�,' -
<br /> s� �
<br /> Il�t TH$ ����'X �RT t�F H/1�. �E�i�TY, �i�$���88A :
<br /> �Af �T�B I�d��t QF 3� 8�'�A� ; ���t�� i�t�. �647 ,
<br /> : ��'
<br />�
<br /> �'
<br /> ������
<br /> ANDR�T P. 3€IHAT�}�T,.'l���ased_
<br /> . .
<br />� , This �ea�t�► c�aa o�.�err ���ri.sg wpon �a� �iz�al R��port, _
<br /> Sugplem,e�ta�i R��rt � s�ecQ�t a�d tbe Petftiare �ar Finni SeLtlement
<br />� cf Acco�iut c�f the �cet���c�r, and far �a F�ecree ot' Heir�hip herein,
<br /> �►na due ana Ze��. no�ice of he�rir�g harri�r� bee� g�ven a� provided. by
<br />, Iaw, and #�,he Court b+�iag f�21�r advised in the grem.isea, finds:
<br />,
<br /> k.
<br /> 1. Z'�a:at �aid .#'iz�al a�cot�nt �tnd supplernen�al'aceount are
<br /> eorrect and ��muld bs �livrfad.
<br /> �. Tha� �hs utat�aaata amd al.I�gation� in aaid Petition for
<br /> Final Settl�ment s�re true �nd correet.
<br /> ,�. That said 8z�cut�r �smk poasession af t2�e per�sonatl
<br /> progerty belougiz�g to aaid �ata�e and h�a paid ail debts and claims
<br /> al.lowsd atnd the cos�s a�c[ exprsu�es of administra�ion,
<br /> 4, T�a� t�ers haa bssn � r�eter�ainatian.of iriheritance tax
<br /> due tne 3tate c�� I�ebr�sk� .Pr+i�s �h� heir�, devisee� and legatees of
<br /> �he dec�a�ed and a d�tsrm3�8�ian of i�aharit�ca ta�c made and that the
<br /> sarn$ ha� been paid.
<br /> 5. That there is now 1e�� in th�s hatuda of the Executar the
<br /> aur� of �931•56 anci that he in tk�c� px�c�ss of 3iquid�tiAg certa�.n bonds,
<br /> saving acc�unts ar�d coilec�iz,� rents far 196fi gs ��t out in the supp3.e-
<br /> n�entsl repart.
<br /> 6. That Andrex P. �Tohnscn died tea�a�te, a re�ident of Ha21
<br /> Cr�unt�, Ri�braeka, on ti�e qth dap of Ja��prq, 1Qb0, and l�ft as his
<br /> so�e and cnlq heir� at la� th� �'all+�xing named psrson�, to=�it: Mabel
<br /> Johason, �ridoMr, We$lep Johaac�m+ atm, ar�d 9ada Erb, E�len Koch, Dorothy
<br /> Heckman, EtYael P�dlo, and Iiarxie� Spohr, c3aughtar�, all o� wrha� are �£
<br /> legal sge.
<br /> 7. �`hat the said A�dre�r P. Johnaon, deceased� died seix�d o�
<br /> th� �ollowing described real eat�te, to-wit3
<br /> The Ea�t Half (E�j Qf Lo� Seven (7j ar�d the
<br /> E��t Half (E�) Af I,ot Eight ($), Block Five
<br /> �5�, in the �.th Addit�.on to Cairo, Hall Ccuntg,
<br /> A;ebraalca;
<br /> Th� Northw�s� �u�ter (htW��, Section Fi�ts�n (35),
<br /> Tot�na�i.p El�ven j 11)s �torth, Rarige T�elvs (12), Wes�
<br /> c�f tbe :b�h �,A�,, H�.2:'Ccrutttp, N�b�a�ka;
<br /> T�� N��Ch ��alf �f: �� :�ttb��s� Qc�sr�es�' �������s
<br /> `��4 �ptt$s�i�ffi'�i QuBX`�►t9� 8� t;�e ��3tt'�h.ea�t �ti�"Ge1"
<br /> t�'����). a�d ^�h� �a�th ��lf �rf the ��th,r+te��t
<br /> �l���rr: t����I �a�iaA �'hir�g�o�e '��1�, ��-
<br /> ��ip �re��r� f-�.��>` �Tn�h, ,I�z�e ��.��r�a �11�, �'�s�
<br /> ' c�f�'.�ha b�h F��., :�a�.�:Coux�t�"s N ebr�t��c�i;
<br /> T�.+� �Te�k� ��►�.�' �f' ��s��t�r�& ���� (�i��f�.,� "df
<br /> �� �3����.�a�:�r�i���a (��?:�. �� "�'a�i� �h��+se�� .�13��
<br /> � �t��h,, �a�e;������e�� ��� �i�. �e� ��:_��e 6� ��
<br /> ��.�., +��c�� :'���� 1��' :�te�ea� c�`� � �€��t�_ , �� �
<br />- e��, ��� 12.�c�r�°�.�+��iri�+� �►� �'+��Y��" ��e�x�i�g
<br />�'
<br /> _l- �
<br />