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<br /> `K , .., .... -i�. .-,"� .�. ,:,.. ,.s. t,E..>� �xr'. , #�4 ,p-.s "d1�N'�''-• . , 'Ik . I . , .
<br /> �_. � �
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<br /> � � . . .. ._' . .�.•r -�_ v �• -` . ..� �. �':
<br /> to t�s fir�t ca�rt +�ay �f �ach s�uccsidi,n� menth �til tts�
<br /> ��t�a►r t�£ t;h+� 1wel�ta�d claiat �� set�l�d, tF�e m�ttes of
<br /> Fed�rxa�l ��t�t� S"�x �.� ad,�ts�ted, a:�d ac�y a�unt nwi�� to H�11�
<br /> +�nun�y <�s -,h�.w�t by th� i�ok� wf t�� T*��a�urer gnd th� ���:-J�x�ty
<br /> ."�a,�s�ar, hmv� t;��� ��,�id an�i ��z�ffi��t�� e�f ci�.s�+chdre��
<br /> �i2�c� t�eref4r.
<br /> Z'T I5 FF�''�i? ����.EL' �'.;Jt3��� t^.�'� �Et'�iEF.�3 by itt� �curf
<br /> �h�t :.� ts� =�ny bal�z�e� re�inin� in tt�e accaunt aftc� a:�ic3
<br /> r1c��u�t�:�;�n�:�� h�v� ta€�+�n ���e the T�`Qb�c�Uex'y I�t�8�t�1�� ae� h�rain-
<br /> �efc�r� ff��n=.� and cie�ez�ninee3, in the ;,ro�:�ztion� h�:��fnb�fore
<br /> �et fv;•th, ��a�l b� er�titled to s�id �s�l�nce ��i�jec� tn v.�y
<br /> I��rful c�:�r$es.
<br /> '�T �� 'l�ER�F+�I�.E C��R�D "�DJtIDGED �t� �LGR��fl that th�
<br /> ,<3ici �;.n�:r gensc�n, �xe�cut�x, 3� �n�i is hr�reby c�ischa:c��d
<br /> fr�tn �ny ran� aIl ii3b:�ity u�.c:r+ �h� filin� cf 3�id re��i;-�t�,
<br />� �+ ,t �s �e1�n.y �q
<br /> �.'��.'��.�� 7.��: r'�A� :a��? s,3� �11:sIJ+K�B�uY� •
<br /> Th� C:�urt f£,r►d� tttat �l�xa��th �. :�fller die� ta::tmte
<br /> ?e�vin�3 a I_��:,t {;i1I �n� �vr� �'c��ic°il� ther�to� which �`fili
<br /> ��d �c�dicii� t�av� h����o���re ��en �d�itt�d tr r.�Ua��e �r�c,
<br /> wt33.ch �:�bat� h�3 nev+ar :���n .et ��id�► c,r a}:�;�ai�gti fz��r�,
<br /> .�n the �!�rd dar� nf Jt,�ne, 19�9; th�t st�Q av�s � citi��n ��d
<br /> xasidera# r�f H�11 County, t��i�r.a�k�, �nc� this couxt ha� jur-
<br /> ��ciict�.�n. That �he �vas th� s��x a� the time of �e�tt�
<br /> s�� the fc,llowing �+�scribed rRal e�tr�tea
<br /> Lt't 4� .1tts3 the �es�t 2� f���'. t�f Lt>t 3� E��PC�C 4� L'it`�t3t�
<br /> and t3�rsh�3lis i�d�iticjn t� ��c�o� �'tiiver, N+��x��E��.
<br /> �r�€�th���� Quarte E�E%�3 c� �ec�i�n Fi.f�e�an �15�,
<br /> ��mshl.�-� ��.�rer� �111 . �c�a�th Ra� T�v�lve tl�)
<br /> ���st af �� bth P. �. H�T1 County, �ebras��.
<br /> �tarth�►e�t Quarter of ttie Ncar�h�rt�t Qua�t+�r (1�%�d�)
<br /> �f �ectic�n Y $y'�� �f t�6�h:F�€��,��N�114ii)
<br /> R�nq� Twe.l.ve�l�1,
<br /> �4un�y. �iebrask�.
<br /> i�c��th �talf s�f th� S�utt'���t ��rtsr (N',,,.�"�j�) pf
<br /> ���t9:�n '�vr�t,y-�two �2 . T�swnshi� F�.even t11I .
<br /> t9
<br /> ��Qzt� R�I3t�+a# ?we�1V� xa�. �e�t O� th�' 6#tl P• A�, ,
<br /> Ha31 ��u��y, td�bra���
<br /> /�-
<br />