<br /> , �
<br /> _ ; '' , �,:�;
<br /> �t �h�s �rth�r��� cv�e�" af �pitd �e���vn �ev�n���+n
<br /> E`17�. �he�n�e sa�t�h Ei�i�g ($4�� �c�d.�� ��o�c� s���
<br /> Twent�-fe��zrr t�b) rc�d��, t�l�a���e,:���r�� ���p .f:�t3)
<br /> arpds; thenee we� T�e��y-��rur .C��` �"v��► '�� '��e
<br /> p�.a�e of �e,gi�in�;, �arz���ing 1�.� ����#r a Ii�t�e
<br /> mv�re or Isas, ir� Cn�t+e� �e����, �abr�slt�,�
<br /> �`he Sou�h Haif tif the N��th Ha�.f ��+�1��) an�l the
<br /> North Half o� �he South H�].f (N�3 ) r�f Section
<br /> 9ev�n�e�n (17�, �Q�rn�h�g 3'hirtasn (13j Ne�r�Gh,
<br /> R�e :3evez��e�a il��. Wea� of ��� `£�th �.1�.,
<br /> Cr���er �ount�►, A��br��ka� .�. .
<br /> a7.�4 �he fo�lnw�. d�a��rib�d rss�. ������ i� ��p8 Pa�a Countpr l�ebraska,
<br /> t�t3ng
<br /> �nd �11 0� �ii�h i.a d���ribed a�r f�ai�c�ws�
<br /> �he �ox�h t��-�alf �a� �Mc� �c�u�&�re�� Quair�er (N}�W��
<br /> and the �Tarthxeat Quarter of th� �o�the�c�t Q�,arter (��i�����
<br /> and Lo�Gs T�+ro (2)e Three C3� a�� F�ur (,�)�, in ���tirs�
<br /> �ien�y (�0), To�wnshig 3'hir�p-t�ro (3�) AdArt�, Ran�e
<br /> Pdin�tc�en (19�, wg�t of �t.he 6th P.�+d.; �d
<br /> Ls�t� O�e (�) $�d �ro (�� �nci ti�e E��t �3alf' �f the
<br /> �I�r�hw��t Quart�rr t.��N� �, a3:�fl ��metiffi� refsrred �o �� the
<br /> �ortbr��� Quaz�er (Pb��) •�nd t�� �lmr�theas�t Q"ua�er (1�E�)
<br /> o�` Se��ion Ei,�h��en �3.�), T���k��.� �hi�p�-�wc� ���) �ior�h,
<br /> Rsnge Niaet�en (19�, �e�� o� ti�� th P.�+l.; ar�d
<br /> The �Tarthwe�� Quarter (1�WW�) cf 5ection �ev�nt��n (17�,
<br /> To�rn�hip 3'hirty-��ro (3�) I�r�rth,, Rang� i�in�tsern (19�,
<br /> �est of the 6t�h �.I�. g a�d
<br /> �ot� Th�°ee (3� ��d Fcur (�� a�d th:� �asi� Flul� vf th�
<br /> 5�t�thv�e�t R�a�er(F�S�T ), ��e�f�e� des�rib�d �� th�
<br /> �o�xti�t�est Qe�a�r��r (�W�� aud t�l�a ths a�uthe��� quax��r
<br /> (���� 4f �e�tien �fe�e�. �?�, �'dwn�hip Th�.rtp�two (�2�
<br /> North, i�ar�ge Nineteer� (1$ , W��� gf ths 6�t�h P,�I. ; a�d
<br /> That part of t�ie Southe�ffit Qua�er �(SE�) �f S�cti�n
<br /> T�a�lve (12� in �h� p�rt a� t�e I�orth Half �g �,he �Tor�he�a�
<br /> 4�uarter (1V 1�F� of S�ct�vn Th�.rts��, (�3 s ail in �Qwn�hip
<br /> T'tairty�tw+o (��� Nttrth, Rax�ger Ttos�ty (���, '��at of the �th
<br /> P,I�,, 13r#.ng ea�t of th� Fede�a►1 ��.�h��r ru��n,� and
<br /> m�and�rir� �en.�ra�11�► ncr�1� and s�►��h �h�c��h, avs� �nd
<br /> �crc�s� �he �uthe,a� Quaar��r (S��) �f a�id �3�cti��
<br /> �r�l�e (].�j �nd t,M� �Tor�h Half a�' �he No�th.east Qn�r�t�r
<br /> (�i�NB�) a��- �aid 9��ticn--��.��a��za (1�) a� t�ie �iigh�p i�
<br /> grad�d, �ravel,e�d and fencedr ,
<br /> $. �hat lb� th� te���s of t�� �ill csf �a�.d de�ea��d, �11 house-
<br /> hald goodffi� furni�ur� and furni�3ng� and �11 iive►��t���, f�rr� machinery, `
<br /> azatomobi�.e�, h���at�d erQp�, �d grgwi� crops o�a �ea1` �a��at�s �pecifi.e�,l��!
<br /> d�wi��d ta I��b�l �'�ba��n.� �r#��r o�' t�eta��r, is bequea�hed �Go �i�bel J�hnsori
<br /> and th+� �me �r ���se��.�����ream ,+���r�:�'b� a���� tQ �t�r>� �&�� in
<br /> � 8�fdf�.�'C�OA firYl�3`"!3'�Q ffi�1�! ��.� 8'2I"�i�.`h+�.�L�: '�r9 '�`t� ��fitBQ�� ��`�1 +�"'�i�,� 1"�.fB��3 Q�1 ��
<br /> re�l esta�e �geaifi�ally �e�.�et� �c� hs� d��:r�� t�t�,��a� ��6�, �a�.+d prc��eed�uT;,'
<br /> ,
<br /> not being requ3r�ad �G�a �►a�r �Lhs deb�s l�nr� ��p�n�s,� �� �,c�.rr�.��r��tia�.�
<br /> ,
<br /> �xciu�ive� a�' the 3rthe�f�jtnc� �a�c �t�a��+��d a�g�tfn�e� ��t� �ti�k M�b�l �
<br /> Johnsc�n; �hat aIl c#' the re�aainin� pe��+�ne�, prap���r�, ��` a��, ��rm��,z�ing
<br /> �fte� p�a�en� o� t�e deb��► �nd ea�pe�ffi�s �� ad��:n�.���t�i�ixi i� bsr�������d .s:t`
<br /> t4 We�ley J�ahx�sc►n, Vad,a �rb, El�+�r� K�ch, ,D+�rathg H���cm�n, �#��. ���1:�►
<br /> �nd �iarriet Spohr, children mf �he d�����e�d, a�n� �th��.d be a���.�:�d ��
<br /> th�t.
<br /> �,.
<br /> . , _
<br /> �'���`�: F j � '�i�t\�-1v5.. ��-��k� t�� S �y„
<br /> . .. .. � .. .n .. .
<br /> . : ,': . .:�. .., .. : ' ..
<br /> . �., y
<br /> .<. _ . :.. _ "" xs. .i
<br /> '_ , ..s��i . .� .� . ..-« >..,1„ _.,. .�.t },�.<<�';X,�
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