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<br /> I�i THE COtJ1tiTY COURT UF' HALL Ct�U�3TY, �iEBRA��tA
<br /> II'� T�E z��ATT�+tZ Q�' THE �.�iTA'T'E ;
<br /> OF ) D�CR�.� T�E'�Rt�1�.ING .��ITA�„�CE.TAX
<br /> CH�RI.�S �.. LtJCK�, Deeessed �
<br />, l�E IT RF�SE�iBEREI� that this r��ttsr ��me on to be ka�arci on this
<br /> 11tY3 aiay of January, 19b1, an the F�titian- fQr beters�inatian of
<br /> i�her�tance Tax of Verni� N. Lucke, Peti�3on�r, t� have the Court
<br /> ��e��rmine the inh�ritanae tsx due, if any, on real estat� and
<br /> ,
<br /> �a��sQnr�l prop�rty of the deceas�d, a1.1 of which wa� held �o�.ntly
<br /> �r�.�h ��rnie h. Lucke, his widow, at �he ti.�e of his death, ���
<br />� �j���;:�a.aar.�x° �eing represented bp her �ttorney, Kenn�th H. Elsan, of
<br />; L�Y�:��a�g I�lsan & Tracy, an�i on th� `�'aiver of A;otice and Stipul�tion
<br /> �y vount� Attorney of Gerald 6. Buechl�rg County At�oa~xi�y og H�11
<br /> ���.�nty, T<sbr�ska, and upon c�ons3.deraticn o� the e�rid�nee and the
<br /> �:,saurt b�ing fuZ1y advis�d in the premises, th� Gourt finds a� f'd].ow�:
<br /> 1. Th�t C�?�arles :�. Lucice, deceased, di�d on Sep�ember 15s 196d, `
<br /> � resident and inhabitant of �ia11 County,; �7ebr��kr�, and lef� as riis
<br /> �ol� heir� the fvllc��ing: Vernie N. Lucke, widow; Yera Faa�ch,
<br /> �i�te�; Ir�ns P�et'�, �ister; Grace Clure, �ia�er; Irzna Rob�rts, �i�ter;
<br /> �Jo�cat�y Smith, aist�r; and George Lucka,'tar4ther. .
<br /> 2. That pur�uant �o the provisions c�f Section 77-2(�1�.02 45�,
<br /> Gar�lci �. Buechler, Couty Attorney o� Hall County, �3ebraska,, being
<br /> �i��� county in which all �f th� property de$cribed in the �'�titian is
<br />' lvcated, ha� executed and filed herein a �aiver of �iotics upc�n �rim
<br /> tm show cause, or of the t�Lme and_place af he�ring, and ha� entered
<br /> �, Ya3.un�arY'$FP$�rance in this proaeedin,� i� bsha�.�' of the Ca�nty cf ,
<br /> H�].1 anci State a� Nebra�ka� �nd the only �er�zon �g�i��t wham �n
<br /> inh�sritance tax may be �s�+�s��d by virtu� ;csf th�a de�th of s�id
<br /> ci��e�$ed i� Petitifln�r,_V'�e�n�e N. Lu�l�e�, w�.r�aw of dec�as�ed, and the
<br /> Cc�urt hss dispen�ed .w�:�h th� noti�� prnv�.cl�d fr�r �:n ��zb-s���ic�ns: 77w��1$.t� '
<br /> � � � � . . , � . '�:.� . . . . ' . . ,:,. . . ..
<br /> . . � � . �� . . � � .
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