<br />.ytA7+l�.a:.:..;..�,. .,_�. �- .�� _ - . .. �,... _" �45'
<br /> . � � . . . Y� �„�
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<br /> . . . . . . . . � . . . . ^ntl:
<br /> ,"y. ' .. . . . .. � -� . .. � .. .. ... ....� .� .. , . . �. . - . . . .. . _ . . . . � . .. � . .
<br />�, �' pare�3.se� finds as fal.lows: _
<br />`� �ha.� �illi� I�. Vos� d�parte3 tltiis Iife on �.�i�, 17t� d�y o� .
<br /> ,T�zlw, 3,9��i, .�e�ii�e te�npc�ra�ily re�f:clin� in �hillicoths, ahio,
<br /> 7 �,nd that sh� �aas at th� ti�ne e3� 2i�3- d�at�i a �esid�nt of �;a13. :
<br />�•_ , ,
<br /> Gc+unty, �"�bras�a; that slae le*� su�ni�ing as h�� sale and cnlq
<br /> �:.
<br /> � h��r at I.�r t�.e F�eti.t�,an�r herein,'�:Jo�eph W. Vo�ta, a �on.
<br /> ah�,t �i13.i� �s:. ���s �r�s c��ri.�-� h�r lifet�.m� th� cwnea- a�
<br />�° jc�nt tenazit �rith the r1gk��' �` s��vi�'c�xe�Y�i�a with 3a�zeph �u'. '�e�s,
<br />��
<br /> t?2� �etiticrn�r, �f a check#:n� ��c�:ur,t in the �ta��� F�:nl� of
<br />�
<br />� �air€�, �c�ira, t}�br�,sk�.r i�t Ltse t�o��t �f �9�3,11, ,"
<br />� ,.
<br /> i'h� Lr�ti�t �.�rth�r �ir.t�� th�� �.f�li� ��. t�'c�,�s r��� durin� �e;�
<br /> . l���ti:�e an�l pr�or tc z�^�e 3.���i clay o� �epte�e�, 1���, the ��rn�s-
<br /> . G� the �ol�ca�ring cie���i�aed r��i. r�rcp+��'ty, �t�-wit :; ;
<br /> `i'h� �ast �it�lf Q� ��.� �c�u�h�r�st �:as�:er (���3��', anci the
<br /> ��ar�� �iaXf c� t�� i�cart�;���t ;��aa�t.�.� c���= t�C� :�crut�,west ti��rt�r
<br /> (krzP�"�,��;���} �� ��c�a:cs� ���.irt�=�o�x� (P34 �, in Aa�-r�qhiz� !'��e�.ve
<br /> , , ;,
<br /> . �1"2} :��r�h, :�?�.c�� �1evs� �i�� j, R����� of 7��e �t� �.a=,.� in
<br /> ��al�. ��'c�t:ntY. A�e������t
<br /> a�u �h�.t ��i' t?�e l.;it� d�.v� n� �a+�rif����fe�, 1J5�, �,�e f��c�a�e�, L�:�li�
<br /> :��, tlas�, ,�z�:de, �:xect��ed a.�.c� ��1.ive�r�� to ���e F�eti.:tio��x,
<br /> ,3o�ep�i ��:-'. L'oss, �z fi�rarxantv ���d �onveyi�� �ue� r�aZ es��te +4 Iiim
<br /> re�ervin�, �,ca�,rever, a.n �e�s��� a ii�e �s��t� �.�n anri to such x€��i
<br /> �+stat�,
<br /> 'xhat c�tk��r th�n ��e in����st of, th� ��ce�.�sc�: �.�i .arid �ci �.hc�
<br /> a��eive d�r�eri.be�ci p�ope�efiy she w8�s seized of no. int�x��t irc an�. �c�
<br /> an� cith�� pr,aperty whatsix�v�r ,�ne3 wa�s sei�ed a� r��::.property
<br /> re�uiring ��e prnbat� �a� her ��tate.'
<br /> �,�'he Gourt f�rther finti� t�at �t��r �h�n as h�r�inbefar:� set
<br /> out �ha� the l�ec�a�ed. di:d r►o� during her l.ffeti�� ucanvey any
<br /> praperty �.r� tr�t.�t ox 'othez-�i��:�z� con�e�nplati4z� e�f death car
<br /> inte�icled. �ti t�e ��f�ert ��` p��.��s�sic�n or 'en�oyr�er�t ��t;ex c3s�:�kh, .
<br /> �tnel n�i�h��:,�3�e Pe��.�icsn�z ncsr any at��r p�a��� a� pe�sona�
<br /> : ; K
<br /> bs��s ,�r���.�:l�d tc� azi c��h�� �
<br /> - X px€�pe�ty by rea�an af �k�ae d�ath a'f ,�
<br /> thi� A+�c��-��. e��e�t a:ec �.�a����tb��a�+� ��t out. ;;
<br /> ; x
<br /> ��:e ��+�z�t ����}��x �#��.��� .�xo� ��i+� e�id�a��:e t�i�s� t�� tc�ta�l ;
<br /> .: . . ,:. � ... . . . .. .. .... . . :ry
<br /> val:�t7�e o� ��� ���1 ��st�te �:�r��z�k►e�fo�i� des�ri3a�d h�r�i�n t��s �he su�
<br /> �
<br />� �� ���,�Q�.A�' �►r� �k�.�.t �vh �� ����i�r �i�h the ,�ai��iy �,r�ld ��
<br /> b� a�����cz�� �� '��a�:��t. c�� �`��3.3� ���esr a �a��1 �,�1��,� t�f. �
<br /> . � �;
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