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<br /> ,� , '��� .' � � vt� "I`. � !:"" A�d �G_����ili3'
<br />� ` `L'hi::� c�n�te.-�upt�i€�1 contr�ct atid ��;re�em�nt m�de �r.d� as.tereti. � � �
<br /> i'AGo �Lhis 1Qt� day of tipril, k.D. � iy4y �• by and �eLween CYi�rles Rrau�rt,
<br /> o`t" Cr�an�i Islr�r�d, Hn21 �auaty, ivenras,ice , rparty c�f the �irsL parL� �r.d °
<br />�_� L]:sf,a �d. �ecke:r, �f, Grc�nd I9i�nd , Hell County, Ate�sr��ka, pa�ty of
<br />� .the �sacor�fl` p�r�� w�TP��SS�'I`fi;
<br />,. :
<br /> Th�t, w2:eress, the �r�id Charlea �au�rt and the 8e:ic1 $laie lA.
<br /> 13ecker havc� ar;r�ed dr:e *� r�nr^� �hc� otYier, uror> cor.�ition, hawe�'er, •
<br /> e1' t��e execu�ic�s, �r�d deljv�rv t��' ari arlt�-r�u�;tib.�. ��ree�ent decieri.7�;
<br /> ° r�nc f'ixir:�; th� �ri�hts c�� tr�� �a:d Ch�ri�s Ftauert in �i�d t�� the pra�er�y
<br /> of tY:e s�id Elsie ki. Backer; ar:d �
<br /> '�13�e:ees � the s�id Elsie L.. Becker 19 the owner of cert�+ira
<br /> prnp�rty� rea� �nd persor,al, descriUed a� follows, to-witt
<br /> 5ou t�h helf (9 1./2) c�f SouLhqast auarter (SS 1/4�
<br /> and :,��rthwest �,uarter iNM► 1/�� of Southe.est auarter
<br /> (SE 1/4? 5ecL.ion P'�ur � 4) . fiownsr.ip Tw�ive ( 12? �
<br /> _ Ran�e Seven. ( 'I) � ��rrick County, Nebrr�aka,
<br /> ant� cot�aidering" Ghe clrcumstances surrounding the pt�rties hereto, it
<br /> is nnt dee�ued �ust' �nd equitable that the `said Charles z2auert shauld
<br /> hevs ,or raceive the ri�hts to tt�e property oP Lhe said �ls:ie M. B�ck�r
<br /> R if .e�l�id Aro��ss� IIIEiPTiB�Er i6' �Ct3ASilIISf11LLB�i Il� eth�rw�se would hev� were
<br /> it' .k�:C�..fo�' t:.i;s ��;rset�ent, srid ,
<br /> �
<br /> �h�rees i,'tit�e s�id �lsi6 'ld. 3eciter is th� �iather of t�.xee
<br /> child�ren by r� fc�rmer m�rri�te end it .is her �de�ire L:�at �her cY�ildreca
<br /> atiell h$v� tll� property hereint�eZore deeeri��d,' ta-wit;
<br /> 8outh half (3 i/2) of 3outhsast Qu�r�er (SE 1/4)
<br /> �aad Northwest �,uarter (IaIW l/4j of 3outhe�st q,u,arter
<br /> �SE: 1/4} Section Four (4) , Tawn�hip Twelve ( 12) ,
<br /> :' : � � Rar.ge Seven� ( '1) ► b�ez�rick CoaaLy,_ Nebreske.
<br /> {^ s ' ` K'fi;r:r2F.�0}2E it is �breed �y and between tha pgrties hereto
<br /> �t��tt. �11 oP the rer�l estate now owne�i by L�lsie �. �ec�er prior to the
<br /> " � �oas�►�tian of the m�rriagv `be�ween us, Charl�s R�uert, p�rty oP
<br />� °' �h�► fir�t par�. �nd Elsis !�. Beakar, Pc�;cty oi` ttie second part, shall be-
<br /> long Lc� '.&l�ie -k. Becker Lo be di�posed o1' �g ehe so aeea f1t.
<br /> `�N �'��4�tY ��fl�' we 2�sv�' hereunt� �ot our h�t�da i€� c3up12-
<br /> catB :�lae d�y �nd ye�.r P�:�'et abov� writtea.
<br /> ' '� �l.-"�<'�.,s`� -�,�_
<br /> ...
<br /> T 'F5 . �'
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<br /> �. � l = �{, Y .'�» 2 'i��
<br /> ,� ,,�, ,� � J�" �_ � _,r,�i e, », + '�. 4' i4 't`ti���i ����. �u a ' �. f .. .� .
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