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<br /> J ' . .. , . -,, ��. :�.� ... , . . . .. , .��_., . . ._ . � , � . -
<br /> OF
<br /> �O�;i :=�i,L A'IEDi 3Y THE`.;E PRF;SET��S:
<br /> That i, Elizabeth E. i�iilier, bein� of sound mind and d-.sposing
<br /> memory, desire to maxe a Codicil to my Last Will. anr Testament dat-
<br /> ed C}ctober 9th, 19�7, since my niece, i�ucy �� :�?asten,, nas d;�ed since
<br /> tyie makin=; of said Last `nTill and 'lesta_�:ent, and I therefore r�ake,
<br /> rublish and declare tr.is a �odicil to my Last 4�i11 and iestament:
<br /> �'��S�
<br /> I do herebv revoke tpe ent `re 9th section of the Second nara-
<br /> �raph of said �ast s;ill and �estamer�t, ;�r���ch :�:ai�es � ber.uest of
<br /> the sur,1 of Hour Trc�usanc Dallars (�l�,OC':;�.�Q } to mt� niece, Lucy E.
<br /> i�iaster., _-f liv�n�., ar:d `�i not, to ner c��i1d^en ,
<br /> `:k.�i f:'V J
<br /> I do rereby revoke �he entire roarth rara�raph of my said T ast
<br /> ',�:'ill anc� �i'esta.ment devisin� certa=n real estate to the said �ucy Eo
<br /> M�Gten an� ner heirs.
<br /> TT-�� ��
<br /> I do nerebv amend the S�xth �ara��� of mr said Last Will and
<br /> Testarrient b�� om�tting t'rierefrom th� r�al��e of Lucv F�, n�asten, so that
<br /> said ,�ixth Para�;raph shail read a:s �ellows, to-wit: I.eo r. 'T'helen
<br /> �-iarold A. Prince
<br /> "An,y balaYsce remair.ing;.after�,ntiy saj.d �xecutor shall have
<br /> converted my property�-int;'�' rr�on��yY, I do hereby give, devise
<br /> and "bequeath unto tne�`" fo`11o�r.�n�*,�n�zned r.ieces anci rephews,
<br /> S�iaT'2 ariC1 S[i8Y'(' al'l�'�3: �.--�'�b' �'�OY:2i'S� IY'rf13 Sackett, I�LaLlC�B
<br /> B�ackl��r, Dor�•th�r �iatt, Lloyd ��,00d, ':harles E. Tavlor, Sr.,
<br /> i-�ar�aret ��ining, �rtnur ��'ooa, �lu:de 4v'oaci and Velm.a Muhmelo"
<br /> "'l7��Ri';1
<br /> I do hereb� beq_�zeath to the chilclren of my deceased niece,
<br /> Lucy E. i�?asten, ar_d to the issue of any deceased child of sa?d niece,
<br /> by right of representation, the sum of �I�,000.00, to be di-
<br /> vided equally, share and s hare alike . Leo :�olhelen
<br /> E. E, Miller Harold A. Prince
<br /> !�i F"'H
<br /> I do hereby add the followin� nara�raph to m,y original Last
<br /> Will and Testarnent:
<br /> "EIGHTHn
<br />� The bequests in this Will are intended to be in lieu of a�iy
<br /> and all other claims of whatever nature and whether arising by
<br /> Statute or otherwise, but any taker hereunder who asserts such other
<br /> claim or beeom�es an adverse party in a proceedin�; for its probate
<br /> shall forfeit his or her entire interest hereunder and all bequests
<br /> made to him or her. Any property forfeited by the operatj.on of' this
<br /> Leo F. Thelen
<br /> Haro d A. Prince Elizabeth E. Mi11er
<br /> ( I add the ch ldren o Harry Powers to the 6th
<br /> Leo F.Thelen ( paragraph of my Last will and testament to share
<br /> Harold A. Drince ( by right of representation.
<br /> Elizabeth �. i7i:11er
<br />�'
<br />�
<br /> i
<br /> ,,,,
<br />,� . _ _ _
<br /> ,:.
<br />