_�.�; i r.:.;:'c, @` "°:r m. er s�5:. �'r--.x�,.�... R" c�.�.r. yFi �- � t'�,�s�w s.. . �'���; �Y�: ,x:, :h!�+ . ,r
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<br /> 3
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<br />�,
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<br />;
<br /> 5. To rny niece, Dorothy E. Pia�t, the sum of' �3,000.00
<br /> provided she shall survive me, but in the event . she
<br /> fi shall not survive me, then to her children or tlze issue
<br />'k of any deceased child 'or children, bv right of repre-
<br /> k; sentation, share andshare alike.
<br />��,
<br /> n;
<br />� 6. To my nephew, Lloyd V. Wood, the sum of °�3, 000.00,
<br />',; provided he shall survive me, but in the event he shall
<br />�'T. not survive r1e, t�en to his children or the is4ue of
<br />�' any deceased child ar children, by right of repre8en-
<br />'�' tation, share and s'r:are alike.
<br /> rA,
<br />�
<br />�� ��. To ny grandn=ece, i�targaret Vinin�, the s�un of :
<br />� �L�,OOO.00, providedshe shall survive me, but in the
<br />;¢ event she Sl:all not survive me, tren to her chil:d�ren
<br /> u" or the �ssue of any deceased ch.ild or children, 'by
<br />'" ri�ht of representa�ion, share a!:d share alike .
<br />�:
<br />�
<br /> 8. mo my niece �y marriage, Emma St. Clair, tre 'sum
<br /> of �1,00G.00, provided she shall s�,.rvive MP. i but 'in
<br /> t:ne event she shall not survive me, then I do gine ar.d
<br /> hequeath said sum of �1,004.00 to e�er daughter, Nar-
<br /> �aret lFining, µ
<br /> 9. To my niece, Lucq �,. ilasten, the sum of �?�,v0U..00,
<br /> provided she snall sarvive rne, but in the event sre
<br /> shall no� survive irie, then to her children or the
<br /> ?ssae of any deceased cnild or cnildren,by r�gnt cf
<br /> represen tation, s�nare and �i�are alike .
<br /> 1C�, mo rny nephews and niEce, r�rthur �;Jood, Clyde i1.
<br /> 'rtood and Veima Muhmel, the sum of �1.}.,G00.00 each, pro-
<br /> vided they s!�all survive me, but in the event th`e�t shall
<br /> not st.zrvive me, then to their crildren or the issue of
<br /> any deceased ehild or chil:3.ren,by rignt of represen-
<br /> tation, share a:^d share alike ,
<br /> il, To my repheUr, Char•les E.'^aylor, tre su.m of
<br /> ��p2,000.00, p»ov�ded he shall survive me, but in the
<br /> event he shall r.ot survive me, ther_ to his chilc�ren or
<br /> the i_ssue of any deceased child or cnildren, by right
<br /> of representation.
<br /> 12. To my grandnephew, Wesley Tavlor, the svm of �750,00,
<br /> and to my grandnephew and �randr_�ece, Charles Tavlor, Jr. ,
<br /> I and Ida Taylor Burmood, the sum of �1,750,00 each.
<br /> 13. To my nephew, Frank rRiller, I �ive my red platform
<br /> rocking chair, my rose dish, and my red and white �ocket
<br /> knife. To my nephew, Ralph T�1i11er, I give my deer
<br /> 4 Plate, To my nephew, E. C. Shultz, I give my cedar� foot
<br /> stool and my pair of blue vases. All of my other home
<br />' furniture, furnishings, china, appliances, and utensils
<br /> i I give to my beloved nieces, Lucy E. Masten, Velma
<br /> i�iuhmel, Maude A. Buckley, Errna I�t, Sackett, andDorothy
<br /> E. Piatt, as they shall by rnajority agree upon, and if
<br /> any of them are not able to be present either personally
<br /> or by representative within thirty daSTs after my death
<br /> to participate in the division of said propert,y, then
<br /> they shall forfeit their rights in said property to '
<br /> those who are able to be present,
<br /> Elizabeth E. Miller
<br /> Harold A. Prinee
<br />�a`� � Gl�adys �L. Kaiser
<br />:,w;
<br /> 2
<br />