h�ard the
<br /> �vf.denc� �nd being fu11y advised in �2�s p�emi8et� find�a th�t a�ll �ss�t�
<br />�
<br /> involv�d are iocated in Hall Ccunty, Nebza ska and that the Caurzty
<br /> Attorney of Hall County, Nebraska has axecu�e�t �nd f il�ci a �iaivsar af
<br />�
<br />; Aic�tice u�aon hi� tc� �ht��w cause, or a�' �he t�.me �nd pl.aca a#' he�rin�,
<br />� and ha$ entered a volunt�try �Ppaa►�aar��e ir� ths�e pr4c�edings in behal.f
<br />� of tl�+� Co�unty of Ha,�3 aMd the Stat� �f �ebrass� arid: fur�Gherr €�nds th�t
<br /> f
<br />� th� onI
<br />� p persvn ag�inat t�om ari inhe�i�a��ze ��c ma�: b,� 'asaess�d: is
<br /> I .
<br /> the Pet�ti+�ner her�in.
<br />: The Cc�u.r� tt;�rther ��.r�d� t�at Joel H. �ndz�w� dieci �eptembe�
<br /> I
<br /> i 17, i960 ii� Hal.l Co�znt�►, �Tebr��k�a, b�rin� �� e�aid time a re�ident Qf
<br /> aaid County; that the Pe�itioner 3,� th� wife �f �sid de►e�ase�, tha�
<br /> at th,e time a�' his death as�id deceased wa�- not p€>��a��ed s�f ar�� prro-
<br /> P
<br /> perty sub�ect tr� admiaiatration in the 5t�t�s.�f Nebr�sk�, bt�t wa� �hs
<br /> c�vr.ner, tageth�r �rith the Petiti�Mer sa _���t ten�nts, €�f the, �'ali�r�rin�-��
<br /> de�scribed g�rop+�r°tp, to-wit: V
<br /> � pdrtion of Blnek Fcnx� (I�� H�wAi� Aaditi.crn �+� �1�� _-�'��,�.�ge
<br /> c�f 1�].da� Ha3.7. Gour�ty., l�ebr�ska, �ieh, i€ pl�t�+ed itt a.a�crrd�n�e
<br /> ur
<br /> ��h ��r��i� �th�r 1at� in �a1id Addi�Cion, ��.d be d+�i��:gnat�d
<br /> La't� �e l _, .
<br /> E _� �d �r�. t�? c�f �'�ic���.ack �'t��� ��4� �nd whi��i �
<br /> t�ac�t �� m�,rs ga1e��.�u1at�.�r �eaar�.t�ed s�3 �+am��nc3.ug �t th�.
<br /> No��ie?��t �����;�' ��, ��.d .�lt�� �'o� ��l s ��,� �henc�
<br /> �rest��� �,r���t ��r� �,��� �,�s,� .vf �raid H1Q�1� Qne Hun�ir�d (1QC►)
<br /> F���, ������ �► �► �a�v�th�rr�� +ri����t�,�n ,�nci pairrss�le�, rvi�h �lae
<br /> �s�,�� �.i�e �►.��:"at��na� raf Qi�.� :��n�re�d �� �ff�� E15Q) f��t,
<br /> th�:��s: s��t a� ��,.�,��, ��� -�h�, r�arth lirz� af ���.d �lc�e�z:
<br /> U�� �inndred; ��f�� fee�t �Co �he eas�er]�� line �f �aid B�.t���C�..
<br /> ��iem��e' �.c�r�h t�ie €I�td�e,�3 � �+'�.tf'��` (�.re� .�e�t tc Ghe p�.��e
<br /> �af b� i�n�ig�, �d pr�+���.��� .�r�t� 'th� hs����t�ad o�E ��� �
<br /> Pe��t��n�i�"a�.d d+�ced��< �.�� � ;
<br /> .���
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