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<br />��i ��I TF�� ��t��i�Y ��t���' t�.�` �1l����� '����3�T�', ���A���A
<br />�kyl. . . .. � .. . � . .
<br />��:
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<br /> �� In th� Ma�t�r o,�' '�I�� .��t�t�t Q�
<br />�;- ��) ' �� �:ar'��� I��. ��'��I. �
<br />��'
<br /> G. H. 'Pa�����;D, e/%/a 4�enri ) ����� tJ�' l���i1��. ���"�L�3���i`�
<br /> �
<br /> How�ird Townsend; Dec�a.s�d. )
<br />,s�:
<br /> I�aO�", �Jn �his I7t� da� of Janu.ar�, �.�61:, thi� m.atter ca�ae an t� be
<br /> heard at ].OsQO A.�h. on the petit3.on: o.£ ��nr� y. fio�kin, ancil�.arq ���a�»
<br /> u�or of the l��t i�ill s�nd '���t�a�er�t of ��id de��d��t�, �he �le�.dinr�a e:nd
<br /> : e�vic�ene�, an.d th� Co�.rt, br�ing f�tll:y adv����t :ir� �ha �r�mi��s, find�,
<br /> � l. Ths.t �. I�I. Tot�;��sund a2so kno��:
<br /> , i a�� (31.ann I�oxar�: 3'awri�end, a
<br /> r�;sident af I�it C�.reon. County, Calora►do„�! d.3.�d �eeta�e th�r�in, an July
<br /> 7, �:��59, aiid his last aTi11 and �`�a��.��n't; wa� dtt�,� ��.z��.tted t4 proba�� }
<br /> in th� Caunty Court 1� a.nd Pdr ��.e ���tn��r ut` Kit C�.rson 3.n th� �tat�
<br /> r' caF �ol�r��c, Froba�E l�o. 2103; that� on ar �baut Aug'ust 27, 1.+�60, th�r�
<br /> � was fil�� in th3.s Court a petition �Qr p�ob�t� of the 1a�t �ill and
<br /> Testar�Pnt of said dece�sed�, with authenticat�d e4�� a.nd record of the
<br /> nroceedings by the County Gourt in and fc�r �he Conn�t�r 8t` Kit �ar�on ir�
<br /> the �t�,te of Co]_or8,do, ard a,skiri� �ar thie ��}�oin.tment ir� this Court of
<br /> H�xiry °C. rI��kiri as ancil7.ary :�xecu�ar hei��in. Th�t sucn a��ointanpnt
<br /> aras dul,y �nade,a��d 'rlenry Y. tioskiz: therea;iter quali��ecl, �.nd has been
<br /> ever since the ctuly a.n*�oint�;d, qualifisd' a,ncl aeting ancill�.r� �x�eutor
<br /> o� saic? �st<�,�,�.
<br /> 2. T::��.L- �.,�e az��a le.;al z�otie� tras ;�ivin t� a13. c��.��i�.r:ts a�;air.�t
<br /> saici �state, ar1� �.11 c�ther �arties inter��t�sd, a.r�l n� claim� tireF�^
<br /> fi:�ed; ali claims n�t �ilec�, if arty thar� Y�e, wPre forev�r ba�re� b�y
<br /> a.xi orc'.=�r oi t�t� Co�zrt entereci herein �n D�cember 27, 1966.
<br /> 3. 'rY�at a11 tirnvisiors of sectioz�s' 2�.-�20.p1 to 2�-52{�,0l+ of �he
<br /> _,'Ebraska �tatutes as to notic� have be�n' �dPav�,t�.l�r catn�li?� -�.�it1^:.
<br /> !�. T?�at the decPciant wras the owr,�r' af sn�n irt�rest ;~ ?nc� �� a.n
<br /> undi�rici�d one-sixth (1%6 j shar� in
<br /> Lots 2� and 21, A. fd. Tho�►a�t �ubd;i'vi�ion, an Addition ,�o the
<br /> Cit� of �urora,H�milton Caunty, ti�br�:�ka,.
<br /> Fr�.¢t�.on�l �ot 6 in �'ractional Block l�? in the �Jnion �?acif ic
<br /> :�a�lway CQmpar..y�s Second Addition :and it� comple:ment, to-xit3
<br /> ,
<br /> Fr�,etic�nal T.ot q in Fraetio�a� Blo;ck � in Jo�n Voitle�s �tcic3i.�ivn� ,
<br /> �
<br /> both b�ing additimns �,o th� City o',f Gra�d Isla:�id, ��tll Count�►,
<br />, iVehraska, t
<br /> 5. That th� lega3. heirs of ��:id d.e;cedent are his si�ters, txaxine �
<br /> �3urk�, Rub� Baker, Pearl 9n�der, �p�l �t;r�ek7.an�. a,r�d �eatha I��sk�:tt, �
<br /> Tr�at, in acseord,anee wfth �'�i� ter�� of hijs Iast ��,�1 �nd '��st�,�ent, �he
<br /> decedent ��,�re all o�' hic� e��ati� to his e�aid ��:ster, Haxi�� 8�rke� �.f ' '�
<br /> she surv�ved hi,m, Lh�t she �.i� i:� faEt ��n��*i�re h�.m, r�,zacl the�t: �k�,� ta�es ;.
<br /> . . . . . . . . . . . ..f'
<br /> the asset� Qf his ���ate. '
<br /> �
<br /> , , ;„;
<br /> 6; �`hat �h� a��t#:ll�.r� ����u'�ar;�ta�; �"iled h�� rep�r� �ri�2� the �'
<br /> �ou,�t,� and �I�� Co€�rt fi�d� �ha� ;��e aaa��� '�� ��+� and ���� �z�i� ��ould
<br />� be, �nd l��z'�b�^ �.�, app�a�reti. i.
<br /> � �� �,� �w,�.y ,tP . . . . ..•
<br /> ���..
<br />